I just took 1ml

I just took 1ml

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How you feelin

Pretty good. It’s late, I wonder if I should’ve taken it in the morning

Alright. Just took 2mL of this as well. Might do more later as well, feel great

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Lol. They told me that running that without test is stupid so I had to get on my level. I’m on tren 300mg a week, test 300mg a week. First cycle.

Sausage fingers

Look it’s the guy with the shitty an genetics who spams the board with his dogshit mediocre physique


>u must be that guy cuz of ur hand

If this is your first ever cycle then you should be eating a lot of food and training as frequently as you can since first cycle is the craziest for gains. I gained 20lbs first ever cycle

Ok. Any other advice

-You don't need 3 rest days if you're on gear, you recover way faster than nattys do. 1~2 rest days should be normal.
-Your body will respond better to supersets and pyramid sets.

You know you need more, user.

are you the fuckwit that got BTFO yesterday for running a tren only cycle??? LMAO fuck off already kid

Bro that just reminded me I forgot to take 1.5 ccs yesterday, I'll take it rn and post a pic

My secret?
Good "genetics"
Lol @ natty lifting. Just tell everybody you're natty, they'll believe it.

I'm natty

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You do have slim core so your V taper will look good if you ever decided to add more mass. nig genetics

I think I can get the ulisses jr look (minus the abs) if I just finish this new black on test + eq. I plan on being 235lbs 15% body fat and cutting to 10% @ 5'10. Honestly, the most fun I get out of roiding is just shilling gear on the internet and making natties mad on fit. Irl it's nothing special.

>ulisses jr

I mean in like size and fullness. I'm about 1 blast away from looking unbelievably frauding. 210-215 sub 10% 5'10 should be enough.

>ulisses jr look
I think you have the body type for it. More shoulder width, thicker arm and wider lats then you'll be close if you're around 200lbs+


So judging by the fact that you have posted this thread every day for a week now you've got about 2 grams of tren in your system

Me last time at 203

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well clearly you are the dumb one for running tren the first cycle.

Where can you buy gear?

>I wonder if I should’ve taken it in the morning
You are mentally retarded, I swear to fucking god

Stop imitating me you fucking white boy cuck. Post timestamp with that body. Hint, you can't because it's not you. Fuck off white boy DYEL

bet you are DYEL suck me cock