>one shot in life
>born in brazil
>not middle class
One shot in life
Care to give us details?
Do you live in a really dangerous neighborhood?
Do you fear for your safety?
I know how it feels mate. we're getting out of this, I hope so.
What's it like to live in Brazil? There are a lot of posters from there.
If you're Op and - probably - born in a big multicultural metropolis, your life is going to be shit. You can't even leave your house at night without being robbed; after some time at night people don't even stop at red lights because it can get their car stolen. On the other hand I live in a small countryside village (20k people) 1 hour into the second biggest city in the State and I can tell you life is pretty good.
Op, at least you know how to speak English, that's a BIG thing here so you can at least have a nice job and not be an empacotador for the rest of your life.
Go fuck yourself, poor people don't even know to speak Portuguese properly. How would you be speaking English if you lived in a favela?
>born in brazil
if only you knew how bad things realmente estao.
Yeah, this. Not many people know a word in English. /night walking/ is impossible. and I where I live the height avarage for the male is 5"8 and I'm 6"4. I love the food tho, it's almost always fresh, and fruits are cheap.
not op but I don't think that just because you're not middle class that means you're in a favela.
segura ai user
that's a good Pepe mano. being a wagecuck here sucks, even more than in the USA
I'd rather stay here than go to burgerland desu,i'm middleclass NEET and it's comfy af,never even seen a crime happen.
>being a wagecuck here sucks, even more than in the USA
definitely, i get 1000brl a month to wagecuck 8 hours a day, mon-sat. fucking unbearable. tolerating shitty co-workers and a cunt of a boss for fucking 8 hours.
can't wait to quit this shit, only 1700$ left for me to buy a new gaming computer. neetdom awaits me.
we are going to make it mano, se foda o resto
How do people in Latin America read/type in English so well?
It's not different anywhere else. Everyone thinks America is rich, but it's just the billionaires. Being born poor is hell on Earth literally anywhere.
We put in more of an effort to try and compensate for our inherent disadvantages as mutts
Se fodeu cara.
How does it feel to be an amazon? Is it hard to get boys or what?
at least I'm middle class, but this country sucks. I'm gonna travel to Japan in may, I wanna know how it feels to be safe on the streets
Tu curte Patati e Passazap?
pqp user n perde tempo hein
this. very much, espero que tu consiga teu PC
This. Also most of us, that are here, were born in English culture, by video games. And portuguese is probably in the top 10 hardest language, so if an branon wants to learn a new language he/she will have it very easily. French has a lot of portuguese-usb Words.
I wouldn't know, never tried it. It feels like shit and I don't wish this on anyone.
memes tipos de carinhas sao
curta sua viajem meu amigo
portuguese-ish* sorry for bad England
do you have hot trannies everywhere?
>accepting applications for a qtpie brazil boy to come to Canada and be my bf.
You can live here with me anons you will get citizenship.
At least you've got a lot of qts in your country
It depends: are you a girl (female)?
Uns sao bons e outros nao
>One shot in life
>Born in Brazil
>Middle class but great high school education in a military school
Boa sorte ai wagecuck, vou tentar minha sorte com a Academia Militar de Agulhas Negras e ver se consigo morar no exterior daqui a uns anos
Fuck, this.
At least robots from the first world can aim for a comfy life.
Hell, even being a low tier wageslave sounds nice when you can afford a small apartment and a nice life standard.
Being an autistic looser, with no money in a third world country is being at the bottom of the barrel. No happiness, no hope...just nothing.
And the only thing we can do about it is to move on another country. fuck us.
Well, A gente vai precisar. boa sorte pra voce tambem, amigo.
someone has to be a serial killer, just like someone has to be a cop or a fireman
how do you afford rent? live with parents?
Is brazil really that much of a shithole or is it just a meme? I imagine almost every place south of the equator are terrible to live in
Hope you anons make it. SA anons are usually the nicest on all of the boards.
I have been looking into traveling to SA and Chile and Uruguay are not bad at all.
>after some time at night people don't even stop at red lights because it can get their car stolen.
Serious or is this hyperbole?
OP, really this:
I'm moving to Sao Paulo and realized that knowing english IS EXTREMELY VALUATED and so, working as a bilingual waiter or secretary can make you gain even 3k month to start
They don't
The absolute population in Brazil doesn't speak english. This is a very high employable-trait.
If you are making reference of latinos you speak in Jow Forums, of course they speak english man.. But if you go to Brazil only speaking english you will find very hard to find someone who understands you outside the hotel
3k USD or BR bucks?
Only people with shit in head would think that everyone in US is rich.
The main difference is criminality. If you trink Detroit is dangerous, I invite you for a walk on Fortaleza
Teria a r9k descido ao nivel do BrChan
These kind of girls that you find in Sao Paulo.
Sao Paulo is the city with more japanese people outside Japan in the world. Literally there is millions of japaneses in Sao Paulo
Bolsonaro military schools will save us all
>Hell, even being a low tier wageslave sounds nice when you can afford a small apartment and a nice life standard.
You just described me user
Btw first/third world division is a dead meme from the cold war, Brazil isn't Africa where you work for survive scumbag
People pursuing NEET life when they should avoid it at all costs
Maybe these people are sad because their parents are toxic and infantilize them
It's not terrible at all
But this can change badly from which place of Brazil are you referring to. This country is a absurd of huge
>pic related
The half north is more poor
The half south is the rich half (my main board is Jow Forums guys, and have to say, it's the white half of the country not coincidentally).
Rio is a illusion. No one of Brazil goes to there. Only people from outside. Sao Paulo is tremendously rich, the city and the state.
And the three southern states you will have a very nice standard of living, with Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul being like european countries on its own.
Beyound that. Uruguay, Chile and Argentina are HIGH-STANDARD places to live, with Chile at first.
South America isn't what it used to be in the last century.
BRL kek
With R$3000 I can live VERY well in Sao Paulo, living with a college roommate
Completely real.
100% real.
No joke
Did it yesterday
Are you at least white or castizo?
Cringe e azulpilado. The rest of South America is still a shitty place to live. Only the big cities thrive (Montevideu, Buenos aires, Sao Paulo, Santiago, Lima, etc). Everything in the north part of South America is 3rd world, exceto o litoral do nordeste que tem muito turismo.
Doesn't Brazil have women with really fat asses tho
men too
That's why I will prefer to stay where the GDP comes from
naoeh mole nao mano, aqui no nordeste continua sendo bem ruim, well. there's nothing I can do
>one shot at life
>born in rio de janeiro
i get you op. it was over for us before it even began
>he doesn't understand brown countries
wish it was true for russia too... here either nobody gives a shit whether you know english or it is given that you know english, the only job where it is your main advantage it's either a translator or a teacher both of which need you to have a degree. well maybe you can become a teacher without a degree but teaching is eww
I've been looking to vacation in (gringo) Colombia and stay in El Poblado. Most say as long as you don't flaunt shit you should be okay. Making me 2nd guess it.
I find it amazing how you pieces of shit thrive on making us look bad to the rest of the world. I live adjacent to one of the biggest cities of Brazil and literally only know one person who ever got mugged. I hate this victim culture in this country. your lives wont get any better if you make people feel sorry for you, stop being such cucks.
btw the person got robbed while working, late at night dealing with company money, the company's lack of safety awareness at the time that allowed it to happen.
I already participate in a lot of /russia/ threads on pol. They usually say that if you don't live in Moscow or Saint Petersburg you have no chance of a good job.
What is your situation user?
>born in el salvador
Well, I never got mugged or robbed in my entire life on Brazil (22 yo). I never of course gave the chance and always stayed in alert, but never got robbed
Im a gringo with a colombian wife and inlaws. The latter live in cartagena and ive never had problems there. Just don't go to rural areas, keep valuables safe and out of sight, keep your head on a swivel. Im more worried of getting shot in Toronto where I live
based and kekpilled
how much does an 8/10 instagram-tier prostitute cost down there? dont care how much it costs or if i get killed/AIDS, i just want big brazilian ass on my face
Yeah, that is pretty much what I got while researching. El Poblado is supposed to be the safest area in Medellin. You ever been to Chile? Was looking at that area as well.
Chile is a wonderful place to live
Como virar NEET nesse pais de merda, meus amigos robos? To cansando de atender ligacao de cliente chato, so quero ficar em paz no meu lar ate o dia que eu eventualmente vou me matar.
It very cheap, less than 100 dollars.
>be me
>born in argentina
>middle-high class
>mom is stacey and dad is chad
>everyone thinks I'll be gorgeous when I grow up simply because of my parents
>turn out to look like Dra'nakyuek, Destroyer of Worlds
>be so ugly that I can't even get a job
>nobody wants to be around me, not even to make them look good in comparison
>even in college professors look at me with disgust
>everyone also assumes I must be an asshole because of the "ugly people are mean" thing
>since I'm quasi high class both school and college are full of staceys and chads which further fuel my anxiety and inferiority complex, specially seeing how easily they achieve things like having friends or high paying jobs for no reason at all
Yeah,but not for me
Is it good for a vacation for a couple weeks?
>middle-high class
what's your problem again?
>At least robots from the first world can aim for a comfy life.
Life in Germany will get pretty uncomfy in a couple of years
Anything less than 150 is not worth
150 reais are the main value for a good one prostitute. Some would be so beautiful you would not believe
250 reais or above you would find some 9/10 or 10/10. But you may find very beautiful ones in the 150 category too.
Make the exchange.
1 dollar = 3.70 reais
Eu fui NEET por 4 anos cara. Eh o maior inferno na Terra que se pode imaginar. Mesmo se voce tiver auto-consciencia de que eh um NEET e pode usar seu tempo de formas inimaginaveis, a falta de estrutura vai te consumir de dentro para fora anao.
Don't do that for yourself. Change the job. For God's sake, I don't want to be a NEET ever again, NEETs are miserable because they are NEETs.
That Argentina's high class is all based around looks and attitude, money isn't a factor here, and living in a "circle" where everyone has the same or even more money than you renders it meaningless, and since everyone is so handsome you stick out like a sore thumb and end up being the black sheep everyone laughs at. Like I said, nobody even wants to hire ugly people, no matter if you have the highest grades or whatever, and this applies to all positions. I've even applied to wagecuck jobs and been literally said to my face that they don't want me because I'm ugly and I would turn clients away. I'm pretty much living a NEET life, and yes, I do have a high end pc and pretty much every console plus whatever gadget you can think of, but what's that good for if one day my money will run out (and it will soon since my grandpa passed away and that meant his company shutting down) and I can't even get a job to live an average life? I don't have friends either, unless you count lonely 50+ women in college who are desperate to tell their life stories to anyone. I honestly look disfigured and no one wants to give me a chance, once money runs out I'll probably end on the streets. The "white and middle-high class" part was to show how "close" to having a good life you can be, only to be cucked by your fucking face.
lol I wanted you to be my argentine gf
rip grandpa
Hello, neighbor. Greetings from People's Republic of Argentinistan.
I really hope that neonazi of Bolsonaro really allows honest brazilian citizens to be armed, so you guys don't become another Venezuela, and make all those antigun NGOs go back to their eurocuck patrons or go bother somewhere else.
At least your police is awarded for killing bandits instead of being prosecuted like our cops here. Poor suckers are cannon fodder here.
So basically 350 reais (100 usd) could get the best of the best?
yeah, kinda hypocritical of us. But you need to realize that we don't live in a good country and being a patriot is retarded.
>born in actual sexland
>still KHV at 25
Foda neguinho...
>muh Venezuela
>At least your police is awarded for killing bandits
Dude, you really are clueless
well hello there!
on the topic of cops being praised: the Communities in the Favelas fucking DESPISE cops,precisely because the thugs and such provide protection and keep the order in there(to some extent)
this mentality exists because our armed forces are either financially fucked OR horribly corrupt, as such, most cops over on Rio will kick the ever living shit out of the people in Favelas or take bribes just for the fuck of it, AND when they're good cops they'll beat some people 'cause its so fucking dangerous to go in there that its less risky to deal with a possible lawsuit/losing the job than to get a bullet in their fucking head for being too kind-hearted.
regardless, cops are in the middle of the crossfire over here. every single person that doesn't live in a place dominated by outlaws hates cops, but everyone else supports their job. amidst all that there's still the social movements and ideologies spreading like cancer which also spreades hate towards cops, so yeah, shits fucked.
it ain't gonna take long before a civil war explodes over here, i just hope we can deal with it before anyone else has to get involde and/or killed.
stay safe man, the streets are dangerous right now.
being an actual robot in brazil. we truly don't have any hope, maninho.
might i ask which city user? shits way less fucked down south since the people over there live mostly in rural areas and have a small population per city. Plus, because the population is so small, thiefs are way more likely to be linched to death by the people if they get caught stealing which is why there ain't much crime: they're scared shitless.
down south and up north, on the actual extremes of Brazil, that's no man's land. not a single soldier, cop or political figure dares to set foot over there to try and unfuck things.
do you really lynch thieves? i mean... that's african tier
no shit my guym the people that live outside the cities that are already well known outside Brazil, I.E Rio, Sao Paulo etc, are brutal as fuck.
TLDR imagine the north as people with the brutality of africans but with enough hunting/navigation skills to put even an Navy seal trained in jungle warfare to shame. no shit some native tribes actualy hit planes with arrows and when they land the underside of the plane looks like a fucking hedgehog.
Imagine the south as if Texas didn't have guns and was instead populated by aryans hellbent on chopping anything and everything that doesn't align with their views with a blunt machete until its bled enough to stain the land with blood. most south cities have a ridiculous percentage of whites over blacks in their cities. blacks over there are such an out of the ordinary thing that most citizens have never seen a black person, and when they do meet one they act almost like they've just laid eyes upon an exoctic animal.
shits fucking brutal man
i should also point out that most of these things happen because the armed forced are so occupied with dealing with the absolute shitstorm that is Rio that it there aren't meno cops etc to secure cities outside their capabilites
thus, as i stated above, the're not a no man's land 'cause neither the outlaws have the courage to forcefully make the people submit via violence nor does the armed forces have enough man-power to step in and reinstall order. I pointed out that this is most prevalent on the extreme South and North regions but to be hones it applies to any state that isn't close to a metropolis.
depends what you call a good job
like european/american tier good it's mostly moscow indeed, otherwise you can get a russian tier good job in many other mostly bigger cities, depends on your qualifications ofc
note also that the most of russian anons on Jow Forums are neets or students and anyway are usually from below than the russian middle class (which is rather small too)
>Born in Venezuela
>upper middle class
>progressively get poorer
>now living poor in the US
Fuck this life I was supposed to study in UCAB, have qt sifrina pussy and live a peaceful life.
At least you get access to big chick dicks, user. The only thing I get up here are girls who cry rape left and right.