/fast/ #451 - HEY FATTY Edition

What is /fast/?
>Fast is a thread for the discussion of intermittent fasting, fasting, water fasting, and dry fasting.

What’s the difference between intermittent fasting, water fasting, dry fasting, etc.?
>Intermittent fasting: Fasting for a certain amount of time with a short eating window. 16:8 (16 hours fasting, 8 hour eating window) is the bare minimum.
>Water fasting: Fasting with only water.
>Dry fasting: Fasting with no water. Dangerous, use with caution.

Why should I fast?

How do I safely do an extended fast?
>Take snake juice, or just supplement electrolytes.
>Potassium chloride =1 tsp (No Salt)
>Sodium chloride = 1/2 tsp (Himalayan Pink Salt)
>Sodium Bicarbonate = 1 tsp (Baking Soda)
>Magnesium Sulphate = 1/2 tsp (Food Grade Epsom Salts)
>Mix these in 2L of water and sip it throughout the day.
>[OPTIONAL] 2 tbsp Apple cider vinegar and 4 tbsp lemon juice. DO NOT MIX with snake juice, drink separately.
>You can also do this if you feel lightheaded, weak, dizzy, nauseous, etc., on shorter water fasts. Don’t do this while intermittent fasting.

Won’t I go into starvation mode?
>No. The mainstream definition of starvation mode is a myth. Read the FAQ linked below for more information.

Will (something with calories) break my fast?

Can I drink coffee, tea, and diet soda? Or anything with artificial sweeteners?
>You can do whatever the fuck you want. We recommend avoiding those, sweeteners especially.

Do I need a multivitamin?

this is the community discord: discord.gg/qqtQFDQ
its SFW

Prolonged fast FAQ: fast.fandom.com/wiki/FAST_FAQ


Last Thread:

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>Does fasting fuck your metabolism long-term?
If someone fasted to a goal weight and went back to 2-3 meals per day, would they gain weight back? I know people do OMAD after fasting, but what about 2-3 while paying attention to cals?

Hey /fast/ I was wondering can you add zero calorie flavorings to the snake juice? On day 2 and this shit is kinda gross.

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if I am refeeding should I eat early or later in the day?

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It's the only way I can stomach it. I'll do a few full squirts of it too.

from what I've seen no, you should stay on salt and water only for snake juice, besides from the ACV/lemon seperately.
I'm not too well-versed in the science, but it'll probably fuck with your insulin levels which is no bueno.

*blocks a rapidly shrinking part of your path*

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>would they gain weight back
You might a few kilos but that's water weight. You wont see an enormous yoyo effect. That's the whole point of fasting, it lowers your body's set point weight.

2-3 meals is normal. The problem is that people have like 3 snack moments in addition to that + every time they drink soda.

Morning lads

Time for black coffee and dragonball super binge

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is it the amount of meals that really matter, or more of a calorie thing?