Why is lifting for girls considered wrong again?

Why is lifting for girls considered wrong again?

I really, really, REALLY like women. Everything about them. Their silliness, their cuteness, their eyes, their hair, their cute high-pitched voices, their laughter, their autism and psychopathy and ESPECIALLY their body.

I love them.
I worship them.
I adore them.
Girls make existence bearable and bring out the best of us.

I'm not a homo so why does Jow Forums treat everyone like garbage who lifts for girls?

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>this guy

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>I'm not a homo
never gonna make it

The idea is that you should want to lift and improve yourself for your own sake and not for someone elses approval.

Ok retard

A lot of people here has either had bad experiences or no experience at all with women. Don't listen to anything these people say about women. Lift for women. But you will probably do better if you lift for your self. Unless you REALLY want women. Just lift brother.

You should lift for yourself, women WILL come from lifting, but it shouldn't be the only reason you lift

i am literally this until i realize that the girl i like is a full blown slut.

Because you dont need to lift to get girls. You just need to know yourself and fully accept it. Then just learn pickup.

Whatever gets you lifting

>Their silliness, their cuteness, their eyes, their hair, their cute high-pitched voices, their laughter, their autism and psychopathy and ESPECIALLY their body.

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>I worship them
>not a homo
theres your issue

All the women I’ve gotten to know well, kind blow my mind with their retard tier logic and whorishness. So I’ve kinda lost respect for women. I’m sure their are good women out there, I just can’t find them. I am a bitter incel though, who tries to be honest and nice with women. Yet men like my brother lie and treat women like shit and he pulls pussy easy. Guess I’m just dumb. /blog post.

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yeah op. girls are the ultimate homos.

You're right you are dumb. Women dont want a nice guy doormat they want someone who is their own man. What you probably see as men treating women like shit is just them not putting women above themselves on a pedestal.

Good lord, neck yourself my dude.
Women are for pumping and dumping

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Really tho every girl I know posts about liking girls or how hot another girl is. Bet they would NEVER have a bf that is bi or anything

I just want to fuck various hoes without the risk of false rape charges, or some cunt digging up the condom and implanting the semen into her vag, or getting herpes on my balls. Guess that's always a risk though, so sex dolls and VR it is.

I understand that it's not necessary to get girls. But I don't just want a girl. I truly want to make them happy. Like REALLY happy. Nothing makes me happier than making a girl happy. The smiles of girls literally heal my crippled soul If it takes getting the body of a god and being respected by other dudes... I will do it. If it takes getting interesting and wealthy as fuck... or good at cooking or a human machine who can fuck her brains out like a fucking beast... no problem. I never realized how much I love girls until I started getting their attention. I... I truly begin to understand reality now. Why there have been wars, why there has been progress and achievement... and culture... girls and our sex drive are the key.

But just being a beta orbiter or white knight doesn't do it for me.. or even having just 1 average gf. I want to become so desirable to girls that literally just 1 glance at me gets her vagina dripping and she thinks: "Who is that? Omfg I need that dude in my life!". I want to become so fucking desirable that wifes would be willing to sacrifice their happy families just to suck my dick. I TOO want to be worshipped by girls as much as I worship this divine, heavenly, perfect creatures.

Fuck I love girls so much bruh. I want to please them so fucking much. I want take them on a ride of pure Ecstasy and adventure. I want to make them happy so fucking much. Like I realized that is my only purpose on this earth. I want to win fucking wars for them.. I literally want them to drool when they just think about me. Like LITERALLY drool.

Who are you to tell me lifting for them is bad? I like myself, true, but unless you're homo fapping to the mirror isn't enough. I need their smell. I need their flesh on my flesh. I want to become one with them. Hell if treating them like trash makes them happy I'm even willing to do that even if it goes against the core of my being... whatever it takes.

I lift for girls... and I'm proud of it.

I think we have a new pasta.

someone vocaroo that shit and enter legendhood

I dare you

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>really really like women
That you Aaron?
Green gay kek haha oh no

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Eh, like I said the women know well surprise me with their shit taste. My sister dated a heroin junkie who cheated on her and gave her herpes. Stayed with him 2 years. Then next guy beat her and emotionally dominated her, he choke slammed her in front of me, and when I went to fight him, she got between us and said she loved him and he was sorry. He finally in jail now though. I have stories like this for everyone women I know well. And my brother beat and cheated on many of his long term girlfriends and they still stayed with him.

I don’t think I’m a doormat, I’m just 100% honest and I think that scares women away. This one slut at my school was all over me until I told her I was a virgin, and she goes “o, lol, I thought you were kind of a bad boy”. She still cuddles on me and presses her tits on me for attention at school though, she’s just a attention starved whore like so many other women. She literally openly admits to it.

I really think I’m just going to pretend to be a Christian and try to date church girls.

Unironically put yourself out of my misery

your worshipping women and putting them on a pedestal, women HATE men like this, it comes off as desperation or faggotry,
you should NEVER whorship a women, treat her like a women, not a goddess, women hate that, expect skank hoes that are gold diggers, and pieces of shit you dont want to be around that will use you

youll basically be their foot stool, and they will walk all over you,
be a man, sex is amazing, but for fucks sake, stop being a pussy

This pasta tastes pretty good

You are so sweet op. Stay like this forever

Your soul is tainted

Basically me but in the female version. How do I find a man like you?

I 100% look for a man treating me like a goddess, and my 9/10 very attractive best friend does too. I want to reciprocate obviously

Because it will NOT help you get women.

>a woman telling a man how to think

weak bait

If I never tell them how I feel about them they will never know you dumb idiots, so they will never think I'm a faggot or pussy for worshipping them. What we are on the outside and what we FEEL in the security of our homes are 2 different things, retards. I guarantee you there has been at least 1 woman in your lives who treated you like garbage/air but secretly she fucking adored you you were just too dumb to pick up all the signals.

Well for me...they will just see that amazing dude who for whatever reason pushes all the right buttons, including the "negative" buttons like treating women like trash, who are into it. I give them EXACTLY what I want.

Again they will never understand my motivation.. that secretly I love them and love giving them what they want. They will just think that I'm naturally like that... was born that way. Women are dumb enough to think shit like that. It will never cross their mind for even 1 second how much sweat, blood and tears went into modeling myself into a god and how many books I've read and how much research I did. Actions speak louder than words faggot. I agree that only a pussy what TELL them how much he likes women. A true alpha will let his actions do the talk. They will instinctively understand that I'm their only ticket to a blissful, wealthy life full of pleasure and dopamine. I want chicks to chase me like a pack of starved hyenas. BRB Becoming the man of your dreams, no... a man you couldn't even dream about.
I love you.

>just heard a story from a friend that a girl he liked fucked everyone in their social circle
I dont recall it happening to me but feels like it did happen to me. Hurts, if you can, fuck her and move on.

jesus christ shut the fuck up

>I 100% look for a man treating me like a goddess, and my 9/10 very attractive best friend does too. I want to reciprocate obviously
Every woman thinks this, but we have observed time and time again how they latch onto a beta male with money and fuck a masculine drug dealer behind their back.

this. I only realized it later, once i became fit and no longer gave a fuck about my ex knowing it or not

I mean it just sounds like you and your family associate yourselves and are shitty people.

I LOVE you too

Then why don't you become both?

Based and A$ap rockypilled

Pussy makes the world go round

Enjoy having sex with your guy friends, homo.

Because the average guy does not need to lift for girls.

Make me faggot. I don't know how but somehow being able to understand what women want will translate into money... lots of it. I'm already on my way there.
The key is obviously to do BOTH idiot. You behave like you treat everyone like trash and don't give a fuck about anyone including her. Then if she behaves right you will treat her like a goddess. So here again the 80/20 rule applies. 80% you treat her bad. 20% like a goddess. She will quickly get hooked on that like a junkie and do everything to extract that last dosage of "feeling". Girls like dudes who make them feel a certain way.

You are too dumb to understand that masculine drug dealer or else you would be HIM instead of some pathetic cunt on a tibetan throat singing forum. I guarantee you 100% that this asshole who looks on the outside like he doesn't give a fuck about anything and treats her like a filthy whore... even he has rare moments where he treats her like a goddess. Like I said: Do both.
You literally read my thoughts. The comment above was posted before your post appeared. Starting to love you even more... stop it please.

I just want the girls who I like to like me back

I lift to make myself happy, because they currently aren't

I unironcally wish I was gay. Imagine going to the gym with your boyfriend and spotting them while they squat. Head home and suck each other dicks and bro out over whatever hobbies you have together. Sounds like a dream. But sadly I’m attracted to women.

Most of them are more boring than the average user, why would you lift for them?

even though this is pasta some fucking faggot somewhere in the world ACTUALLY took the time to type this out

>I’m sure their are good women out there
>I just can’t find them.

then how are you sure?

i am not trolling. Im seriously asking you to think about this for at least 10 minutes

I have no sex drive but still want emotional support I can't get from guys... but women are dishonest and don't actually care about your feelings so I'm stuck.

Wishing you the best op, you are a real gem. Nighty! (eurofag here)

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>tfw no asexual homo relationship

Eat shit and die
only thing a man should worship is god and his 2d anime wife

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They absolutely do if they want 9/10s or 10/10s. Stop comparing yourself to the average. The average is trash. Compare yourselves to CEO's, businessmen, actors, millionaires and yes even criminals... with one word: winners.. and you will find that lifting is absolutely necessary to be a winner. You are not Bill Gates or Mark Zuckerberg.

No mate. If you have a good personality in from of women and look good, it really isn't difficult to pull 9/10s. Stop blaming your shitty charisma and looks on muscles.

I think about it like this.

Most men are pretty shit too. Just horn dogs lying and scheming to get pussy and success any way they can. But I know a few good honest men who have good qualities and are loyal friends. But I don’t talk and associate with as many women, so I don’t know that many well enough to judge their character. So assume there are some actual good girls. They just get wifed up early by smart guys who know treasure when they see it. My aunt is like this I think. Married her high school sweetheart , my uncle. Pretty, perfect house wife who cooks and give my uncle massages when his back hurts. Gave him two tall athletic Chad sons (one is literally named Chad). Watches sports with him and rarely give him back talk or bitches at him (atleast in from of me/ the family).

Jesuchristo de los sieta cielos mi sanidad

I started lifting out of love, but as time went on I started to lift out of rage and hatred. Now it's just because there's nothing else to do in my life.

Appearance is the first thing people notice, faggot. People look at you and with one glance they categorize you: winner, loser, something-in-between.

How can you show your personality to people if they aren't interested in you?

Getting fit won’t get you a girls attention if your face looks like shit or you act like an autist so what’s the point. Most people who lift for that give up when they see the lack of results. Lift for you and you alone dude.

OP this. Post tits with timestamp please and I SWEAR I will never change. After all the stuff I've written you didn't even show me your cute tiddies? Come on. I want to feel that it all wasn't in vain... that women truly want a guy like me.

I'm a bi man and have had several hot gfs. The trick is, if you're attractive and act straight, they think its hot, otherwise they don't. Simple.

Fuck, this is me also.

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>Then why don't you become both?
I guess I am already, but after having both my mother and sister fuck with me my entire life, it's pretty tough to view women in a positive light.

I remember being 15. It's over before it began.

This shit stinks of 2008 white knights. Not even modern sojaboys are as pathetic as you, imagine the fucking level you are on.

Jesus, your post literally makes me want to find and kill you.

I have a feeling OP is really inexperienced. Someday he will face the harsh reality.

you get girls by having a handsome face, being rich, or having social status. the rest is all just a bunch of shit that they don't really care about. lifting for girls is the same thing as the retards learning to play guitar because they think girls give a shit. they really don't...unless you're already attractive.

If you really think about it, being attracted to women is sissy as fuck.

>Their silliness, their cuteness, their eyes, their hair, their cute high-pitched voices, their laughter, their autism and psychopathy and ESPECIALLY their body.

That's all feminine as fuck. Being gay is the ultimate form of masculinity. You're attracted to manliness. You're attracted to big muscles, cocks, and testosterone instead of bags of meat filled with estrogen. Women dont even lift.

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yeah i dont care about making a girl happy, and i dont care about them either. i just want a family. its too bad a chick has to be involved