Drunk here. Care to explain what's wrong with this video?
Something seems quite off. It seems to center more around normalfags who are simlpy too busy, distracted, alone and upset for some time but I'm too drunk to figure it out.
Drunk here. Care to explain what's wrong with this video?
A lot of what they say is correct, especially about loneliness literally altering your ability to perceive others in a positive light. A lot of robots do not want to admit this because it would be admitting their view of the world may be completely off and influenced by faulty brain chemistry.
He spoke of the health risks of extended loneliness and why it happens in the brain. Some solutions on how to fix the problem. Nothing really seemed wrong or off. It's another well made Kurzgesagt video.
>t. assblasted normalfaggot
That channel is quite honestly pure r*ddit cancer
It is quite funny that the incels here are proving the videos point. They take this helpful video and see it as t threat to their way of life thus proving a symptom addressed by the video. Get help and message a friend.
gatekeeping depression
classic r9k shitpost
>hating something just because other people like it
you are toxic and deserve to suffer
Grow up. orgigally
>tfw no friends but internet friends and my mom
I dont feel lonely though
yeah reddot likes to jerk off to kurtzgesagt but they produce genuinely well-made content
saw this video, started crying like a bitch, i related to everything described in it. feels pretty bad.
I thought it was a good video. Didn't help me at all though so there's that too.
As a neet with no interests that use more than one person, I'm not really sure where im supposed to do to find people who share a common interest with me.
I mean I "like" Pokemon and playing the piano, not sure how I make acquaintances with that let alone friends.
I met two cool people in the psych ward when I was there but one relapsed on drugs and the other I can never get in contact with and am just thinking of giving up in all honesty.
Oh well maybe when I hopefully get a job things will change, doubt it, after all only thing I have left is hope.
But I don't think the point of the video was to help lonely people not be lonely but rather to teach why we become lonely.
I didn't like this video that much either OP. I have loving family in friends. I'm just a bit introverted so I don't need as much social interaction.
They're presenting loneliness as something that is learned like social media. If you're not there, you must be missing out! Except it's not true, avoiding some interactions isn't missing out at all or even negative. Why should you give a shit about a couple at a movie theater? That's none of your fucking business stop being nosy.
>#1 on trending
That said, being "lonely" in the first place is a brand of normalfaggotry in itself. Robots should be accustomed to and even yearn for the solitary lifestyle.
>gatekeeping depression
>classic r9k shitpost
I think there's a difference between the loneliness that normal well adjusted individuals feel some times and the 7+ years of chronic loneliness, isolation, lack of self worth, positive experience, unemployment, social interaction, having a significant other, that inevitably exacerbates into chronic depression and dissociation for most denizens of this website.
It's all about being a part of a community and having friends. Not feeling like a societal reject. If I was banned from my favorite discord servers I would feel terrible. Rejection is a hard pill to swallow.
its a spectrum
not even everyone on r9k are that bad
try to find me in the comment section, answer me with Jow Forums
>not even everyone on r9k are that bad
Please go home, tourist.
Move to IRC you useless mongoloid.
the overwhelming majority are most likely normalfags who are feeling down
I realize my primary connections are to online friends and when none of them are available I start to get lonely. Pretty good explanatory video desu.
>are you willing to give others the benefit of the doubt and willing to open up again?
Kinda got to me
Did you even watch the video dude. They're saying that loneliness is a autonomous response to social isolation as an evolutionary feature to keep you alive in a world that required collaboration with your tribe for survival. The movie theatre example, I interpreted it as your friends hanging out without you, -or waving at a friend but they ignore you
Lonliness is a purely normalfag phenomenon. All those quick psych videos are just a bunch of liberal bullshit but normalfags think they are factual because they identify with what is being said.
user, grow up
The video perfectly described this place at one point. Mostly where if you see any positive things happen around you you perceive it as a threat and react in either sadness or anger. Its interesting to think about. Sounds like a shitty evolutionary response. Youd think a person would be able to adapt and seek ways to change.
But some component of loneliness is clearly imagined, he even glosses over that in the video. You can get superficial loneliness just from browsing Facebook. In fact, this is their business model and there is research over this.
>The movie theatre example, I interpreted it as your friends hanging out without you
If that bothers you my advice is to stop being nosy. It's customary not to bother two gaylords sitting next to each other and if that makes you feel bad go get a friend to watch a movie with you.
If a normalfaggot lived my life they'd go utterly insane. To a normalfaggot "loneliness" is not talking to your friends for a month.
Fucking pathetic honestly
What makes your life so bad?
>>are you willing to give others the benefit of the doubt and willing to open up again?
It's almost impossible and stupid to do this when you've been betrayed and hurt all the time you've ever shown your vulnerable side, expecting other people would also show their decent nature to you. Other normal people simply don't have the profound depths of introspection, sensitivity and vulnerability like us robots.
>user, grow up
Surprisingly original.
I understood what's off with this video. Maybe it's just my subjective bias bit this video represents loneliness strictly as experienced by normal well adjusted individuals and not the chronic self inflicted isolation that's common for people like us.
I know I'm at risk but it's too shameful to come clean and show my failure to everyone and ask for help.
>Death before dishonour?
>To a normalfaggot "loneliness" is not talking to your friends for a month.
>a month.
Wow. Month or literally too long. For normies I'd say a week.
What are your circumstances?
I've spent most my life alone and i don't feel lonely, in fact, it's a lot better to be alone rather than have to interact with people i don't have any interest in. Every time i socially interact with people it just leaves me annoyed at how much time i've wasted doing nothing, or how i could've been doing something i like instead.
>profound depths of introspection, sensitivity and vulnerability like us robots.
Really giving too much praise and credit there.
>something isn't retarded
>muh ! Reddit bad normalfag !
I hate Jow Forums sometimes just because reddit exist.
Who did you show your vulnerable side and how? Makes it sound dramatic and i wonder if thats the case.
But "some loneliness is clearly imagined" wasn't the point nor a subtopic of the video so why is that a reason why you dislike it? You're bringing arguments about things other people have said about the topic into discussion of this video
It's not about that bothering me, I'm talking about in the context of the video. The movie theatre example is shown to portray how your own mental state can cause you to interpret innocuous things as a slight against you leading to a loop of self-hatred.
>my friends are hanging out together not because it's spontaneous and it just came up as they were talking, it's because they purposely excluded me, hate me, never want me around, god I suck.
Sometimes it's true other times its just delusion and they're not thinking of you much cause you're not there often. Alternatively because you're not initiating anything
>my loneliness is worse than your loneliness
I'm describing myself but I'm sure most of us fit into this category.
Few people I thought I could relate to. A girl l genuinely liked. I guess I'm just too insecure and sensitive. Not the best way to go through life.
Unfortunately, yeah.
You just let your loneliness define you out of fear
My fear is that I'm running out of time.
just dont be lonely looooool
this video implies you have friends in the first place
Thanks man. Cured my depression. Feeling better. #positive vibes :)
How do you quantify loneliness to be able to rate it with other people and say that your loneliness coins are worth more than theirs?
>be smart person
>hardly ever feel lonely even though I have no friends and family is mostly out of the picture
>mostly stressed about financial and career issues
>drink a ton and diagnosed with depressuion
>my survival depends on adjusting to late stage capitalism
A schizophrenic is shunned in all types of societies. People like me only have problems when a society is closing in on breakdown.
When "mental illness" is rising across the board, there's obviously problem bigger than individual frailties.
How old are you user of lonely origins?
25 birthday candles but no cake.
"I haven't had sex in 2 weeks!"
"This birthday party is awesome and all, but I wish my best friend #47 was here!"
What the fuck, OP, Im crying now
So what are you gonna do about it? You gonna stay the champion of the oppression olympics so you can dab on the normies?
*loneliness olympics
I'm actually subbed to them and didn't watch the video yet.
I just assume it's normie tier before even seeing it.
Unless the video says outright that loneliness can KILL you and others then it's probably not worth the time.
it does actually, says it's even worse for you than Obesity
Loneliness does do and it's mentioned.
The video itself is fine. It skips over issues such as self-imposed isolation due to depression/shame and the like, but it kind of covers that under the guise of every situation is unique.
The issue is the subjective bias of the audience watching. People end up self-ascribing themselves with this supposed label. The same thing happens with mental disorders and the like (eg. depression, xxxx personality disorder, PTSD, etc). Ultimately, it diminishes the meaning of what the actual issue is, as people can only relate as far as what experiences they have. The problem is they do not know of the experiences or lack thereof of other people. They use this label from their own subjective bias. Unfortunately, this leads to people wanting to play the Oppression/victim olympics with this. That largely stems from wanting to feel more victimized than other people (to justify it in a sense), but also because those in a better off situation not empathizing or understanding the plight of those worse off.
The audience reaction depends, we don't know what kind of people watch this videos, the point about self imposed isolation it's explored , but that's good to add to the topic because i didn't notice if it was explorated.
Also topics like these as you said, depends of the situation the individual and by many factors such as the envioronmet in where they live, how they where threated as a child, how they react to certain situation and many more.
The video gives basic information about loneliness and that's fine, if more facts can be added to the discussion every voice (or text in this case) is welcome.
Wow, it really feels good having this kind of conversation in a site like this
ahh, the good old days of having things to like
First post worst post. Fuck off, normalshit.
It explicitly says that being alone =/= being lonely, and that loneliness (or lack thereof) is different for everyone.
Gonna just link to my own shitpost here.