Boys I'm training for a half marathon and I'm not sure if I'm doing it properly. I'm new to running but been weightlifting for a few years, so had to start from scratch.
The half marathon is at the end of September (13 miles for those unsure).
I'm currently running twice a week, gradually increasing my distance. Last run I managed 6.2 miles (about 10km) in an hour but also nearly died. I'm doing it in the morning before breakfast in a fasted state.
I was going to just run 10km twice a week for a few weeks until I can beat it in a respectable time before increasing again.
What sort of distance should I be reliably running to complete a half marathon? Should I do my own half marathon a few weeks before the actual one just to see if I can do it?
What pace are you suppose run Couch to 5k programmes at? Depending on where I look it disagrees on if you should jog or run.
Also, is there any way that I should match up my eating with my running? I like to eat all of my calories for the day in one sitting, usually early in the day, but I don't like to run when it's hot and busy, so I usually don't run until well after nightfall.
And wow, post-run fap is hard. All the blood is in your legs.
>twice a week Thats way too little training. Honestly, I was you I'd download the nike run club app and have it generate a plan for you. You can input the amount of time you want to run. I'd recommend at least 3 times a week, ideally 4.
Brayden Johnson
I did think maybe it was too little, but then I thought 10k three times a week is too much on the joints surely?
Would being a shorter run (3 miles) once, then 6.2miles twice be less dumb?
Actually will download the app though thanks
Nicholas Jackson
Generally you want to have your long run not exceed an x amount of your weekly milage. I think it was around 25%? It's not the end of the world if you dont quite follow that rule, but you need some recovery/easy runs in there to balance stuf out.
Daniel Robinson
Need to gradually increase mileage with dispersed taper weeks to help rest and recovery. Also need to run 3 to 4 times per week until event or race.
Proper shoes and running style are important to prevent injury.
Basic googling and YouTube will get you started. Eventually need to consult with a real coach so you prevent injury more than anything else.
Nolan Lee
Thanks lads, appreciate the input.
>Also need to run 3 to 4 times per week until event or race. I'm gona step my shit up, I just hate having to wake up an hour earlier than usual.
Jose Cruz
Yes! Shorter + more frequent runs will be more beneficial than 2 x long run per week You should consider running 3-4 times a week with one run at 10k+ (increase it by a mile or so every other week) and every other run at 3-4 miles
Ryan Sanders
If you're young (20's or less) running large distances almost every day won't hurt you. My entire cross country team of 60ish boys ran over 5 miles approx. 5 days a week once we got past the first 2 weeks of training.
I'm not sure if this is optimal though. You may want to do alternating days, eg long run - short run - long run - etc.
Caleb Morales
Keep up with 10km for now, try for 3 times a week. A month from now go for 12km and then 15km, those are the ideal distances to do in training. Doing your own half marathon a month out from the race could be helpful but make sure you taper down the distance in the month before the race. t. Leaf who has done multiple half marathons but can't be bothered to convert the distances to miles.
Blake Campbell
>Yes! Shorter + more frequent runs will be more beneficial than 2 x long run per week >You should consider running 3-4 times a week with one run at 10k+ (increase it by a mile or so every other week) and every other run at 3-4 miles Duly noted this sounds manageable thank you user. Thank you based leaf poster
Jonathan Rogers
It's in september, he got time.
Adds one mile a week until you're at 10 miles, then focus on time. Perhaps you could try alternating between periods where you run faster than your average speed for a set time or distance and periods where you run normally.
Camden Johnson
how many days a week can you run? >What sort of distance should I be reliably running to complete a half marathon? youll want to train to 15 miles three weeks before the race
Cameron Gutierrez
Seconding this. Friend who did a marathon shared his half marathon 12week plan with me and this is pretty much it: 2-3 runs at 3-4 miles each week plus a long run that gets longer or more intense each week.
Connor Morris
I have Cooper test coming next autumn. What would be the best way to improve in my running? I was thinking about running on my rest days, so about 3 times a week. Also what can I do to shin splints after running to lower the pain?
Lucas Reyes
Shin splits result from poor form.
Nolan Russell
Well, hopefully it doesn't occur anymore now that I've been researching the proper form. Last time I ran was a while back and just did what came naturally. Thx
Hill repeats. Bonus is they'll also improve your form. Do cross training to avoid shin splints, don't run through pain if you don't know what you're doing.
Xavier Taylor
I'd say pretty average. I'm 5'10 and 160lbs, around 17% bodyfat. I've been exercising for 7months now and my lifts are: 88lbs OHP, 132lbs bench, 200lbs squat, 240lbs deadlift. (Never did any physical exercises so don't crucify me) Last time I ran was when I started going to the gym. My best time was 1,5 miles in 14 minutes, but it's probably worse now because I stopped for running for 4months.
I'll be looking more into those, thx for help :)
Jeremiah Fisher
Newly-running user here.
Would say keep upping the distance each week (mile or so?) until you’re at at least 13 miles, maybe go up to 15, then try and focus on speed on slightly shorter runs (8-10 miles) once you’ve given yourself a good base.
Key is to not stop, if you have to stop you’re fucked. Focus on that first then speed
Ian Reed
Went for my first full run ever this morning. Felt a bit of pain in my side but otherwise it went well
Google what a fartlek run is and what a tempo run is. Each week take four runs: 1 easy, 1 fartlek, 1 easy, 1 long. Next week switch the fartlek for a tempo. These workouts should progress each time you do them either by faster pace or longer distance for tempos, and either shorter recovery intervals, longer intensity intervals, or number of intensity intervals for fartlek. If you want to know the logic behind this stuff look up jack daniels running formula. It's a complete book on training theory, easy to read. and he has a YouTube series as well.
Joseph Lewis
i'm about halfway into couch to 5k. i wanted to introduce some entry level body-weight exercises in my routine by the time i'm done. would i be better off doing running before or after the BW exercises, also where do i best fit stretches into all of this, i see a lot of disagreement online on what kinds of stretchesbto do before or after running or exercising.
Gavin Brown
Ive never done stretches for any of my runs. Just walk towards your starting point and then do a small warming up before speed stuff or start off slow the first couple of minutes with long runs.
Jayden Thomas
Op you can train with 1 long run a week if you're really lazy, you just can't expect to make huge speed gains, just endurance gains. Nike run app is good for getting fast though
Cameron Perez
any long term goals?
Daniel Price
Whichever is harder for you, do that first. I always did bw before running so I wouldn't make sweat puddles on my floor.
Leo Walker
I mostly wanna get into shape. I’ve been lifting and dieting, I’m at 219 now with a good bit of muscle on my legs but I also wanna get my endurance up. I have asthma do running has always been difficult but as I work out more I’ve gotten a little better and now I feel like it’s time to increase my endurance and speed as much as I can
Lincoln Collins
A sub 60m 10k might be a reasonable goal for you then.
Jeremiah Taylor
>used to run three times per week >stopped before Winter >now it's June and haven't gone even once since November
>youre a shithead >thats what you are a fucking shithead
Brody Parker
whats stopping you?
Jack Collins
anyone have some basic warmup routines for lower back? i can't go 2 runs without waking up with major pains after running
Ethan Allen
Why would you fap after running?
Brayden Rogers
Chest forward and shoulders back during the run. Thats 90% of your problem solved.
Blake Reed
Everyone says I should do strength training for running but no one actually tells me what to do
What excercises should I be doing?
Justin Gutierrez
Walking lunges are good for improving your hills. Work up to a mile of lunges.
Tyler Bailey
core exercises ie stomach, back, hip flex and extensions, glutes
Kevin Myers
I'm asking myself that same question.
Oliver Bell
Do shoes that correct probation work or is it snake oil? Need to get new shoes
Nicholas Price
>is it snake oil No. If you're serious about running go to an actual running store and let them watch you run on a treadmill and get set up with the right shoes.
Aiden Thompson
>a mile of lunges DELETE THIS POST IMMEDIATELY A North Carolina widow came up with this one weird trick for improving your hill stamina. Click here to find out! Run hills
Christopher Campbell
They work. Im a neutral runner so I dont saw the need to get fitted, but it's great advice for people who run slightly differently.
Eli Long
The goal is to increase strength and stability in your legs, hips, and core. Any strength program featuring major compound lifts should be sufficient.
I'd also suggest adding some shoulder and external rotation work. Keeping your shoulders back and relaxed and your arms active is surprisingly important for good running form, especially when things get tough and you really need rhythm to pull you through.
Gabriel Reyes
Running hills? Does that actually help?
Anthony Smith
The guy at the running store basically nut down his leg at my natural running form and foot strike. Would not shut up about how perfect it was.
Is this my chance? Can one "make it" from running alone?
Justin Moore
It's the single best intensity training for running.
It also sucks ass.
Mason Young
lol no I run 60 mpw and I have never been injured
Lincoln Garcia
The only time I ever injured myself was when I was still doing about four miles a week in half mile increments.
Tyler Green
Depends. It will definitely injure you because you havent been conditioned to run long distances yet. Build it up slowly. Ill also recommend using the NRC app. It's pretty nice and free.
Julian James
It's very good.
Liam Long
Samuel Foster
Hey /run/ I'm having a very hard time coping with being injured. I haven't been able to run at all since my last 50 mile race in April and I just don't know what to do. Any tips for getting through this?
Blake Johnson
What nature of injury, my man
Austin Phillips
can you swim or ride a bike?
Aaron Howard
Not that guy but how does bicycling help? When I tried out a bike recently it was easy because the bike did all the work
Hunter Garcia
well you need to do some serious distance to have a similar level of workout.
Brandon Reyes
if you're capable of running a 50 mile race i don't think you need any tips which makes me think you're bullshitting
Grayson Sanchez
How much distance?
Thomas Kelly
Well, if you're running ultramarathons, I'd guess somewhere in the 100 miles+ range
John Howard
How to push through lactic acid pain bros?
Aaron Sanders
Quiet thread.
Seriously though, am I suppose to run or jog in C25k?
Levi Stewart
Run and jog are completely arbitrary terms. As for speed. It depends.
Brandon Rivera
Fine. Jog or sprint?
Luke Barnes
You're not gonna sprint a 5k dude. Sprinting speed speed is relative, so it differs from person to person. 5k is aerobic, a sprint is anaerobic. Can you already complete a 5k? If not, a couch25k program might be good for you.
Carter Carter
I've literally just finished my first run.
I've been lifting for a few months now, my lifts have been going up steadily but I still have body fat to lose. The only "cardio" I ever did was a 5 minute jog at the beginning of every work out.
Let's hope cardio and lifting will bring good things
Henry Hughes
Are you completely fucking retarded? Follow the reply chain.
Bentley Davis
Okay, fuck off then
Alexander Foster
Somebody posted a beginner sprinting workout made by a professional coach a long time ago on Jow Forums.You guys don't happen to have it do you?
Aiden Collins
Not entirely sure, I get pains on the outside of my foot when I run for more than 5 minute
I can yeah, I've been trying to bike a lot but it takes a lot of time to get something real out of itI'm not, but I can see why you would think that. Honestly anyone that can run a marathon can probably run a 50 miler, you just go slower
Ryder Powell
lmao jog run sprint are all terms that's effort/speed dependent i dont even know why you're calling the dude retarded when you're retarded a fat fuck "sprinting" a 5 min mile pace is someone elses "running" pace and someones 7 min mile "running" pace is someones "jogging" pace that being said the C25K is supposed to be a running program so put in a running effort
Gabriel Green
Look at the Hall Higdon plan. It's pretty good for looking for an outline. I used it for my first full and it went well.
You don't need to run the distance before. Most plans max out around 10 miles before the race. If you build the base miles you'll be fine.
Juan Brown
Why can't you run? Injury?
Gabriel Long
Due to shin pain I'm not gonna run for a bit. I tried rowing today for 20 minutes, but I barely broke a sweat. Is there something I'm doing wrong?
Jaxon Reed
>attempt Couch to 5k day one >run too fast >fail barely past the halfway point >struggle home >get awesome runner's high that lasts for nearly an our, on par with a good orgasm >runner's high wipes out all shame from failure >two days later, try again >run slower >pass >fell mild joy from success >get home no trouble >no runner's high Why is life so cruel?
Mason Nelson
>tfw never had a runner's high Im pretty much dead emotionally, so Im sure something is broken. Still I like running a lot.
In terms of what? Rowing or running? Learn to ask questions properly. We’re not mind readers you cunt.
Leo Wood
The inside of my thighs itch when I jog. Have no idea what it is
Juan Young
That's what I'm talking about
Nathaniel Torres
I think it’s just my hairy legs getting slightly irritated by being brushed by my shorts. I mean I hope that’s what it is
Thomas Allen
I’m not fat how do you guys know I have bad form. I could have the best form you guys are assholes
Camden Lewis
I'm calling him retarded because I've already said that I'm on C25K. You're right that jog and sprint are relative terms, but I'm obviously talking about what's a jog/sprint for me and not in some weird objective sense.
David Martinez
Do you understand the distinction between cumming and orgasm? Do you know what an orgasm feels like? You might just be looking for the wrong thing.
Christian Flores
Easton Jackson
No i dont even watch anime. Just my natural stance
Adam Carter
when did you realize that this running style actually is superior to any other running style. What the hell my knee pain is gone, just touch the ground as little as possible with your heels. You even get huge calves