Is it true that you can smell a girl's ass during doggystyle?
I really hope it is true, it makes me want to have sex even more!
Is it true that you can smell a girl's ass during doggystyle?
I really hope it is true, it makes me want to have sex even more!
oops, meant to post this doggtstyle pic instead
I had sex with a junkie once. She hadn't showered for over a week. Most would probably find it gross but to me the intense scent of pussy, piss and shit made my dick diamonds. I got chlamydia but 10/10 would do again even if I got AIDS. Nowadays I don't come in contact with such girls so I only have sex with girls whose bodies are too clean to give off the natural scents that drives me crazy.
It's gross anons... I had doggy style anal sex once with a girl, as soon as my dick went in this dank moisty smell of shit started coming out of her asshole and it was bad man, also once I tried to lick a girls pussy from behind and my nose went up her asshole and the dirty skank didn't shower that day so now we're making out and this smell of shit is noticeable but we have to act like it's not there and I was trying to remove the shitty smell by smearing my hand across my nose, but it still smelled bad so yeah
> tldr shit, assholes smell bad and if the smell is involved it's a nono zone
you shouldnt be able to no. unless she has awful hygiene and didnt wash up beforehand you shouldnt smell strong ass scents while fucking at all. even going down on a clean girl you can barely smell it
I'm not even talking about anal, just regular doggystyle
God sex is so fucking disgusting. How can you post about this shit its just wet meat and juices and feces and rotten smells. Fucking awful. Why are there so many degenerate fucks in this world.
I love sucking dick and I love old cum stench. It makes me horny like nothing else deal with it.
imagine being an asexual loser
imagine that smell, haha
Its not fun user, girls shit stinks worse then guys.
Looks my gf. I mean, you smell the "sex" smell mostly (i.e. wet pussy and sweat) It's pretty great user. You should try it sometime ;)
Anal is for faggots. I like ass, but would never put my dick in the poop chute
This confirms only low iq retards are having sex after 100 years of feminism.
assuming it is well cleaned, it will have a natural musk not related to feces
I have a theory that intercourse is the source of all malice amongst human beings. A turn to asexuality would reveal an opportunity for humanity to be unobstructed in their views of reality, and to realize the equality among every individual of our species.
Occassionally yes, it depends on their natural scent and hygeine. But what youre really smell is your dick bringing scents out of the pussy
It's true and when u experience it you most likely won't enjoy it
>tfw unironically have a fetish for hairy girls like this
That's why you keep the tshirt on and use the ole tshirt-backass bridge technique, so the stench won't float up your nose and cooks under the tshirt.
I had 2 gfs (never had casual sex) I could smell the ass of the first one a little bit, smelled a bit like sweat but I knew it was just shit lol. In the heat of the moment if you're horny you don't mind. Wouldn't stick it up her ass though. I never smelled anything from the second girl, but she was a vegetarian which could have contributed to that... Her asshole was really pretty and I actually regret not doing anal with the latter
it depends on how clean she is/how recently she bathed or showered
unless you are fucking an unhygienic skank it usually just has a little bit of nice pussy smell/booty sweat
what's really nice is when you've fucked her a few times already recently, so she smells less like swamp ass but instead has a nice blend of sweat, pussy and your cum