/friend thread/

/friend thread/
post here as friends to anons and we can get along if we are lonely.
also I wouldl ike to say that if you want contact fag you could I guess..
I will drop a linky to serber anyway

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anyone want to be my friend at all?

that sounds unappealing lad

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How are you user?oriri

wtb friends

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If your not 30+ ill be your friend gimmie your discord

I can be your friend user, i don't have any.

I only have friends when someone needs a house or appliance repair.

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So...we can't be friends?

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Nobody wants to be my friend until something breaks. I can do plaster work, to tuckpointing, to Dishwasher repair, to computer repair, to small engine repair, to casting a custom replacement part for an antique.

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are you a roastie?? you post like one.

>A Rostie can repair foundations and dyers
Are you fucking serial?

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If anyone wants to be my friend:

i would gladly appreciate it

well I mean man you never know dude

need friend to occasionally play games
mostly f2p ones since im poor

they pay right?
like do people really expect someone to drop everything and help them fix their dish washer

I like that gif, I have a similar one. Want to be friends?

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Depends on the job. A "friend" couldn't get her light to work.She texted me (9 months of never contacting me) and it turned out the light bulb was burned out. I replaced it, we had a couple of beers on the patio and then she had a "job emergency" to go to and I haven't heard from her since.

A storm collapsed another "friend's" patio. I jacked it back up, repaired it and made sure it would be stable for 20 years and they handed me $1000. Haven't heard from them since May.

have you tried saying no?
that can probably weed out a lot of friends

new shitcord... no one join yet

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Been so long since I've had a friend, and considering how few I ever had, I honestly don't even remember how to make a friend or be a friend or what a friend actually means....

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