This is what kills Jow Forums literally

this is what kills Jow Forums literally

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*Shoots him*
Phew. That was easy. Now, let me get back to looking great and not being a fatty

He's a no-name, no-talent overweight hispanic who just beat a no-name, no-talent hypebeast supported by the commission of a dying sport desperate for views.

If we weren't told this was a heavyweight super important title fight, no one would have ever cared.

Also, his reign won't last long. Sorry

natural body armor with fat.. hope you aimed for the head retard

I did. He's dead

The truly ascended on this board have realized the bloatpill is the peak male form

You will never be able to realistically shoot someone without going to prison brainlet. This guy will slap your gf's ass and all you will do is seethe

>You will never be able to realistically shoot someone without going to prison brainlet.
What is self defense?

Slapping your gf's ass isn't a life threatening situation you absolute brainlet

No one cares about your shitty thread. Stop making it.

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