White traps are an abomination, a disgrace to white people and deserve death. Nonwhite traps are based...

White traps are an abomination, a disgrace to white people and deserve death. Nonwhite traps are based, redpilled and encourage white power.

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feels good to be born asian

I could trap so well if I wanted

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What is stopping you? Need more boipuss in this world

You should. It's a good idea.

Traps are gross irl. I saw about 4-7 of them last night in a club in Amsterdam and 2 of them tried dancing with me. One of them was bold enough to come up to me and put their crotch on me while I was dancing. They weren't evolved into a passable female yet so no thanks.

You are just low test so they look masculine compared to you.

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Lmao You're a faggot so everyone looks feminine to you

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White trans are an abomination. Black trans are based and redpilled. It's normal you didn't want a disgusting white tranny.

They can't escape the truth

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Please come out the closet for your own sanity gay porn spammer Nick this gay is driving you crazy cooped up.

So what you're saying is that as a white man you want to fuck other men who are not white?
>that actually makes a lot of fucking sense when you think about it.

Fucking other men in the ass is dominance and strength. Getting fucked is submission and weakness. White top = good. White bottom = disgrace.

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It's almost like white men are natural faggots hmm

Naturally gay and built for being fucked

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>it's not gay when you top
Must be white logic? That or a lot of white guys are totally closet homo

White "men" are better women than real women. There, it's settled.

Meanwhile black sissy bois lol

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Lol niggers are more likely to be gay dumb nigger.

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Holy crap this makes me want to become a trap and get in this collage

Do you have a real argument? Blacks are more likely to be transexual

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You need to kill yourself you race traitor faggot

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>console player
absolutely disgusting

Homo niggers are more likely to be out of the closet than homo whites

Are you mad bitch boi? Oo

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Translation: you're an assblasted shitskin. Do you know what the downlow is? Str8 male niggers fuck eachother in secret. "Straight" black men are far more likely to get HIV than straight white men because blacks are closet fags. And they are more likely to experiences severe symptoms because they're embarassed ro go to the doctor and have it be known they had gay sex.

That's some serious preoccupation with homosex, dudebro. It's 2019 and you have no reason to be afraid to step out of the closet. Own your faggotry. Stand tall with wanting to fuck non-white men who imitate girls.

Oh so you lost the argument lmfao. Niggers are more likely to be fags and trannies and you couldn't do shit to disprove. Nice work you faggot race traitor sissy disgrace.

>implying you proved shit either
White people, I swear.

Lol assblasted nigger. Why are blacks the most likely to get AIDS if not cause you're downlow faggots?

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cum hoc ergo propter hoc, faggot.

Hmm watchya think about that?