Black people can not be robots

Black people can not be robots.

I say this because of how easily black people can make friends with other black people. If you're black, all you need is to know the lyrics to the current popular rap song and be in the right situation. I'm sure all black robots here could easily spark a "kiki" with most other black people their age, simply by talking about their experiences being black. A simple "fuck whitey" will get you far with other black people.

Being black is literally being born with a free friendship card for other black people. If you're black and feel like you're a robot, you simply aren't trying.

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Other urls found in this thread:

i knew one nerdy black dude in high school. he got bullied mercilessly by the thug nogs for Acting White

>I get all my information of blacks from memes
Might as well ask why white robots don't just join their local KKK group to find friends

But have you ever met other black people user? They are all disgusting including me. And black people are actually very mean to each other, like have you ever heard of roasting culture? Kiki is a gay thing you really dont know what you are talking about

can you shut the fuck up and stop making these retarded pol racebait posts? kys already

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Niggerbots are our frens

'X' people can not be robots.

I say this because of how easily 'X' people can make friends with other 'X' people. If you're 'X', all you need is to know the lyrics to the current popular rap song and be in the right situation. I'm sure all 'X' robots here could easily spark a "kiki" with most other 'X' people their age, simply by talking about their experiences being 'X' . A simple "fuck 'Y' " will get you far with other 'X' people.

Being 'X' is literally being born with a free friendship card for other 'X' people. If you're 'X' and feel like you're a robot, you simply aren't trying.

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Such thing doesn't exist. Nobody here fits the description of a robot. Jow Forums is 50% volcels and 50% normies.

White people can not be robots.

One only has to look at privileges these white folks have over brown people
>Usually wealthier
>usually taller
>usually fetishized by brown women

If you are a "white robot" you are living a lie as most minority women would fawn over you if given the chance. This due to decades of brainwashing in the medio of idealized white men, to create the image that they are the peak of beauty.


Niggers are the worst but I'd rather they keep acting like niggers instead of coming here now. Seeing dbz doesn't make you a nerd, stupid nigger.

Gaming/nerdy/anime fronting niggers are the fucking worst

Don't even get me started on how all these rappers are now dressing like metal artists, using gothic font, pretending to mosh/play guitar and generally posturing like they're fucking rock artists.
Niggers have zero originality and they steal everything, yeah culture included. Niggers are the real culture vultures.

when i see a black twitch thot or black "nerdy" guy/girl its an instant block

>I'd rather they keep acting like niggers
>muh culture appropriation
found the leftist, opinion discarded

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How come when black people say "fuck whitey" they're guaranteed friends but when I say "fuck niggers" all the whites in the room treat me like an outcast?

I'm the farthest thing from it, darkie gorilla subhuman filth. I can tell you're a nigger because of your shitty animenigger image. Like a nigger, you will reply and try to say you aren't but we will all laugh because you've given it away.

I only say "culture vulture" because black people screech about it constantly but guess what? They're the ones stealing white subcultures now. Its a useful term, especially when used on the enemy (you nigger). Terms aren't always inherently politically charged. Typical nigger with black and white thinking, no gray area or complex thought here

Holy shit, these. Seriously, there's a reason why "WE WUZ KANGZ" is commonly used to mock blacks. Blacks try to claim anything and everything as their own.




Why the fuck do they feel the need to come here? I legitimately and openly hate them. They're 100000000x more racist than whites

>cac internet expert thinks he knows the social inner workings of a group he only knows of because of the internet

The cac entitlement at work

Niggers steal everything, especially niche white cultures. Niche white cultures completely created by whites and dominated by whites. YOU NEED TO BE MORE INCLUSIVE WITH YOUR HOBBIES SILLY WHITE MALE xDD WHY NOT SHARE ALSO FUCK WHITE PEOPLE. XDDDDD

>I'm the farthest thing from it
>>They're the ones stealing white subcultures now
How can culture be "stolen", are you retarded? Culture can only be practiced or enjoyed. It's not something that can be taken, who is losing in that situation? A white weeb isn't stealing from an asian.
>no complex thought
Nice projection user.

I really feel for nerdy black dudes. Walked past this random 5'0 black manlet today who was arguing with some white guy about anime shit. Damn that guy must have it rough.

>be user
>eat a taco
>apparently user just robbed a mexican
>a mexican just lost the ability to eat tacos

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No one knows who you're even replying to fucking dumbass.

Besides, niggers getting into memes, anime, video games actually does take away my ability to enjoy them because they nigger everything up.

No, you will never belong

>culture can be shared and enjoyed
and you called me a far leftist LMAO oh my god you really are a nigger aren't you?

>culture can be shared or enjoyed

Yeah dude sorry you sound like the far leftist here. Other user is right, you'll never fit in and even you clearly know it...

It's pretty obvious what he's referring to, actually.

Not him, but leftists are the ones who made up "cultural appropriation", though.

Maybe for niggers who don't know how to post here . Oh lawdy here they go again ruining shit

If you havent experienced spaghettification through a quantum tunnel on the 12th dimension then you arent a robot.

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You are him though samefag I'm watching the bottom you fucking stupid coon. Go kill yourself. You'll never fit in here and the fact you have to grasp at so many straws to prove it only confirms. I hope a cop gets you before I do.

You never learned how to discern context clues, huh? That sucks.


user was clearly using it sarcastically you nigger fuck.

No, I'm not him. I have posted in this thread previously though. was my first post ITT.

Obviously they can. A white weeb can be as much of a weeb as he wants and it has no effects on asians, they just like the culture. An asian could love things about white culture. It's not about fitting in, it's just having the ability to be a fan of something else.

This post just made me decide to call the cops on my nigger apartment neighbors for smoking weed. Thanks for that final little push I needed there friend

fuck niggers hopefully they get shot

That's different because the robots probbaly have tried that already.

I used the term to express a belief, a far right wing (fascist) one. On the other hand he outright exposed himself by expressing a belief "culture is meant to be enjoyed and shared".

It really doesn't take rocket science. Do you need me to keep walking you through this or are you going to keep overlooking the actual point in favor of a semantical term that was used ironically?


>m-muh samefag
No he wasn't me, what's your argument now?

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You should stop replying because the niggers are being stupid in this thread with their niggergroupthink and proving OP correct. All niggers need to do to make friends is chimp around together. My god blacks are okay enough one on one but in a group they devolve into something subhuman.

You still haven't explained how culture can't be shared on this anime imageboard made by someone who isn't asian.

>durr i turned my wifi off see

Fuck off nigger I hope my nigger neighbors get arrested and if they do I'm gonna laugh and cheers to you

Because niggers can't be robots. See OP. My god you really are slow aren't you? I was annoyed I had to explain
myself but I see now why blacks are always needing remedial help from teachers

That sounds like a preemptive copout. And what you're doing with a post like this is ironically groupthink. Or at least an attempt.

anime has always been by asians, for whites. where have you been? go back to where you came from normalshit

>anime has always been by asians, for whites.
Most retarded post I've seen this month.

they be people either

Lmao do you know what groupthink is?

You can't "make an attempt" at group think. You're so stupid I'm actually done. A waste of time just like anything black "people" do. Good luck not getting shot by the cops nigger. Gonna pop some corn to watch my neighbors get arrested

>Because niggers can't be robots
I hope for the sake of this already terrible argument that you aren't white
Also that has nothing to do with anything. You're going offtopic. I accept you concession.

Lol have you ever watched an anime? Where are all the black people and asians in it?
It literally was made for whites by asians and I'm not even being racist by saying that. You don't fucking belong here.

>You can't "make an attempt" at group think.
You just did.

that they need to keep telling us why they think they belong here is enough proof they don't

hur durr COPE! get in here my niggernags I said the normie buzzword lets get whitey

No, you literally can't you fucking retarded coon. Group think is inherently subconscious. You can't "make an attempt" at group think. You are choosing horrible wording.

It doesn't work very well.

>It literally was made for whites by asians
>and I'm not even being racist by saying that
Don't give a shit about if you're being "racist". You're just genuinely fucking stupid.

>You can't "make an attempt" at group think.
You just did.
Also, I'm not black, so toss that baseless assumption out of the window already.

>Lol have you ever watched an anime
Have you? Only brainlets think every anime character is white.
You already lost the argument user, why are you still replying to me?

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Since its spawn Jow Forums has been slightly racist and filled with white neckbeards. Its kind of a stereotype?

So I don't really know what this person thinks they have here. They're trying really, really hard to prove that Jow Forums has always been a black person thing.

>They're trying really, really hard to prove that Jow Forums has always been a black person thing
Who said this?

that guy is literally white lmaooooo only a nigger would choose dbz too i'm dying

>here's your white anime character bro
>They're trying really, really hard to prove that Jow Forums has always been a black person thing
Point out the post that specifically says that in this thread

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Wow you sure do know your anime what a geek!!!
Most anime is white. And yes it was made for white people. I implore you to actually Google it and do some reasearch, tons of info about how most anime is white...

>name is Tenshinhan
>his move Kikoho has chinese origins
>black, slanted eyes
Maybe he's white in America, but not anywhere else.

Nothing makes my dick softer than a black girl saying she's a nerd. Its somehow worse than Stacey's who do it.

Doesn't change the fact you used the most NPC brain dead animenigger example

>Wow you sure do know your anime what a geek!!!
You are actually seething right now
>Most anime is white
So now you're moving the goalpost to most
>I implore you to actually Google it
Why don't you post the source for me since it's your argument

>your not apart of my special group!

Robots are ironic

>Doesn't change the fact you used the most NPC brain dead animenigger example
I just used a popular anime for a reference, nothing more. So far I have more of an argument than you do, actually you don't have an argument at all user.

Why are there so many threads about blacks today anyway?

Sounds like you're trying to justify your depression.

>be black
later virgins

>how easily black people can make friends with other black people
More black people hate other blacks then white people hate blacks cause blacks have to live around other blacks.

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theyre gatekeeping being a social loser now

Racebaiters out in full force today

It's the opposite. White people get jobs ez, get tinder matches ez, get free money from their grandparents ez. Ik "white privilege" is mocked at as liberal shit and it sounds cringey but it's true. Black live life on hard mode. There's no excuse for a white robot to be as he is. He's just lazy.

Depends on the area honestly. Most places like some city a black can get in most jobs and do most shit just cause he is black. Then you go to some downtown crack joint and then you can start saying they got it hard cause the big city politicians only give enough to the town and people to make sure they vote for them again while keeping them in poverty to make them reliant on the government.

>(race of) people can't be robots because (generalization based on normalfags success)!
Holy shit, you stubs. A "robot" is an outcast. An anomaly. A defect. An outlier. They don't really apply to those kind of generalizations people like you two idiots make in the first place.

If niggers stopped acting like niggers and stopped racemixing, I wouldn't have a problem with them. But no, every fucking nigger has to act like the most ghetto thug nigger ever and idolize all the ghetto faggot rap shit. It's fucking tiring having to be around niggers. JUST STOP ACTING LIKE VIOLENT FIGHT INSTIGATING NIGGERS AND STOP FUCKING WHITE WOMEN