>ywn be moot
why live?
Ywn be moot
he's a fucking loser wage slave lmao
Why would you want to be him
>lost his website
>lost his gf
>lost his job
Why would you want to be moot?
wage slave? he created Jow Forums at like 17 and made enough money to be set for life, enough money to sell off the website to some chink, claim "google employed him" even though there was no proof or additional sources, and disappeared off the face of the earth, he's probably snorting coke off of girls' asses right now
and what have you accomplished?
>he created Jow Forums at like 17 and made enough money to be set for life
what makes you think this?
How much do you realistically think he sold Jow Forums for? Jow Forums's worth when he sold it was around $600k AT MOST. That's not enough to live off for life
>can't live off of half a mil
You underestimate the power of the Jew. With capitalism and a high IQ, having ten years worth of average pay all at once opens up quite a lot of doors.
so where is he right now? if he is indeed working for google why hasn't anyone heard anything about him at all since 2016?
>high iq
choose one
He currently works as a project manager in the Google maps division out of Google's Tokyo office. When he first joined Google he worked on their internal accelerator called area 120, until he mismanaged and ruined that initiative lmao
>if he is indeed working for google why hasn't anyone heard anything about him at all since 2016?
That's probably WHY nobody has heard anything from him. He has nothing in particular he can comment on publicly except Jow Forums and its spinoff subcultures, and that's totally contrary to the image google is trying to push.
Google+ got shut down. That means he's out of a job.
sources? i can also say anything i want
>moot loses job
>suddenly threads about him start popping up
Don't forget. You're here forever.
Google it, nigger. The only information about him working at Google has been about working on their Google+ social network. That shit got shut down. Both of these things are public information. Put 2 and 2 together, retard.
>being this triggered that someone won't spoonfeed you information
The word nigger is about five percent of his post.
r9k has been restored, mooty
>at like 17
He was way younger.
He didnt make a shitload of money off selling Jow Forums.
I hope he comes to the site now and then and sees what the site has evolved into. His child is fucking mangled. Fuck you moot, we live rent free in your head forever.
>r-rent free mwehehehehwhwhwhweh pffffttt blubbbbb BWAH BWAH
>ywn be known as the luggage lad
How is that a bad thing?
This, he sold his soul to the jewish technocracy.
Fuck you posted an inbred wojack. You win.
>he's probably snorting coke off of girls' asses right now
That's considered an accomplishment to you? What are you a nigger?
yup, that's you when you try to use arguments like those in actual discussions
It wasn't even an argument in a discussion user...
when will moot get a qt asian gf?
moot hasn't been in the public spotlight lately because he's becoming the qt gf and doesn't want people to see her until after she passes completely.
Moot has stated publically before that Jow Forums was not profitable.
Fuck, say it ain't so...
>Moot has stated publically before that Jow Forums was not profitable.
>trusting jews
Being Moot is one of the few things I'm thankful didn't happen to me. His looks are the only thing he really has over me, I was born into the amount of money he had to make by selling a horrible website that he even said was a burden for the last 5 years of his time on it.