Used to be a 21 year old doomer

Used to be a 21 year old doomer
Now I'm a 22 year old doomer in the Air-force what's up boys.

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How's it like and how are you doing?
I hope its original

Sounds good to me! Just thinking about it is getting me so hard! I want our cocks rubbing together and leaking all over each other~ It sounds so romantic.

originally you're a moron

You made the right choice mate. Im a 22-year-old dooomer who went to college and is now about to graduate with a useless psych degree and be unemployed. Id join the military too but I went and tried to kill myself so they wont acfept me

Be careful user cute boy sweat and precum is a very potent aphrodisiac. You might get addicted!

Control yourself mister

Honestly though about joining the army or airforce myself. I got literally nothing going for myself as is. So hows it?

fucking coward off yourself and join the army

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It's pretty good I guess. I cant really do anything on the weekends because I'm learning Arabic as a linguist here so I have to study every fucking day...

Heyyy sexxxy. I'm 22 years old. Curvy and love a man in uniform. Want to get married? I swear I won't spend all of your money!

I'm a 25 year old doomer and australian military would not accept me they have high standards

90 on my ASVAB, what do I do user

Same position. Joined Navy and currently in sub school. Wanna trade places OP?

>be me
>join navy
>get student naval aviator (SNA) spot
>work through IFS and API
>week of my flight suit friday and day before my navigation exam gf breakup with me
>in primary
>sad, socially isolated, and lonely
im literally on my way to becoming a pilot. Should be the most exciting and happiest time of my life, but I miss my ex.

What country? I'm guessing states, but wtfk?

how did you get trough boot camp

You wouldnt happen to be doing tech school at lackland would you op? Im a doomer surrounded by normalfags

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Air force bmt was fucking piss easy. Graduated little over a week ago and cant remember when it was ever really difficult. Just do your two months and collect that sweet gubbermint gibs

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The military (especially airforce) is great for doomers and fit/intelligent autists. Really if you have nothing going for you why not. I wanted to join for so long but got my soul crushed when I got a lifelong and disqualifying illness

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>got my soul crushed when I got a lifelong and disqualifying illness
no you can be gay in the military now.

Not gay. Intestinal disease which makes you shit blood without the right meds. Can't be in the military with it and I had literally no backup plan

20 year old doomer in the Navy reporting in.

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Become a linguist for the military

Army are the biggest faggots out of all the branches.

I wish I had a job, so I could buy a car and go for drives on sunny days like today.

Become a linguist

what is your rate annon?

I'm about to separate after 5 years in a Air Force. All in all it was a pretty great experience. Got to travel to england, japan, and various places in the U.S.

Just do your best at everything and you shouldn't have any problems. Get used to the SPICE BROWN life too.

I'm in tech school until fucking August of next year

Hospital Corpsman.

Im an enlisted aviation mechanic in the Navy. Id have a beer with you if I were allowed to. Are you in Pensacola?

drives in your own car is the best feeling. haters will call your car shit but its yours and you do whatever the fuck you want.

What MOS? I wish I couldve been a pilot but I'm too much of a failure for that.

>Used to be a 21 year old
>Now I'm a 22 year old


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What the hell is your AFSC?


ahhhhh. good lucking making rating. Corpsman is overstaffed.

If you get a degree and want to stay in, consider OCS.

Fucking longest tech school

You guys train at goodfellow like the rest of the intel nuts?

Yeah after ~70 weeks

sup airman

how's the switch to ocps?

>tfw usmc cpl 2651

Fucking hell. Well good luck to you Airman, being anything lingual related is hard as fuck so I don't envy you.

i'm the 2651 marine boi. i was at goodfellow afb. last year. goodfellow is chill.

airman you are lucky, savor it.

how did you get in so easy?
isnt there a waitlist to join the air force?

If you manage to get a job that's critically manned you'll get in quick. It took me 10 days from when I talked to the recruiter to shipping out.

How does a robot even survive in the military?

that is cool man hope it works out for you.
i am a 23 yo doomer considering my options in life. looking towards military too.

unless you join a combat arms MOS, boot camp is the hardest part.

if you go intel like the OP or myself, you're not going to have a very hard time. be able to run/push/push and you'll be fine

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I've heard that the air force is the comfiest branch of the military, how true is this?

Kill any kids yet?

it honestly depends on what unit you end up in. there are marine units that you could find yourself in that'd be more comfy than usaf units.

why is there so many navy folks in this thread?

>chair force

you made the right decision
god i hate the armt

I need to go to mandatory military service in my country, any tips from you americans?

you'd be surprised

someone in my battalion has a pepe drawn on a whiteboard that's on his locker

Do they still let you shoot at groups of kids from the planes or do you have to do it from a computer screen in North Carolina?

very true in general
though something like a hospital job in the army is probably better than a security job in af

>boomer here whos got maymayed into enlisting to the army

What's your favorite ice cream flavor?
Any hobbies?
Favorite Movie?
How much dick can your ass take?
Favorite color?

we should make a discord for military robots only. I cant relate to these undisciplined civilian neets

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Not yet wanna swing by?

Meaning if you off yourself you'll still be qualified to join the army because they'll take anybody.

Get in, do your time, get out.

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Did you have to go through survival and mock pow? I heard it's intense, but want to know what they do to simulate it.

ah, just like prison

Kek, mostly drones on computer screens, think of it like call of duty modern warfare i guess. Although if youre some badass you could probably go special forces in the air force and shoot em in person

tfw passed my air traffic control test by 4 points and I'm leaving in a few months for Lackland AFB

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/meg/ isn't for robots but its pretty nice.
Discord link : hmnCCTb
Yes, I haven't yet but I will.

Yeah theyre lliterally looking for anybody with 2 feet and two arms pulse or not. They dont have nearly enough people signing new contracts everybody just does the 4 or 6 and leaves

Lackland is such a shit place man... 110+ degrees all the time.

itll all be worth it after i leave

I heard they take the female pows and beat them in front of the males to try to get a reaction. Come back and start a thread after you go through it to confirm/deny. I'll be waiting

If so I'll get a boner

When I was 21 I was a doomer in the navy
When I was 22 I was a NEET going to rehab

It still motherfucking kills me.

They moved me to corpus christi.
Also fraternization.
Also you're probably not 21 yet.
Damn, trying to tank my career?

Army? Couldnt handle the marines fag?

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>military thread
Hey bros just wanted to say "Thank you for your service" both as an American and as a Israeli citizen.

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That's not true at all. I was there back in Febuary of 2013 freezing my ass off in PTU's, it was 46 fucking degrees with wind chill to 38.

I though it would be hot all the time but boy was I wrong.

Are you at DLI faggot im gonna find you....everyone else in the chairforce is like 19 wont be hard.

Do you seriously think that you can distinguish a 22 year old from a 19 year old?

I'm a fat 26 year old 5'5 loser. Can I still join? And if so, what branch?

No you can't join if you're legitimately fat. Your height does not matter.

The Army is the most likely branch to take you if you are slightly overweight.

good thing i dont have a gf and never had one, sorry NEET but im not a normalfag

No but i know you will be at the arab school house tues-fri this week fag....j/k we dont talk about Jow Forums in public bro good luck

Yeah man meet me at the PX tomorrow 1700

I'm not "real" fat, but I could stand to lose some pounds. Guess I'll try to get to my ideal weight first.

The Air Force sure as well won't accept you if your BMI is even a tick above their standards. The Marines might give you some leeway, but its unlikely. The Army and Navy are your best bet if you can't reach the target weight quickly enough.

Sorry bruh cant risk it you could be a CI normie

fuck is a CI normie

i qualified for the air force but having to wait months for my MOS and not being guaranteed said MOS made me rethink my options

5'5 is perfectly fine. Just put down the fork

I leave for Army basic at Fort Sill next month and I am extremely fucking nervous

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