HEY, WHITE PEOPLE! You literally can't be depressed...

HEY, WHITE PEOPLE! You literally can't be depressed. There's nowhere on the internet where I can shit on a group with less power in order to make myself feel superior. There's no non-shithole country on Earth where I can go without being hated. Keep feeling sorry for yourselves while throwing rocks from your ivory tower white ""people"". The people with actual reasons to feel inferior and depressed are us, the "niggers", the ones who are objectively at the bottom of society in all aspects. GROW SOME NUTS AND ENJOY BEING WHITE YOU PATHETIC WORMS.

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what if im not am*Rican?

Being white doesn't make you immune to the realities of life which is aging, disease, pain, watching your loved ones die, and so on

Atleast you arent an abbo right?

not a problem for Jow Forums yet unless you're a boomer in which case fuck off
doesnt count
>watching your loved ones die
no biggie

>buying into raceshit

maybe the race realists were right about minority IQ after all. Probably not, though; it's just individual variation and most people of your "race" are smarter than (you).

Man you sound dumb as fuck. You are going to age whether you like it or not, everyone is, and it's going to suck.

I agree that people who are depressed or really have it bad wouldn't have time to be racist. That's an open admission that you have life better than a group of people and still treat them worse.

nah no its not going to suck. its going to be awesome. death will be closer

>He has loved ones

Fuck you.

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Calm down mutt

>0.3% Ashkenazi
>9.5% Niggeraguan
>14.8% Sub-Saharan African
Fuck off negroid.


Go kill yourself.
You're white and on this website. Every hand in the world and still land here like a fucking idiot

There are white homeless people, user. Whites who grew up with the same circumstances as you. The only hand that really matters in this world is the invisible one.

white people tend to live in comfy home which is less of a burden when old and grey

most diseases people die to are easily cured in most white countries

with the way you people coddle yourselves from the world I'm surprised you guys even do

You had more opportunity than the man on the street ever did. You squandered all of it.

No white has ever truly gone through anything close to my life. It's physically impossible. They've always had a way out.

>I don't read history books

Seriously, tell me about your life and I promise you I'll find a white person in similar circumstances. Opportunity is only for the children of the rich, and the ones lucky enough to be born without disabilities.

We have to live around non-whites, which is enough to depress anybody

>ones lucky enough to be born without disabilities.

You mean 90% of the white race?

>I'll find a white person in similar circumstances

I was born without opportunity or acceptance in society because of my racial pedigree. My race doesn't exist, and the areas where it "does" are packed with people that look nothing like it, so there is rampant violence and murder because of race-mixing.

There is no where on earth I can go where there are people that will truly accept me. My parents that made me are white and tri-racial, and I have issues caring about them. I will die never having loved anything.

It's impossible for a white person to understand this. I can't grow as a lifeform at all. I am permanently stunted.

I may as well be a paraplegic, but even that has love from other whites.

Meatizo here, stop complaining

Mestizos are descended from Amerindians which were already Mestizos in the first place. Ancient North Eurasian fucked Proto-mongolian.

This is why Amerindians can look white

They deal with less genetic distance than 3 races all at once.

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Pic related. It's clear to me that this thing is part Caucasoid.

Attached: geronimo1.jpg (455x341, 82K)

>There's nowhere on the internet where I can shit on a group with less power in order to make myself feel superior.
Not true, you can always come to Jow Forums and shit on furries.
>There's no non-shithole country on Earth where I can go without being hated.
Bongistan, Germany, Swedistan are places where you'll get free gibs and be basically worshiped for diversity's sake. I don't know what you're going on about.

You feeling superior is not the same as you being superior. And whites knows that. That's why they're depressed.

Also "a white man create this. A white man create that.". Right... But have YOU created anything? No? Oh, okay then.