I want to hold and love a fembot

i want to hold and love a fembot

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but will you marry one and have sex with them

I do to too, user.
Knowing I was a source of comfort for her would mean the world to me.

yes if she wants to and loves me back
i'd also would build a small family with kids if she's up for it or if not maybe a couple pets

most men here couldn't support a family. do you think you could?

yeah but it's gonna take me another 1-2 years until i'm done with uni and have a real job

so financially i'll be ready in a year or two, emotionally i'm ready to have a family i think

i just wanna be held and loved please

are you female (f)?

yes i am female(female)
will you hold and love me

I married a fembot i met on r9k.

y-yes i might
how do i get in contact with you?

go to the gym faggot
you rolling on the floor blowing spit bubbles crying over imaginary girls on the internet wont bring you shit

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fembots probably dont like cuddles because theyre fucking mean

no, you don't user...no, you don't

And I want to hold and love you, user.

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post a tempmail and pretend youre my bf

Not him but I will pretend I'm your loving caring and cheesy bf, I'm ugly though

Email me your discord at:

[email protected]

[email protected]

pls respond

hope i don't get dabbed on by some horny robot

she's mine rrrrrreeeeeeeeeeeeeeee get your own gf

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Give me a GF so I have someone to cuddle and kiss their cheeks and neck when I wake up

dont worry im yours
im so sorry i feel awful but he was there first also i hope you find love soon

my happiest apu

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i'm unironically already falling in love because of how cute and loyal you are

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No fembot lives close to love.

i have a lot of love to give, and no one to give it to. i try not to live for others, but im desperate for a girl to complement my life. i want to ask her about her day, share our tastes in things, hold her tight. these are just empty fantasies, though.