Can someone apply for jannie and make this place better instead of shitty?

Can someone apply for jannie and make this place better instead of shitty?

Attached: 3b6.jpg (680x680, 72K)

This image always bothers me
Why does she have makeup on only 1 eye?

It must've been a mistake or the artist ran out of time

good god this was painted in public somewhere.
the internet and memes are leaking into real life way worse than before

cannot unsee now, also nice quads

I think he usually paints them in Australia or California

this has always driven me crazy too. it's great otherwise, but the missing makeup is so jarring

I tried to fix the image and gave up. I ended up with this rather disturbing image

Attached: Untitled-1.jpg (680x680, 95K)

this one is slightly less disturbing

Attached: Untitled-1.png (680x680, 561K)

(nice get)
I'm gonna delete my previous reply

the problem is that she looks crosseyed now, unfortunately this is already pushing my extremely limited photoshop skills

for real, can someone become a jannie and delete all those homo discord tranny threads

I tried with paint, user

Attached: my lifework.png (678x678, 848K)

Not bad! Not bad at all, but I think the eye is a little too far to the right, it needs some white on the right

I'm giving up for now

Attached: my life work2.png (672x674, 838K)

Im saving this as my new version of the first image. Thanks for the collaboration user, we did it!

Why not a gentleman such as yourself, Anonymous?

Nice, be sure to spread the ((correct)) version

I like the idea of a coup d'etat against the trannies shitting up the place.

I'm not online as often, plus I don't feel like filling out the application since that takes effort

How new are you? Janitors don't make the rules.

No shit idiot, they can delete all the tranny, gay, discord bullshit. How new are you?

im not too keen on selling this place out to apply, thanks

Do it anyways faggotron

how bout you do it cunt

Because I already did cunthole

We just need a janitor to clean up Jow Forums and /B/. This place is full of shitty "tfw no girlfriend" and /B/ is just full of degenerate porn

>pic unrelated

Attached: DzYyGyZW0AUU1lp.jpg (981x1200, 140K)

/b/ is fine that way, just use regex filters

Don't worry boys its all being taken care of.

prove it by deleting this thread

my bad, they still haven't accepted jannies

r8 my jannie application

Attached: jannie-application.png (744x727, 19K)

based and accepted