Gonna give HIV to a hot piece of boihole

>Gonna give HIV to a hot piece of boihole

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No you idiot. That ruins the boihole for us homos who want to live.

lmaoooo this gave me a good ass kek but y user

It's my fetish. Spreading my disease and having it live in someone else.

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>It's my fetish
thats a fucked up fetish to do it to someone whos not aware or willing and in some places its even grounds for serious jailtime or even killing the host who gave it to you... if someone is into it tho thats diff

it's like a kind of immortality isn't it?

If you are serious you are scum and need to be stopped.

end your life you fucking pedophile

Pretty sure thats murder. Kys

HIV is sexually transmitted user, you don't have it.

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He will be unaware. And there's no way to know its from me. All the boiholes I fuck get fucked by 10 guys after me so.

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you must live in california

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thats actaully fucked, doing that to someone without telling them can lead to their death faggot

Time ago i saw an internet site (a social media site, to be exact) and the purpose was of HIV positves to "share their seed" to another faggots.

Surprisingly, it was very populated. This fetish is more normal than you guys think.

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Would you poz me user?

Kek. OP is a master level troll who knows where to hit to really make it hurt. The butthurt trannies that plague this board are going out of their minds. Good job OP. Also you have a good taste in Yuru Yuris.

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Im not even gay but i want to know the joy of pozzing my neghole

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thank god I'm not gay

youd better hope you dont get found out cuz hooooweee if you do it to the wrong person and they find out, youd better say your prayers boy

quit defiling pure Yurus with this faggotry

they deserve better than you fucking degenerates

Link it user. I want a pozdaddy

I cannot stress how much I want you to cease existing. Actually kill yourself. I hope you die of AIDS you scummy motherfucker. You actual demon. You fucking bastard. I cant believe faggots as twisted as you exist. You and others like you are what is wrong with society and what will be the downfall of western civilization. You are so hedonistic and self centered that you would give someone AIDS because its your fetish. I wish we lived in Somalia so I could firing squad you and suffer no reprucussions. You deserve to burn in Hell for all eternity. I can not put into words how much I fucking hate you

that's a tasty pasta

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were you unknowingly pozzed or something? you can give the never ending gift too, cheer up!

I'm a masculine man with a glock. I'm not worried

Please poz my neghole

Based, how many fags are you willing to take down before you die of penis sores?

As many as I can. I usually give it to around 3 boiholes a month and Ive been at it for the last 2 years

I want HIV so badly. I fantasize about it constantly. I unironically want a strong black man to emasculate me, force me to call him a nigger, and have him rape my asshole and give me his toxic sperm.
It's incredibly hot thinking about how his sperm would change my entire life. I'd have to live with it forever. I deserve it for being a fucking faggot.

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Its not "your disease" though. It has nothing to do with you, you're just the host for the disease.

>all the fucking FURIOUS faggots in this thread
Based. Keep btfoing faggots

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fuck white people and white "culture"

Based. Bring as many faggots to hell as you can
Aids is the proof that god is real

based fag

Just realized gays kill more gays than straights do

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Based pozzer
Take as many as you possibly can with you

Good work. Death to all faggots. May their blood turn to venom and remove them from this Earth.