>have been browsing Jow Forums since 2009
>people on here are still unironically sexist and racist
If you are, how can you be? Any exposure to the real world should deluded nonsense here.
You don't actually take this place seriously, do you?
Have been browsing Jow Forums since 2009
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Post another Picture OP
>people on here are still unironically sexist and racist
Jow Forums turns people racist
Jow Forums turns people sexist
Jow Forums turns people into transsexuals
So on and so forth.
The conditioning here is very interesting.
>If you are, how can you be? Any exposure to the real world should deluded nonsense here.
You don't actually take this place seriously, do you?
Women are scum.
People with a skin colour different from mine are scum, except the rich ones.
The rich ones are ok, except if they're chinese or asian.
Rich chinese is in the same category as gypsies.
>Any exposure to the real world should deluded nonsense here.
sorry but I am immune to being assimilated into the hivemind, your tricks don't work on me mr. noseberg
>Rich chinese
you must be some rich kid who only ever interacted with black people in college if exposure to the real world hasn't made you racist.
The normal pattern is this: you try to be nice to the foreign creature and it has no qualms about stealing your stuff or behaving in a way which confirms that their culture is sub-human.
No I'm just not a fucking retard who allows fear and misinformation to poison their mind.
If you're racist you're a fucking idiot.
>FBI crime statistics are fear and misinformation
>letting statistics paint your picture of all people
>not understanding why black culture and communities are the way they are
What a fucking retard
I doubt you've been lurking that long, because I've been lurking that long and racism and sexism wasn't even a common thing on Jow Forums back then.
>muh not all black people ;(
yes i know, that doesnt change the fact that there are rampant niggers everywhere hurting and robbing people
>i understand that you are not at fault, Mr Nigger, its a societal issue and I have full understanding for how you came to stab me in the chest with a knife while screaming ooga booga, now please take my wallet, its in my right backpocket, at least im not a racist :D
not racist but sometimes have sexist thoughts, still not convinced women are equal to men but don't really care to take away their rights
There's no such as niggers cause race is just a social construct.
>being a normalfaggot after being on here so long
Sexism is realism. Races don't act the same nor get along. Travel enough and you will BECOME racist and sexist.
so people only get stabbed by niggers due to the socially constructed image of stabby niggers? way to take the blame off them
>Any exposure to the real world
so you live in a non-white neighborhood user?
I've been in the real world, and after a lot of reflection I have come to the conclusion that being racist and sexist is the only logical worldview
Anything else is deluded
I'm not racist I just dislike niggers. Anyone of any race can be a nigger: a low-life thief that does nothing but leech off of society.
That said, I don't think racemixing should be encouraged, just like gayness. It's great if your partner is black or of the same sex as you if that's what floats your boat but it shouldn't be the norm, and it shouldn't be normal.
And I've been sexist almost my entire life. Thank my mother and three older sisters for that. One of them lives and sleeps and fucks with a guy that physically beats her and torments her verbally. They send each other hearts but, and these are her words, she was without a valentine this year. She refuses to dump him or report him or come back home but she WILL cry her heart out at least monthly. Stupid bitch.
I'm also not a transsexual nor a faggot because I have the mental capacity to understand what is a meme, what is not, and what is degenerate and mentally sick.
What sex is that thing supposed to be?
The mental gymnastics you've demonstrated here shows that you're either very intelligent and very misguided, or very very stupid and very well trained to sing the song of the radical left.
He lives in a place of hard-working and well-off people, isolated from niggers.
>No such thing as niggers
I don't know why I found this to be so funny.
>I know you better than you know me
Why are you even attempting to facilitate actual discussion when you're this fucking bad at it?
I live in the shitty part of downtown Miami, grew up in the shitty part of Atlanta Georgia's suburbs.