This one works like a charm. Notice how they immediately point out the date, pretending as if somehow that invalidates the findings (it objectively doesnt)
Post pics that are guaranteed to trigger roasties
she is 19 years old
Oh fuck op well I'm so mad now i can't continue with anything at all i am so triggered fuck this reeeeeee
>this is supposed to make women angry
user, learning more and more about how disappointing, pedophilic, perverted, and degenerate men are does absolutely nothing to challenge or disrupt my world view.
there is nothing pedophilic about this at all. pedophilia = prepubescent
what is disappointing at all here?
why is finding a photograph of a girl attractive 'perverted'??
what is 'degenerate' about finding a 15 year woman girl more attractive than a 35 roastie? please be specific
t. coping post-wall old hag
Must be difficult for you coming to terms with the fact that tall hot Chads aren't so willing to fuck you anymore
>unironically saying "actually, it's called ephebophilia" while being this pedantic
Believing in "the wall" is just a variation on "someday the bullies will work for you when you're Bill Gates, son!"
The bullies will become hedge fund managers and the roasties that rejected you will get beta providers and fuck Chad's son in the meanwhile.
Also I'm a lesbian.
>twenty-five is less than twelve
what is disappointing? That i pointed out your error, or that you insist that finding fertile women is "pedophilia" when it most evidently is not
Why do older women DESPISE beautiful young women? It is because they have the potential to be very rich. Older women never despise young ugly women or married beautiful women (attached with regular joe shmoe husbands).
>Believing in "the wall" is just a variation on "someday the bullies will work for you when you're Bill Gates, son!"
no no no, the wall is when women stop being attractive, which is basically their only good feature
older women are easiest to have casual affairs with. youth is a wizard's staff and without it, roasties can cast no spells.
>Also I'm a lesbian.
t. tranny
Lesbians don't exist, you just haven't met a proper Chad that would make you pussy tingle
12 year old will be 18 in 6 years
25 year old will be 31, most likely infertile (useless)
Lesbians do not exist, they just do that shit to get attention from men.
Literally every "lesbian" I've ever met has gotten knocked up by some Chad within 2 years of knowing them
I know. You can see it is what's sad. The neck tendons popping out at that that user posted, anything post HS looks no longer youthful. It kinda does, but ten years past that veiny looking neck it won't look youthful. Alternatively twelve ten years later will look possibly the same as the pic that user posted. As long as the Buffy show was, it's a good example. If you look at the Buffy character, she's round looking and kind of glows at first, but by the end looks of drowned rat due to hitting the wall that comes soon after HS.
Give me a single statistic that says 14 year olds are more fertile than 20-24 year olds.
>the wall is when women stop being attractive
Then women never hit the wall because grannies still have admirers.
>all this angry ranting
Nah, I'm a radical feminist. Trannies deserve the rope. Funny how you think being a male is an insult despite your angry protests.
t. Guy who's never made a woman cum
>t. Guy who's never made a woman cum
You foids are so predictable
>Give me a single statistic that says 14 year olds are more fertile than 20-24 year olds.
not what i said, retard
it's called: future
the younger a girl is, the more time she has that will be fertile
you're an idiot
a 12 year old girl WILL ALWAYS, eventually, become 18.
a 20 year old girl CAN NOT EVER be 18 again
>Then women never hit the wall because grannies still have admirers.
the ABSOLUTE COPE. no, some guys are so desperate they will stick their dick in a hole even if she's ugly. they obviously prefer attractive though
>I'm a radical feminist
t. IQ = 12
>t. Guy who's never made a woman cum
lesbians literally don't exist, they are ugly manhater prison gays and larpers who still have sex with men.
>t. Guy who's never made a woman cum
How does that disprove at all what we said you brain-dead whore
I was ugly when I was 10 and I'm ugly now that I'm 24
This graph changes nothing on my outlook.
Friendly reminder the age of consent in the US was raised by jealous old hags
I could easily make an "infographic" called "arguing with botched circumcisions" that say "lesbians don't real" and assert it is true because it's in an image but I won't because I'm not stupid.
>the future
Then by that logic the sexiest age should be newborn.
>prefer attractive
And that's why granny porn exists. Because these men...can't...find...young women in porn?
Evidently you are.
How can I disprove "uh actually all the lesbians I know love Chad"? I don't know you, whether these women exist, whether they were lesbians or that was your assumption, etc.
You say a stupid thing you can't get an empirical response.
(Citation needed)
This. I had a bowl cut at age 12. At least now I have pretty hair.
you were least ugly around 14-15
the scientists proved it
post butt btw
>Then by that logic the sexiest age should be newborn.
nah, nobody wants to wait that long. further, the baby could turn out ugly
by 13, you can tell if the girl will be pretty. then you just wait a couple years to impregnate
>And that's why granny porn exists. Because these men...can't...find...young women in porn?
basically the least desired porn genre, probably lower than scat
>Evidently you are.
ultimate LOL
They should make a reality vs career woman fantasy. Career women actually believe making more money will make them attractive
>men become female
>triggers her into wanting to kill her replacement
Also, look up how often early menopause happens to the women that don't eat enough. Most humans, back when we were still evolving, died of hunger. It takes so long for us to evolve that men will still these few thousand years later see women that are as youngest as possible to be the most attractive. This is common knowledge. It happened to Jews in camps too, their periods stopped as soon as they got past teen years.
"Lesbian" = Roasties that want Chad but are incapable of getting smashed by him
Literally just femoid volcel cope
Why are females so STD ridden?
This men are too awesome to reject . We are stronger, more emotionally stable and smarter. Women are just boring backstabbing bitches.
If anything I was most ugly.
Mom always forced me to get a perm and made my face look fatter than it was.
Also was the height of my obesity.
No butt for you, sorry friend.
Roasties get triggered when you point out that they have no arguments besides their holes.
>males are the superior sex of every species...
>besides humans tee-hee
>we're equal tee-hee
I have never in my life met an actual, honest-to-God lesbian, theyre all straight girls who think pretending to be gay will get Chads attention
Damn that male duck looks fly as hell
Nice backtrack but it's clear here that you argued 14 year olds were the most fertile women (hence your objection to the term "pedophilia") and are now backtracking when you couldn't empirically prove it.
>least desired
Granny porn has more hits that scat.
If I can prove you wrong with a Google search, then there's no point in continuing to talk with you because you're boring.
>he fucks men
Haha, oh wow.
>"women who died in the Holocaust are clearly representative of modern day women"
You realise that if the whole community is starving, no one is going to be reproducing at any age?
Anyone can "get" Chad because he fucks anything that moves.
>men are such NPCs they use the same infographic twice in the same thread
It's amazing.
Cool. I know several.
>I know several
If that image were used to reply to actual females, it would have some impact. But over 90% of the time it is used by a butthurt incel in reply to a male who btfo him with facts.
Why do I need to prove I know lesbians but you don't need to prove you know self proclaimed lesbians who fuck Chad?
Fine, scratch that part. I still havent met any lesbians, and it isnt my job to prove a negative. And you have no proof at all, as I suspected.
>virtue signalling and seething this hard
Did you expect chad to beg you to bat for the other team or something fag?
Stop proving OP right kek
>you argued 14 year olds were the most fertile women
no that's incorrect, but i see how a small-brained moron would think that i said something so absurd, when i would never make such a laughable claim
i said that 14 year olds are fertile. i did not once say that attractiveness is a simple assessment of fertility.
a younger woman has more years of fertility, even if she is not fertile yet.
why? because:
1 - old women are not fertile
2 - aging only goes one way
>Granny porn has more hits that scat.
THE FUCKING COPE. check out /gif/ and /s/ -- there are never granny threads, you stupid fuck
>If I can prove you wrong with a Google search
but you didn't KEK. note that i said "probably" so i didn't even make a definitive statement.
you're so butthurt by a simple bar graph, it's hilarious
>hence your objection to the term "pedophilia"
no, pedophilia means pre-pubescent
they don't have to be 'most fertile' to be post-pubertal you dumb fuck
>isn't my job to prove a negative
Fair enough, but what evidence would you accept?
If I say "I never fucked men" or "I fucked men but prefer women, and now fuck women exclusively" then you could just say "You do fuck men" or "You're lying, you want Chad's dick".
And how can I prove what goes on inside my head? At some point, you're just going to have to show me some basic respect. I never called you a liar for your perceptions, and yet I numerous people have made such an accusation towards me in this thread.
Lesbianism must exist because Occam's razor dictates it exists. Women, some attractive, some not, have died to be with the women they loved, and spent their entire recorded lives monogamously with one woman. Now either all of these women suffered for nothing when they could have easily gotten a serving of Chad dick by stripping their clothes off and yelling "fuck me" in public, or maybe they simply lived their lives authentically.
>"you're mad, so I'm going to longpost and samefag."
How can OP be proven right when he is wrong?
>Fair enough, but what evidence would you accept?
brain scans
>he is wrong
please explain exactly what OP said that was wrong, be specific.
you've already been outed as utterly distorting what he said, here: basically, you either have terrible reading comprehension or deliberately misconstrued his arguments
For you to be this angry you probably haven't had any dikes come onto you since you were in HS and are now post christmas cake aged, if not the lgbt manboobed guy that I think you are. Either way this is pathetic.
>3-paragraph essay with baseless conjecture and still no hard evidence
Yep, you lose. Thanks for playing.
Fine, whatever.
Brainlets, man, they can't handle a single non-empirical argument.
Im sorry if you thought that link proves that same-sex attraction among women is real but it doesnt. Also doesnt prove that youve met any lesbians.
>(Citation needed)
that'd be like needing to prove 4channers are neckbeards. there are two tiers of lesbian, ugly and fat girls who've retreated to each other (dykes) and the few actually attractive ones still take dick.
>"what would count as proof"
>"brain scans"
>"here's a brain scan showing that lesbians have different brains"
>"that's not proof"
So let's play this again, what constitutes proof for you?
I'm going to need several studies showing that Jow Forums users have neckbeards, actually.
Not that user, you stupid roastie.
How about you stop being stupid and answer the question?
You're deflecting because you're cornered.
Kek, Im not the one who cant prove his claims. It is not my job to tell you what kind of evidence to provide, it is your job to provide it. Stop dodging your burden.
I can smell the ketchup and daddy issues. Lesbian = unfuckable feminist, anyway. Swallow glass slag
"normal" is a weasel word.
You won't define your definition of proof because if you did and I provided it, you would be definitively proven wrong.
As long as you remain vague, any evidence provided can be arbitrarily dismissed. Lawyers may present evidence, but there is also legal precedence for what constitutes as proof.
You just proved to me you're a brainlet unable to engage with intellectual integrity and need to rely on palty rhetoic. Later, alligator.
>"daddy issues"
You're posting on this site because you were raised by a single mom.
I have given a reason for dismissing every piece of evidence you have provided. It isnt arbitrary, you just dont have anything that actually supports your claims. Youve only posted shit that tangentially relates to the topic we are discussing. Your continued refusal to provide evidence and your attempts to shift your burden to me have assured me that you cannot substantiate anything you are saying. If you actually had proof, you would have provided it already. As it stands, Ive given you more than enough chances. You lose.
>let's make a thread about pictures to make women mad on a website with a few women and get sonmad at two or three women that we forget to post any new content
>the majority of men aren't normal men
>a small minority of men are the true normal
wow, good one!
This is worse for incels. You missed out on girls in what you consider their prime.
>what you consider
Stop being passive-aggressive, you dried up hag. It IS their prime, as stated by a majority of men.
yeah but it would have been illegal anyway
plus, "incels" can go do sex tourism
t. lost virginity at 25 to an 18yo
Yeah it's their prime, to MEN. I bet women would report a different part of their lives as being most successful.
Successful has nothing to do with it because we are talking about sexual prime ITT
Okay, sure. It still doesn't matter because a woman in her early 20s is still going to enjoy sex more than a 14-year-old, probably.
The level to which you enjoy sex has nothing to do with your sexual prime. Your sexual prime is when you are most attractive to the opposite sex.
>a woman in her early 20s is still going to enjoy sex more than a 14-year-old, probably
why though?
i thought the first time was the best? not the 50,000th time
>female sexual attractiveness
>highest at 14
Maybe I'm projecting, I didn't want to have sex at all when I was 14
Yes, men will lust after young girls who don't even want them. Who cares?
14-19 is when women hit their peak, you have been conditioned your whole life to believe its later so youll be more willing to betabux a used-up old bag
>I didn't want to have sex at all when I was 14
you admitted you're a "lesbian" so you're mentally ill (probably some form of retardation) therefore you're not a good judge for what a real (non-defective) human should want
>Who cares?
The whole point was you were being passive-aggressive about it and say its what incels consider their prime when it objectively is their prime.
Hello tranny janny how you doing on this fine day?
Because STD's are easier to pass on from a penis.
You're inserting a bodily fluid which will enter the blood stream through any breaks in the skin, it's harder to go back the way into the penis. This is why anal sex is the easiest way to get certain STD's
It's kind of misleading to call it their prime because that almost implies that a girl should want to have the most sex and date the most at that age.
I'm not that person.
>because that almost implies
no, not at all.
it is their PRIME level of attractiveness
it implies nothing at all except that they are found most attractive [by the opposite sex]
>It's kind of misleading to call it their prime because that almost implies that a girl should want to have the most sex and date the most at that age.
they SHOULD want to get betrothed by that age, and then have their first child around 16-18
literally nothing wrong with that
These are the kind of threads i want on Jow Forums. Thanks OP for restoring some of my hope on this board :)
Alright so what's wrong with making a distinction between their prime attractiveness and what women would actually experience as their prime?
Yeah there is, statistically speaking girls at that age are going to make dumb decisions, get pregnant accidentally, get abortions, or end up dropping out of school and ruining their future prospects. Why should a girl want to get married when she's still in middle school?
>what women would actually experience as their prime
you're just redefining the word prime
>wrong with making a distinction
there is nothing wrong with it
there's nothing wrong with saying:
1 - women are most attractive around age 14
2 - women take the most dicks around 18-21
>statistically speaking girls at that age are going to make dumb decisions
oh, this stupid excuse again
some people age 16 are more intelligent than some people age 30. check out IQ testing
>get pregnant accidentally
30 year old retards do this too. should we sterilize?
should people with IQ under 80 be sterilizer?
>end up dropping out of school
it's kind of a waste
>ruining their future prospects
no no no, ruining their future prospects = wasting their fertile years pursuing some bullshit "career" that will never give them happiness like being a good mother would
>Why should a girl want to get married when she's still in middle school?
she shouldn't. why should a girl want an intense career instead of being a stay at home parent?
if i could be a stay at home parent, i would. that's not really possible for me though
>some people age 16 are more intelligent than some people age 30. check out IQ testing
Intelligent != able to manage impulses and emotions.
>she shouldn't. why should a girl want an intense career instead of being a stay at home parent?
Why would I throw away the chance to make my mark on the world and instead confine myself to my house all day. My grandma was a housewife and she almost killed herself out of boredom until she decided to go back to school
>Intelligent != able to manage impulses and emotions.
you will never be able to produce a measure of intelligence, maturity, or any level of intellectual ability that excludes all people under, say, 18, and includes all people over it
it's just not a reasonable argument. unless you wish to prevent dumb adults from reproducing, then you're internally inconsistent. any age cutoff is inherently arbitrary
>chance to make my mark on the world
lolwut? the greatest accomplishment a person can make is reproducing. 99.999% of the time nobody makes any significant "mark on the world" with their pathetic career.
>instead confine myself to my house all day
yeah "stay at home mom" isn't supposed to be meant that literally
>My grandma was a housewife and she almost killed herself out of boredom until she decided to go back to school
it's not for everyone. personally, i hated wageslaving. i still hate it. i make $70,000 and i wish every day i could work from home or be NEET. it's just way better
then again, i'm not a pathetic person who gets bored if they're not forced to do something by someone else. i'm self-motivated and my best accomplishments were done in my spare time
some people are NPC though, born to be slaves i guess
Why would the first time be the best? Where did you get this retarded idea from?
People with certain disabilities are prevented from having intercourse with anyone who may be trying to take advantage of them. There is a lot of risk assessment that goes on before allowing someone with reduced ability to consent to have sex.
Yes aoc is arbitrary, it's simply a way to minimise younger people being taken advantage of. If you have a sexual relationship with someone underage but believe them to have the capability to consent (without the influence of your authority due to your relative age) that can be quite easily argued in court. These laws are a general protection but exceptions are made.
hmm, what about the 10th time (age 14)
>People with certain disabilities are prevented from having intercourse with anyone who may be trying to take advantage of them
people with 85 IQ (mental age of 14) are allowed to have sex though
>There is a lot of risk assessment that goes on before allowing someone with reduced ability to consent to have sex.
yeah, but being as dumb as a teenager doesn't cut it
>Yes aoc is arbitrary, it's simply a way to minimise younger people being taken advantage of.
no, it's a way to ensure they only get taken advantage of by chads their own age. it certainly doesn't prevent sex at all
>If you have a sexual relationship with someone underage but believe them to have the capability to consent (without the influence of your authority due to your relative age) that can be quite easily argued in court.
there's no exceptions based on age. doesn't matter if the individual is a super-genius that is more competent, intelligent, and mature than the average sexually active adult 30 year old. that makes no difference.
why? jealous roasties. see:
How about the view of Murray Rothbard that adulthood begins when an individual has their own place and can manage themselves?
roasties can just trade access to their pussies and get all those from an older male
>Why would the first time be the best? Where did you get this retarded idea from?
The first time for women is usually shitty because they're pressured into it by some scumbag Chad because our culture is fucked up. Because it's so socially tabboo to hit on younger girls, only shit-bag men tend to do it, and the only ones who get away with it are often times drug dealers. If a man wants to fuck preteens or early teens in 2019 by far the best way to do it is start dealing drugs and looking for opportunities. I'm not speaking from personal experience but rather speak from experience of just how many fucking woman fuck some older drug dealer in their youth.
If their first time was in a low pressure environment with a man she loved after marriage it wouldn't be as shitty. Note how your first kiss felt incredibly good, but kissing afterwards didn't have the same incredible effect. Well kissing doesn't carry the same general importance as sex, so if a girl kisses some rando she doesn't feel the intense shame she does when she gives her virginity to a giga-Chad drug dealer.
We need to start hanging drug dealers and lower AoM to 14 desu.
>people with 85 IQ (mental age of 14) are allowed to have sex though
They are allowed to have sex but only after intense screening of the individuals which is a bit different.
>they only get taken advantage of by chads their own age
This is the point yes? There is a power imbalance when you look at age gaps at certain developmental stages, this isn't purely to do with intelligence but life experiences.
People are much more forgiving of say two college kids one 17 and one 23 having sex because they have similar experiences. However if one is still in highschool and the other has a job, the dynamic has shifted enough for it to warrant caution at least.
>there's no exceptions based on age
No, but there is when someone doesn't disclose their age or they enter a relationship before one becomes over the aoc or at similar stages like I said.
Consent laws are very odd and do actually give a lot of protection to the accused, it's just easier to have that arbitrary line and then dispute any issues. What is worse is the social implications of accusing someone of rape.
>because they're pressured into it
lol why not just say "no" lol fucking morons
Retarded. That's dependant on culture and the economy. Why should adulthood be earlier when the economy is strong and older when the economy is old? Why should a kid who comes from a shit tier family and flees abuse be considered an adult when a more mature, successful and social kid from a well put together kid who continues to live with his parents because they have a great relationship isn't? Ridiculous. Smells like Jewish subversion to me.
>roasties saying no when they feel tingles and are under pressure
Have you ever heard of a woman (or man) say that her/his first time having sex was the best ever?
>They are allowed to have sex but only after intense screening of the individuals which is a bit different.
that is wrong. 85 IQ is median IQ of a black american
85 IQ people have no screening at all, they're allowed to have sex (if they're over 18) with anyone they want that is also over 18. their mental age is equivalent to an average 14 year old
>This is the point yes?
no, that's not really a point
>There is a power imbalance when you look at age gaps at certain developmental stages, this isn't purely to do with intelligence but life experiences.
rape is illegal and rightfully so. there's no "power imbalance" it's just idiots being stupid, and you demanding the government punish others for taking advantage. that's sad
>People are much more forgiving of say two college kids one 17 and one 23 having sex because they have similar experiences
>However if one is still in highschool and the other has a job, the dynamic has shifted enough for it to warrant caution at least.
it doesn't bother me, there's nothing wrong with it. if you're not ready for sex, don't have it. simple as that
i've turned down sex for various reasons
No, but there is when someone doesn't disclose their age or they enter a relationship before one becomes over the aoc or at similar stages like I said
current age of consent in america is retarded and evil. in much of europe it's 14 or 15, which is logical, rational, and great for society
>Consent laws are very odd and do actually give a lot of protection to the accused, it's just easier to have that arbitrary line and then dispute any issues.
what "issues" ? be specific. "WAHH WE HAD SEX NAD I DIDN'T LIKE IT"
fucking stupid
>What is worse is the social implications of accusing someone of rape.
the assumption that it's inherently "rape" if the individual consented but is under an arbitrary age, is only made by idiots and people who deserve to be killed
I didn't say it was their best, that was someone else.
>Note how your first kiss felt incredibly good
You are SO OBVIOUSLY a kissless virgin. Most people don't even remember who they had their first kiss with.