You think Europe will ever get a bill of rights like America or will they always be cucked...

You think Europe will ever get a bill of rights like America or will they always be cucked? You'ld think they'd fight for something like that but they haven't. I doubt anything wrong would happen if they got one like ours. At this point I don't think so because if they really wanted to be free and what not like America they'd have fought for it already but I guess not.

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Does the American Bill of Rights contain the right of not having your penis butchered at birth?

It should. Genital mutilation is barbaric and if women are protected then men shouod be too.

Only Alaska and Arizona still respect the constitution, all other states are as cucked as europe.

Don't cut off your kids dick should have been the third amendment

Wow, who the fuck even cares about people in other countries, get a life

neither brits nor americans are white

Nearly every country in Europe is more free than America, what are you talking about?

it's different freedom, in the US you are free to buy a gun in europe you are free not to die in a ditch if you're broke

You can still buy guns in europe lmao, you just need a background check first and you have to store it properly (i.e. in a safe)

>store it properly (i.e. in a safe)
Completely negates the purpose of guns. There's no such thing as a safe gun cause they're literally not supposed to be safe as they're literally tools for the intended purpose of killing. The first rule of gun safety about always treating guns like they're loaded is a paradox.

Europe also has things like freedom of speech and freedom to not be shot by cops, which America lacks.

But not to worry, America still has more freedom of speech than those bastions of freedom like Poland or Hungary!

>The degree of freedom available to journalists in 180 countries is determined by pooling the responses of experts to a questionnaire devised by RSF.
Wow so this is the power of objective science.

Why do Amerimutts think Europe is cucked?
You know everyone could buy guns, there's just background checks so that angry teenagers and psychos can't shoot up schools.
Also you don't get into life-long debts because of hospital bills or university degree like the mutts.

Safe gun storage is about storing it in such a way that your 5 year old isn't going to shoot itself in the face and the local gypsies or niggers can't just run into your house, grab your gun and run off with it to pop some other niggers/gypsies.

And if it had America as #1 you would be unquestionably believing it. You literally refuse to believe facts that don't fit in your worldview. Typical 56% mutt, product of your education system. No wonder you are the dumbest nation on the planet.

Mutts literally have one two parties and they're both right wing big-corporation-sucking israel-loving parties. Muh freedom.

The purpose of guns is to kill and you likely can't use it when someone breaks in if it's locked in a safe out in your garage. Even if you do use it it's not safe for anyone cause you could end up shooting roommates/family out of reaction.
Guns are never safe no matter which way you go.

>Europe has freedom of speech ... which America lacks


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>To compile the Index, RSF has developed an online questionnaire with 87 questions
> Scores are calculated on the basis of the responses of the experts selected by RSF
How could this bullet proof science possibly go wrong?
Truly these numbers are OBJECTIVE STATISTICAL FACTS.
Not an american btw, i am just not a faggot euro cuck.
Go get splitroasted between commies and nazis again, this time we won't bail you out.

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You could obviously have it with you while you're at home. That other guy explained it you - the point of the safe is that burglars can't get it while you're out without the gun or that your kids don't get it. It's not complicated.

Just watch foxnews for a while to get the idea. It's the news channel that is designed to appeal to the dumber half of America. Literally every day their news are just:

>democrats bad republicans good
>all hail president trump
>europe is dead invaded by muslims hurr sharia law
>you must support israel good goy, israel #1 america #2
>AOC is the devil durr here's today's hate piece on her

Even the foxnews website gives you a good idea. It boggled the mind how dumb you have to be to swallow what they feed you, yet tens of millions of Americans do every day.

Try saying something bad about Israel in America to find out how truly "free" you are, mutt.

They didn't say anything about having it out while home, and of course even then it's not totally safe. Safes can be broken into in multiple different easy ways.

i am a euro who is now a naturalized american citizen. i think america is superior to europe. the only place in europe that is possibly better than america are the nordic countries (scandinavia), if you're a fan of that model, which I am.

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