Fresh /fph/ thread!

>control f
>no fph
Guess it's my turn to start one up

Attached: 1511320228177.jpg (1980x1006, 156K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1513057234420.jpg (780x1029, 143K)

Attached: 1512522010685.png (787x333, 142K)

Attached: 1512253159416.jpg (1000x1000, 373K)

Attached: 1512244964799.png (892x730, 396K)

So which of the two on the right do you dip in the nutella and which one do you dip in the lard?

You dip it in both idiots

Attached: 1557321581857.jpg (1920x1080, 713K)

Attached: 1558109714554.jpg (631x1105, 204K)

