Last one almost near limit
>1.5 years lifting
Last one almost near limit
>1.5 years lifting
arms and shoulders look good
Nice work core more, My lifts and looks increased with abs twice a week.
Looking strong for 6'6
>1.5 years lifting
6'6 and about 214lbs
A year or so of body-weight exercises, 180 centimeters, 99 kilograms and 15% body-fat (body caliper-measured)
R8 me bros
currently cutting
More pecs and core would make you look really good
Very nice, do more core and get dem washboard abs
Literally perfect, more pecs would be a plus
Very nice frame, bulk abs/pecs/biceps and you'd look juicy as fuark
>166 lbs
>3 month noob gains
5'10 176 lbs
Just hit 8 reps on 3pl8 squat
>bench 180
>squat 230
>ohp 120
>don’t deadlift
Pretty shit but I stick to mostly hypertrophy/fuck strong lifts
guess my bf % honest opinion bro
/cbt/? You mean cock and ball torture?
You look great. I'm 6'5 204 currently, but you look much more toned than me
>5 feet 11
>175 lbs
Rate me brahs (nohomo)
Based lanklet
Maybe time for a cut?
On the thumbnail looks like a 10/10, after clicking it looses a bit, but still, awesome
Then don't forget to rate others. I'd say that it's good, work to be done, but that's well above average
You too, got sunburned, I feel ya man. Mirin quad size.
Utterly mirin
Br br deng br br deng
wtf are u talking about, nice face and arms
Go listen to some pantera. And thanks bro
yeah looking really good overall, what are you, Italian?
Nah polish. Italians are cooler than poles though, i wish i was one of them
wew i was expecting that you were southern euro, you're pretty much a chad gj
height weight and lifting stats ?
Maybe if I Didn’t have an additional chromosome i’d be a chad. Right now I’m just a retard and girls are disgusted by me
5’10 my best lifts were
315 lbs bench, 455 lbs squat and 555lb deadlift but I was a fat fuck when I did that (230lbs im orbiting around 180 right now.)
and what are your lifts now, your overhead press at 230 lbs and your OHP now ?
you look good at 230 why cut ?
I was doing 185lbs x 6-7 seated. I looked like poopy peepee man at 230 lbs plus I don’t want to do powerlifting anymore. I injured myself.
Oh and lifts are prertty shit now. I bench 185 x 15 reps max. Don’t squat or deadlift. Ohp just 135 lbs for 8.
its crazy how just cutting affected that much your strenght levels, were you natty at 230 lbs ?
you looked solid at 230 i want to look like that idc about the ripped look
Thanks man. Yeah I was natty but I was eating a lot of food everyday probably around 4k cals including 8 whole eggs religiously.
My perception on fitness has changed. I dropped the ego and thought about longevity and staying healthy. Lifting heavy stuff is cool and all, but there’s no point in it. You’re just gonna injure yourself
>145 lbs
>lifting for 3.5 months
How am I doin, bros?
>been lifting for 3.5 months
How am I doin, bros?
How am I doing lads?
Currently bulking
checkd and id estimate around 22-24%
rate my forearm
You really thought we wouldnt recognize David?
You post either of those current pics on tinder and you will have girls throwing themselves at you
eat more
6"3 195
cutting right now, I do lift even tho can't tell
looking stronk
I'd guess 21% approx keep it up good work
chest and shoulders looking well developed nice man
my bf
if im not mistaken, that pic is david laid, probably need to rethink my life, why do i recognize people by the body?
Shoulders look good
I'd say is 20% body fat
Look like rocks
Looking good and lean
I got perma banned. Prob gonna have to use my mums phone number to make a new account
Just fuck me up. Tired of this cut
reposting from dead QTDDTOTT
what should I do to tone my stomach? kinda want the twink aesthetic and I hate my stomach, right side of my ribcage is oddly shaped and makes my stomach feel like it pushes out a lot
DYEL here. What's my BF%? Should I be bulking harder? I'm not really watching calories just trying to get more protein in my diet where I can
4 months of lifting (again)
Used to be at my ideal weight but quit to work on the election just made me fat tho.
10 months lifting.
Hit a general plateau on upper body.
Starting to do squats, core, and stabilizers. Replacing a rest day with isolation weight lifting.
Going to start deadlifts once core is plateau'd
Also time for the cutting phase
>Smith Machine
Oh shit nigger wtf are you doing
lmao plateauing upper body? Only thing you are plateauing is Mcdonalds.
Story time.
Hitting 2 plates on squat then switching to freeweight/barbell.
I typically start with machine to activate the muscles.
Smith machine is closest "machine" I could find.
I hit 2 plate this past week.
Now I'm going back down to 1 plate barbell (non-Smith machine) squats until failure x5 sets.
Will increase weight from there.
I get mires and in general mog other people so idgaf (pic related).
Also I'm cutting down will have 6pack in ~3months.
>Tfw hungry Skeleton mode
Mirin hard, how much abs I gotta do to get mine to look like this?
Dont know what this means. And Google didn't help.
I wish I didn't have tattoos so I could post.
Anonymity is only good when it actually works
Black out the tatoo
Like 10 more lb of muscle and you have my dream body
We can do it user.
nice arms man
nice core
nice vascularity
nice perspective
nice BF%
nice gains
Doesn't really show much but only recent pic of me I have - from the weekend game of Ruggers.
Jesus H Christ, I need a fucking tan & some traps though
Bulk or cut 5'11 ~180
Miring shoulders
Bbq time
Miring core
Yea bro I’m sorry but that was a year you could have made better gains on just join a gym also that’s not 15 more like 20
Nice progress user
Tricep extensions, shoulder work. Hammer and preacher curls, and some dead hangs, forearm dumbell work.
Standing like a sperg
The most I've ever weighed.
Anyone tips on growing my arms?
Nice try
16-18% cut for about 3 months
Look at Kylo Ren over here
me in the pool
LOOKIng good
i rarely do any direct abwork, it's mostly low BF, but if i do any i do hanging leg raises and crunches on a decline bench
A professional got the same estimate for my body fat when he measured me himself.
>could have made better gains
Unless you've realized it by now, my shape, build and frame are substantially better than yours.
Not great but I've been trying hard lately, got sick the past couple days and couldn't exercise so that feels like shit.
Weight hasn't gone down too much since I started a couple months ago but visually I've improved so I'm assuming it's muscle
4 weeks cut on UD2.0
180cm, 85 to 80kg
OHP 70
DEAD 175
Should I start roiding, what's my potential? I still want to die every day.
> 5`11
>can't reply to others because phoneposting
More chest
Arms look pretty underdeveloped compared to core. I personally do high volume exercises for arms
Train more t r a p s
>weight hasn't gone down
Why dont you just maintain your weight and try to gain muscle through that. Unless you're going for sticcmode then w/e
Its your own body so do whatever you want. But you look fine as you are right now. The fact that you workout means you have some level of self-care or feeling of self-responsibility. So why ruin that by being a roidmonkey that takes all of that achievement away?
That transformation is really fucking solid. Crazy how you can achieve that in a month
200lb 5'10
Note to self; never do arm day on a rest day and go hard the next day with chest, my triceps were genuinely killing me while benching
Trying to lose fat and gain muscle, so I guess weight isn't a great indicator anyway lol
you can do that by maintaining your bw, if you cut down you also cut down on muscle... but if you don't have any then it's not that big of a problem. no offense.
Your physique is mediocre and doesn't really attract girls because pretty much no one can see your gains in a shirt, but you're actually one of those guys who just needs a haircut and then you can bee yourself
How long lifting?
184cm 81kg
Keep cutting
Post routine for grecian aesthetic