90% of people are primitive subhumans who are barely conscious and run almost entirely on instinct

90% of people are primitive subhumans who are barely conscious and run almost entirely on instinct.

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Thats crazy... how is high school going user?

>automated response about age

Your next reply will be attacking me because I'm a "virgin". You are a simple, primitive caveman

user BTFO
OP is a legend

It's just the Dunning Kruger effect. Soon you will grow up and realize you're fucking retarded and your worldview is skewed. Maybe not though, perhaps you will be an insufferable arrogant bastard for the rest of your life.

robots should be smarter than this.

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There are chimps and gorillas in captivity with IQs nearly as high as the average human. The difference between a dull human and an intelligent ape is language ability and social and fine motor skills.

Also I think lack of live resources (food, drinkable water) make humans act on instinct like animals.
It's easy to write shit on the internet when you have a roof over your head, food and drinks in your refrigerator. The majority of the world doesn't have that.

Truth. The best thing to do is abandon society so the cattle can eat themselves without you getting caught up in it.

But then you're lonely which is also not a decision but an animal instinct. Haven't you seen the kurzgesagt video?

The greater realization comes to you when you understand that you too are barely conscious and run nearly entirely on instinct.

>It's easy to write shit on the internet when you have a roof over your head, food and drinks in your refrigerator. The majority of the world doesn't have that.

That's no longer true. The share of the world living in extreme poverty has nosedived incredibly since the end of the cold war made most of the Third World give up socialism.

People everywhere are conscious. As individuals we simply don't interact with many of them enough to perceive it. Everyone sitting silently on a bus or train seems like an NPC because that's all we see of them and all we will ever see.

yeah. why cant we be like them.

They are programmed to only no so much though

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Wow so smart and insightful. You must have a really reallly high iq user

Oh look another out of touch boomer who's been so dispirited in life, IT became a mindless NPC. Fucking die already.

I'm 22 and you're a pseudo-intellectual teenager.

Hilarious! You need to check your ego you pea-brained faggot.

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They are called niggers user

>barely conscious and run almost entirely on instinct
you're just too scared and or over think everything to fun off your instincts

Denial is an extremely effective evolutionary strategy and they are better off mentally, socially, physically and sexually than you are.

unfortunately this pic is just hopeless idealism. the world would actually be a better place if everyone was this rational