Who was the best girl? And why was it Yuri? What is the Jow Forums consensus?

Who was the best girl? And why was it Yuri? What is the Jow Forums consensus?

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It's natsuki homo

how can they even compete with this absolute unit??

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Prove me wrong

pro-tip: you can't


Sayori is cute and relatable, Natsuki was cute. Yuri was the worst. Monika was maybe ok sometimes?

This is what I thought, as well. Natsuki so f'ing cute tho.

Well, user? Does your doki fit you?
Natsuki here, it's pretty accurate.

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Okay I gotta admit that pic is kinda accurate, and I liked Yuri cuz the yandere-self-cutting stuff kinda turned me on. So maybe if were trying to be objective here, Natsuki and Yuri could swap places

Yuri because self-insert

yeah, pretty accurate i suppose

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I miss launch week DDLC threads. I spent the whole time trying to convince anons to self-harm and posting pics of my own cutting, getting banned on several different proxies and shitposting relentlessly

I miss it

For me, its Monika.

natsuki because i can fucking relate to her

Monika? im with you on this one, user

I figure Sayori would be Jow Forums's Doki for sure.
Though I like Monika!

Yuki - /x/
Natsuki - /ck/
Monika - /soc/

Question for you weea-bros, how can Yuri be a Japanese name for a girl, and at the same time be the word for lesbian porn/romance? Wouldnt that be like naming a girl in America Dykey or something?

I'm serious, I dont know shit about Japanese. Can someone enlighten me?

it literally means lily, like the flower. It's only in the context of being in an anime porn shop that it would make you think about lesbians. It's like worrying about naming your son richard

Dont speak any japanese but I do speak Chinese.
My guess is that they might be pronounced the same but have different characters, meaning their actual meanings are entirely unrelated.

Ah, alright, thanks man. Makes sense in that context.

sayori and yuri are right, but i think natsuki would probably be /c/ and monika would be /lit/ or maybe even Jow Forums honestly


thicc tall and self harming i mean literally describes my crush irl so how could it not be her

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>how can Yuri be a Japanese name for a girl, and at the same time be the word for lesbian porn/romance?

Because it originally isn't the word for lesbian porn/romance? First it was a name, then became a word for casual girl love, then became a slang term for lesbian porn/romance. Or possibly, it has meant casual girl-to-girl atrraction while being a name at the same time, because japs like to have names that are also real words. I'm just speculating here though, but pretty sure it has to do with how japs have words as names

It was definitely Yuri.

>tfw you and Yuri will never cut each other while making out