thoughts /tv/?
Thoughts /tv/?
didn't see it, what is it about. and no I will not see it.
I don't feel lonely ever. Am I autistic?
Its about having gay sex with your dad.
then fuck off
name one thing that is bad with Kurzgesagt so that we can laugh at you
I only feel lonely when my friends can't hang out when I want to, it's never really just a random feeling
only conservatives hate kurzgesagt
wait... don't tell me... OH NO NO NO NO
It's weird that this is the only infographics show that looks okay and doesn't have dozens of clashing free clipart.
Their refugee video.
Literally r*ddit incarnate, I remember he made some shitty video about how Europe should open up its borders to the refugees a while ago, pure propaganda piece
>the reddit invasion isn't rea-
everything is scaled correctly, they have actual artists making these.
hell yeah dude
i thought they were discord trannies? why can't you keep a consistent narrative?
fuming tranny
Here come the wild incels from Jow Forums ready to cry about white genocide and why they can't get laid.
You just posted this is in /v/
You're getting trolled.
I hope.
laughs in fat bald greek accent
Not even a Jow Forumstard you dumb redditor, the video was just blatant propaganda. One of its main points was "but they're highly educated!!!" and we all know how that turned out...
No, schizoid. It's way worse than autism since the sufferer is fully aware of his differences.
fuming granny
so they made one video that you disagree with and therefor Kurzgesagt is bad. Are you a child?
>I'm not a Jow Forumscuck
>Post Jow Forumscuck argument right after
i've been listening alone again naturally on the repeat the whole day
>No, schizoid. It's way worse than autism since the sufferer is fully aware of his differences.
That's true.
It's pretentious. They dress up everything they say and use non-offensive design to appeal to a wide audience while never actually offering anything very insightful or interesting. Most of what they put out is medium quality work without much soul or heart put into it. They started out with their branding and everything set up from the get go and consequently don't have the personal touch that a smaller YouTuber has from building up their own personal, unique style from the actual hard work and dedication you see from someone who is genuinely passionate about what they produce.
Kurzgesagt falls into the same category as The School of Life or whatever where they bring in some soft-spoken British man to narrate over a bunch of flat illustration designs and surface level explanations of everything while maintaining a persona of faux-compassion to appeal to all those people who are suffering from their crippling mental illnesses and neuroticism and absolutely need their happy video about mindfulness to get them through the existential terror that is existing.
Btw, I am am middle class and have never actually had to suffer or experience a serious hardship in my life so now that I am an adult and have to deal with uncomfortable things I am not able to handle anything because I haven't developed any sense of perseverance or grit through hard work. Thank god I have Kurzgesagt to gently guide me through this hell. God, I'm just so lonely, you know?
>when interacting with other people on the internet
>unironically watches 'channels' on YouTube
>thinks they're 'pretty fun'
the virgin loneliness vs. the chad solitude
>oy vey open borders goyim
>also, support us on patreon
What level of lonely are you on /tv/?
>haven't properly spoken to someone who wasn't a family member or coworker at my shitty job for 3 years
>Post Jow Forumscuck argument right after
So anyone who disagrees with allowing millions of uneducated people into their country is now a Jow Forumscuck?
Fuck off with your reddit e-celebs.
No, but you sure are one.
so besides all the obvious bullshit what you're saying is that Kurzgesagt is at fault because you are uneducated and dumb
He hasn't really made any good videos though. Most of his discussions on topics are literal child-tier simplifications of complex issues. Suits the childish animation style too I guess. All flash and no substance, I can't see why you'd watch and enjoy his videos I'd you're in any way smart/old.
Because comparing phsycal and visual affection and texting is actually fair
can i get a TLDR for this bros?
>but you sure are one
>thinks contrarianism is an excuse for a personality
Yeah I'm so uneducated and dumb that I don't find any value from a video designed solely to reap in ad-revenue and I actually believe this channel is going to help me overcome my loneliness.
>Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human. Society is something that precedes the individual. Anyone who either cannot lead the common life or is so self-sufficient as not to need to, and therefore does not partake of society, is either a beast or a god
>3 years
pff, I'm already on 30+, it's amazing I'm still alive
>have to speak during a class discussion
>voice is hoarse and warbly because I haven't vocalized in weeks
>end up stammering like a retard because the sound of my own voice is alien
eceleb threads are always full of reddit tards rabidly defending them
Seeing a hooker once a week and going to gym with a personal trainer keeps me pretty balanced.
What is a valid excuse for a personality? Why is it that someone simply holding a contrary belief immediately disqualifies them from having a personality?
>btfo so hard by that comic that someone had to report it
fpbp fuck the shills
Watching kurzfag for any sort of sensible discussion on a topic is like watching Ahoy for any sort of detailed explanation into the weapons he's describing.
>and use non-offensive design
some would argue otherwise
>needs a youtube video to tell him whats what
low iq
Shut the fuck up faggot. No one gives a fucking shit about your pathetic story. Their channel is trash, but by god your just way worse off. Fuck you for wasting my time reading your convoluted excuse of a criticism, just say you're a useless fucking retard that has no understand of science.
>#1 on Trending
They may be directly promoted by joogle but they are still good at doing clickbait, gotta give them that
Cgp grey is pretty good
>understand of science
>People actually message them
>have the gall to call themselves lonely.
>you're a useless fucking retard that has no understand of science.
What's your degree in laddie?
i'm pretty lonely since 2016
I live with my mom, dad and brother, all of them suffer from sever adhd so holding a conversation with them with just that would already be hard
My mom can't stay focused on a line of thought for more than 30 seconds let's cross her out of the picture
My brother is a fortnite floss cunt so yeah
My dad is like Stan Smith on that episode where he tried to put Steve down with everything
I started university in 2017,although I've menaged to form a group, i've come to realize only two of them are normal people but they are girls and married so can't really form a real friendship, the rest are turbo autist cunts, I should've listened to Jow Forums and not try be friends with women which all but one of them are, the only other man of the group is the pitch perfect picture of a NPC, he does not have any hobbies, never watches any movies, play video games, listens to music or has an opinion about anything, the teachers actually thought he was a mute for a year and a half
so yeah, pretty fucking lonely
>Loneliness is directly harmful
thanks SOCIETY for actively harming me.
This, I was just about to ask if everyone got this in their recommendations today.
I have no sneed for human interaction
Oh sweet irony.
>my argument
What argument?
>science is actually the language vernacular
My point still stands, autismo. You're even more retarded than him, somehow.
Why are you stalking that one user?
Unless, you actually believe everyone here is one person?
Gimme some contact info and lets talk for a bit. I bet I can show you wrong.
there are obviously far easier and more effective ways to reap ad-revenue off youtube than through high-quality information videos. I would ask you why you seem to think that Kurzgesagt is all about mental health but honestly I don't really care about your opinion anymore at this point, its just too dumb.
quick rundown
>loneliness is a evolutionary trait developed by ancient humans to get them to conform to tribal lifestyle
>ie the best way to not be lonely is to live cooperatively with the rest of your tribe instead of being a dick
>this worked great until we started to build the foundations of modern life
>the individual was more than capable of surviving on his own and as such individualism came into vogue
>industrialization sped things up by killing smaller villages as people moved about to cities to die in factories
>the modern world continue this with people traveling all over the world for various reasons leaving behind their social safety nets
>the last part of the video goes on a rant that if you are chronically lonely it's your fault despite also talking about how loneliness fucks with your brains ability to perceive social cues
>pick yourself up by the boot straps and go say hi to someone you lonely loser
Being alone is the best thing in the world but why do loners die much earlier than married people?
I don’t understand this leftist strategy of yelling at people that they are the “enemy” like that is going to make them sympathetic towards their cause
>he does not have any hobbies
what are your hobbies
being alone and being lonely are different things, you can be in a part and be lonely
hell there's even a meme about it
wow that's so me
friends kid has adhd
my god he's such a buzzkill
Sounds like damage control
because theyre miserable messes in denial
Their science videos are good. This can be informative to a degree, but also kind of meh
I just meant its like minimal curves and simple angles and deconstructs everything to the point where everything starts to look like a weird paul rand logo or a dumb app icon.
Their art is as minimal as the information they put out.
Every time they do videos about society they have interracial couples
They still haven't published a retraction video on their "refugee" shill vid admitting they were wrong and in fact it's still up on the channel so they can suck my left nut I'm not watching their shit.
just because you make a conscious effort to be different doesn't mean you're profound
>the only other man of the group is the pitch perfect picture of a NPC, he does not have any hobbies, never watches any movies, play video games, listens to music or has an opinion about anything, the teachers actually thought he was a mute for a year and a half
Your friend has ascended. God bless his soul
>if you are chronically lonely it's your fault despite
so the video is doing the same shit in this comic?
good to know, glad i didn't fall for the clickbait
I never feel lonely either. Nor do I feel ambition. I just am.
I also started my own business and try to do great things because I can, not because I care.
They push globalist agenda and masquerade it as "science".
that framerate makes me uncomfortable