Think I may have HIV

>got hiv
>what do

I've had a swollen lymph node under my neck for almost 3 weeks, swollen tonsil for a few days, had fevers, fatigue and white spots on my dick, is it true boys?

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Nigger or faggot?

Did you have unprotected anal sex?

fucked some girl in the ass, felt like rust was on my cock, dry or some shit


>be degenerate
>recieve punishment
God is great

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You fucked up. Wear a condom with strangers.

Sorry friend. Hope it's not a slow death.

Better get rich quick ,OP.
Or accept an early demise.


>what do
die probably

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probably go see a doctor... with modern medicine you can live a normal life. 1 pill a day is all it takes to make sure you dont die like a degenerate


Buddy you're anonymous here, no need to lie

The chance of catching HIV from being the giving partner is super low (though non zero). And HIV doesn't give you white spots on your dick. So if you're not lying, you probably have gonorrhea, syphilis, or herpes or something. Get tested, take some pills and you'll probably be fine.


Wtf is pic related?

you probably caught another disease, not hiv

Very late stage HIV (approaching AIDS) might give you those symptoms, but not as primary symptoms.

Go to a doctor.


Maybe his immune system is fucked

HIV can become full blown AIDS in a matter of days/weeks in immunocompromised peoples

Also OP be honest (you're anonymous) did you fuck a guy out of desperation or anti social attitudes?

Go get an STD test at planned parenthood Jesus.

99.99% chance you're just being a hypochondriac.

Goodbye, user.

How do heterosexual men get HIV then,if we are talking about infections via unprotected sex? Curious.

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Why would you fuck he in the ass when theres a vagina? Bet you fucked a dude

Seek a doctor instead of asking for an advice on a board where 60% of anons are seething christcuck incels.
>"Lol degenerate dues vult a-amirite guyze?

I thought I had HIV to after raw dogging several prositutes in smile land. Exact same symtptoms as you had. After one year i went and got tested. Was clean, but had balantis. Doc prescribed me some cream and now it's gone.

Heterosexual people almost exclusively get it from steady partners. The chance is very low, but when you fuck a lot it starts to pile up. The biggest contributor to HIV spreading is the lack of diagnosis and awareness, most often in poor countries. In western countries is has ground to a halt. Even with all the degeneracy here.

go to the goddamn doctors

It also spreads through dirty needles. For some reason people don't talk about that even though the rate is much higher for needle sharing. This is why aids is so common in russia. You been shooting up user?

HIV has no symptoms, sounds like AIDS bud'

I got 3/4 of those after returning from >smile land and it turned out to be just chlamydia

Never got tested for HIV though

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It's usually "heterosexual men" who don't want to reveal they fuck guys on the side or drug users

hiv is actually hard to get, but get tested when 4 weeks have passed following the exposure. thats the earliest it can be detected.

you probably have some other nasty std though, so go get a general checkup

Thank god you smex having faggots are getting karma

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yes these are usually the symptoms (except the white spotty dick) following infection, as the body tries to fight the disease.
look up seroconversion

Don't the symptoms of HIV take years or something to manifest?

That's what you get for being gay.

It's okay user, at worst it's probably herpes or something. Broke a condom a year and a half ago, had similar symptoms for a couple weeks, got tested after 90 days; no HIV on the blood test, and they didn't call me back about anything else, so it's probably something undetectable on cheap tests in men.

i have HIV and i got it when i was fucking loads of chicks raw in my younger days. i live in vietnam and girls here that are easy are usually cock-carossel girls.

anyways. you'll be fine but get treatment before you get ti the stages where you're shitting bloodied stool everyday. that's awful. and i guarantee you it'll get worse amd worse and worse if you don't get a treatment.

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Repent degenerate

The immune system is actually really proficient amongst proper nutrition, especially some 4gx4 vitamin C; getting choline; etc.

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this op is gay



calm down nigga you just got the clap now go to the doc and get some antibiotics



Oh look, it's this asshole again. Why do you post random nutrition-related words stung together in such cryptic, incoherent broken english? What do you hope to accomplish? Does anything you say have a point, ever? Or are you actually, legitimately insane?

>American sex education
How the fuck do you have STD symptoms for such a long time and don't get tested? For fucks sake what's wrong with people

>fucking a girl in the ass

Want to know how I can tell you’re a faggot?

If you're white and under 30 and use protection getting HIV is extremely rare even for gays

Fucking a chick in the ass is overrated but it certainly aint gay

Because not all heterosexual men are heterosexual

>had a swollen lymph node under my neck for almost 3 weeks,
I've had this too. wtf is it? i have no other symptoms (have had a TON of unprotected sex though). its starting to piss me off. google says it's probably fucking nothing but it's so damned annoying.

bump for answer

Don't know if OP is still around but anyways,

If you are being honest you probably know that you made a istake so I won't keep on rubbing that into your face.
Just visit a doctor ASAP.

Ladyboys ain’t chicks

The wages for sin are death

look up "on the down low". we all know that majority of people with AIDS are black, gay, or drug users. these groups overlap greatly but the black and gay segment says they're black and straight because of the stigma in black culture. it's so bad that it's now pretty much decided that the only reason why black women some how seem more susceptible to HIV compared to any other woman is because so many closeted gay black men are having sex with them to hide that they're faggets.