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Not authoritarian but somehow got 80%.
so OP are you natsoc?
We will tread on you
pretty accurate except the equality/markets one
I'm just a neoliberal who supports universal healthcare
pretty accurate I would say
democracy is non-negotiable
I guess some of them are conflicting cause I skipped a couple
Anyways if you're a man of the future, this is your values
those are two things i see working well together
45 questions are definitely not enough to define all this shit
Traditionalism gang
One can want a decentralised but powerful state.
hahahahaha wtf
oh wait, you're serious
A multicultural society is not progressive, especially when dealing with some 'cultures' out there.
Oh, look! A fascist that somehow supports federalism! Do those even exist ?
Actually wut?
>Anyways if you're a man of the future, this is your values
>man of the future
i don't think i'm actually this moderate in reality - some of the questions are just too open ended for me to answer properly
5 Billion people are from one of the 4 major religions (with two of them making up the bulk)
You think only atheists will survive?
A bit surprised at the results if I'm honest
Democratic socialism is the way forward.
I guess I most closely resemble a tankie
This seems to be a mess of contradictions
Democratic socialism is for the mentally weak and retarded who are easily taken advantage of.
Sounds about right.
ya boi nuiggg
I thought I was pretty federalist
oh well
less military and isolationist than i thought
About what I expected, origami
Wtf. None of my answers were fanatic at all. Rather they were very reasonable.
No one is replied to in this thread.
some questions are worded weird or asked the wrong way, always happens in political tests for some reason
had to answer neutral for those
Pretty accurate gg
Wow I don't think I'm with the general opinion lolll
Somehow, not as left wing as I expected.
It worked for the Civil War era USA.
Accurate for the most part
I like these kind of threads
Meh kinda what i expected
I'm pretty boring I guess.
Not a big surprise for me.
>fanatic multicultural globalist
Stay away from my countries government please.
Most generic imageboard user scores.
Here is the only correct result
le epic xd 9gag
accidently clicked a few agree when i disagreed but religion set the world in order and will keep it in order.
heres mine user,
chicken nuggers for originality
Very original in an original manner
Here is mine
>accidently clicked a few agree when i disagreed
What? Then do it again fag
Some questions are pretty limited
still waiting for the full test
kind of surprised i wasn't more authoritarian desu, might have to retake it for more accurate results. there were a few questions i went "sometimes but not in all cases" and had no real way to answer it truly to how i thought apart from neutralling it
European Radical centrist
where are my Jow Forumsomrades
What does this mean, I need help understanding what this means?
>Aka not original enough fuck you r9k.
Most people getting 100% on any scale haven't been answering questions with complete honesty, but with regards to "maximising" their score to virtue signal.
there you go
Holy shit you are a scum of the earth.
People with 100% have actual values that they believe in and are not NPC moderates
this test is pretty inaccurate. But if you really want to know this says you are a centrist
Shit test. Democracy is literally an authoritarian belief that you should have rulers; the majority. Yet it is somehow the opposite on these scales.
i remembered when centrism was base. then pol told me otherwise and in fear of neutrality i advocated extremism. now im an ancap and i wash my penis regularly, go to bed early. but somehow i manage to mess all my uni finals. weird
anyone who develops his political opinion out of fear of some pol fags should kill themselves. Only if you become redpilled because you honestly want it yourself, are you truly based.
I don't really know what all of it means or what it entails but it doesn't look normal.
I dont understand choosing tradition over progress.
I was lost, and then light cleared the darkness from my mind.
I was furiously masturbating in bed one day when i noticed that my penis was really dirty, after realizing this a cold sweat went down the back of my neck and i suddenly stopped my act alltogether and went outside for a walk. I sat down on a bench and observed how carelessly the autumn leaves were moving in the breeze. Their stoicism portrayed the futility of my state of mind.
Suddenly an old man (or so i thought) sat beside me. His eyes looked like an old crystal. He calmly asked me: did you wash your penis today kid? I in a burst of confusion but nontheless interest, i answered with a clear "no".
After he heard my answer, the old man's face became full with wrinkles as if he had aged 100 years. I blinked and he suddenly wasnt there.
I wash my penis everyday with resolve from that day on. And you should too.
I am a total progressivist. Anything in the way of scientific progress that won't kill us all should be destroyed. Fuck moral shit. We should be genetically engineering everything right now
youre originally a degenerate
or god tier bait, idk really
Anyone that is more traditional than progressive, please fucking explain your self.
progress without meaning means nothing and its only detramental to society in general. in the positive society of today the search for everything is equal to a blind search for nothing.
no clue why it says I'm authoritarian what the nigs
on a scale of 1-10 how tankie am i
r8 my shit dudes
It's not a blind search for nothing. It's too improve the human race. Make our lives better. improve our intelligence before someone creates an ASI (artificial super intelligence) that kills us all. If we don't have genetic engineering before even an AGI (artificial general intelligence) then we are fucked. There will be no hope. And the retards in china are trying to create AI and ban genetic engineering. Fucking idiots
well i think its obvious the industrial revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race
A country cannot live without its emperor.
Hitler please come back
I guess it's true, I just don't agree with the market, I'm extremely capitalist, I just believe that the government should dictate prices.
for the hardcore authoritarians, what happens when someone who wants to use the govt for their own benefit and wealth eventually comes along and takes over? what if it's someone who's a moral piece of shit?
Government is not the only place where an immoral person can divert resources for their own gain
I simply hope that someone with a head on his shoulders forces humanity into the good path again. At this point I wouldn't care if we starve, the majority of people weren't made for politics or abstract thinking in general.
When you don't know what fascism is and know shit about ideological differences.
>civil war era us