it is the Lord's day and I thus purge this board of fags, traps, trannies, and degenerates
It is the Lord's day and I thus purge this board of fags, traps, trannies, and degenerates
what a low iq image
Sodomy leads to sodom and gomorrah. Just looking at dying gays gets you turned into a salt pillar.
Yes christfaggots are insane.
I'm going to be made a jannie and spam even more fag and tranny and butthole threads
Those kids will grow up to be Chads.
What is wrong with us? The trans people stay on /lgbt/ while the fags stay in /r9gay/. The heteros are the ones who make a fuss. Shit head
those kids will grow up to be inept incels
t. Godless satanic scum
>The trans people stay on /lgbt/
Shitskin traps = based and redpilled
White traps = an abomination and disgrace
and (You) = faggot
Get a job retard
I don't post blacked. I post BLEACHED which weakens and humiliates the black race, cuck.
>I don't post blacked. I post reverse blacked
What did the Amerimutt mean by this post? He doesn't think racemixing is how we beat racemixing does he? The whole nation is dominated by the Jews, he's too far gone already.
>yes goy, have sex with black women, based and redpilled
>black trannies are especially redpilled goy! who care if they are men? who cares about aids?
>ignore the millions of africans in africa too goy! more immigration! we need more based black trannies!
t. Projecting cuckold
You dont understand sexual dominance
Tops rarely get AIDS only bottoms and there are pills to prevent HIV transmission now
If we turned all African men into trannies they won't be able to breed.
God doesn't view me as a degenerate.
Gays are fine as long as they don't walk in my fucking streets with assless chaps.
>You dont understand sexual dominance
Do you? BMWF is sexual domination because black genes are more dominate, no one considers a mutt to be white. WMBF is not domination is the white man's favor. You're a cuck and your children will be mutt abominations when you racemix. It's not too late for you though. You could get some common sense and realize you're only helping Jews by pushing racemixing so aggressively.
Those are not gays. Those are faggots
Can you give some examples of what would make me a degenerate?
How does fucking black trannies produce mutts? And white men can fuck both black women and white women and continue our own race while diluting the black race. It's literally the same shit niggers and kikes do to whites and it works great for them. Why couldn't it work for us you cuck moron? The only problem is white men don't breed enough. They spend way too much time and sexual energy jerking off. Also encouraging blacks to be transgender and gay stops them from breeding. Every black tranny is one less breeding black male.
>How does fucking black trannies produce mutts?
It doesn't, but there is a high risk of Aids and making whites love blacks more than they already do.
>And white men can fuck both black women and white women
No they can't, whites are a global minority, they don't have the numbers
>diluting the black race
Not a thing, no one thinks a mutt is white
>It's literally the same shit niggers and kikes do to whites and it works great for them
Jews have an ethnostate with Isreal and blacks have a huge population and high birthrates as well as having more dominate, there's no risk on their end.
Tops don't get AIDS only bottoms do and they have pills called Truvada now which virtually stops all chances of HIV transmission to zero percent.
The black population is about the same as the white population you moron. In the 19th century white birthrates were virtually the same as black birthrates in the US. Low birthrates are a social choice by white people like you who have high inhibitions and fear sex.
Balinais ho ho he he
>The black population is about the same as the white population you moron
Worldwide? Hell no.
Yeah fags can eat shit.