Is it possible for women to have this body type without roids?

Is it possible for women to have this body type without roids?

Attached: 1517502130448.png (849x1421, 192K)

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Attached: Oga.jpg (1640x2488, 1.17M)

fuck no. not even half of that.

only one

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Attached: Mutt.png (1140x472, 510K)

>*mogs you*

Attached: 411.jpg (494x800, 20K)

How many squats for this figure?

Attached: LunalightLeoDancer-LED4-EN-C.png (411x602, 586K)

Wide backs are unaesthetic on women

Attached: bodybuilding cosplayer.jpg (890x500, 122K)

>t. backlet


what is this from?

Attached: 61622160_2284569014899695_2834811215748792320_n.jpg (465x659, 93K)

Maybe with really damn good genetics and some bodymods for the horns.


Attached: 400.jpg (400x400, 155K)

he's actually 5'9"

>blocks your presumptions

Attached: 1543882043021-fit.jpg (700x800, 63K)

thats Kengan Ashura my guy

Plus size elf

Attached: give me.jpg (1000x983, 98K)

A girl like that in real life would look disgusting


Baki and Kengan Asura are the most based fitness and martial arts mangas

Attached: Doppo Aesthetics.png (610x880, 1.05M)

No, the main issue is the height, Oga is supposed to be pretty tall, and looking that muscular just won’t happen for a tall woman without roids
That kind of muscular thickness is hot as fuck though, not gonna lie

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Weezer - The Blue Album - Track 10


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Oh no no it's the mikonkeks...

>best girl

god i love masturbating

yes, but it is essentially like winning the lottery for someone to have freak genes and actually train them

Attached: geneticFreak.jpg (978x512, 75K)

not really, the tits just disappear.


She's a pro-wrestler and her character is based on Chun Li, she's not a cosplayer

Yes but rare. I fucked this 44 year old jewish chick that was 4'11". She used to be this fat heifer and now she's a competitive physique model but has just an overall strong look about her.

For the record I didn't know she was a joo until she saw my Instagram a week later and asked me if I was a nazi kek

King of Manlets

lmao who's this cow?

trust me, she's vile person and a cunt, she doesn't deserve being flapped to


Attached: Screenshot_20190521-190523~2.png (1025x876, 600K)

hnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng name


Saiki Reika

what'd she do?


Attached: Explain Further.jpg (649x536, 39K)