I just noticed that Elliot Rodger never invited a girl to go out or something like that...

I just noticed that Elliot Rodger never invited a girl to go out or something like that. The fucking shithead complained like a little bitch and never invited no girl out.

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Women should've asked out Elliot.

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>mfw no blonde hapa son
my heart hurts

Yeah...what kind of nerd never ask a girl out by his 20s!...

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I think he's only saying that, you think he would've made some half assed attempt before going on murderous rampage

By some reason he thought it was easier to shoot everyone instead of trying to socialize.
He was sick, just like many of us are. But nobody around cares.

Because he wasn't a fucking cuck and knew that if he chased girls as opposed to girls chasing him he would always be second best to the tall, blond Chads these girls chased before he approached them.

Elliot just wanted the respect, admiration and love these women gave the tall, blond Chads he constantly witnessed them with.

Instead women ignored him constantly, it was a total injustice.

At least he had the balls to off himself. For some reason I cannot.

Someone as perfect as him unironically shouldn't even have to ask a female out.

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He was a delusional narcissist and appeals to the delusional narcissism in other entitled retards, like so

If you're going to pretend to be all sanctimonious about delusional narcissists then save your bile for the ones that go undetected and are able to genuinely reel in and manipulate people / situations. Those people will be able to feign impeccable moral rectitude, endear themselves to virtually anyone and are one hell of a lot more dangerous than red flags like Roger who anyone can spot from a mile away and are more like abused desperate animals lashing out than the sort of conniving sociopaths the media makes them out to be. I mean how can they be both that and utterly socially retarded.

Didn't even read, blow that bullshit back up your bleeding ass where it came from. You're not
'Chad', fuckwit, you don't 'deserve' things just because you want it or some other motherfucker has it. Put in the effort or suck it up.

>I just noticed
You mean the most commonly discussed point about him?

>Instead women ignored him constantly, it was a total injustice.
There's like 3 million people in my city, should I pay attention to all 1.5 million women to avoid the slight of injustice?

So... politicians?

>Put in the effort

But tall, blond Chad does not need to put in the effort. He's already went to town on your attractive blonde gf you worked so hard to attract and work so hard every day to keep, and she done things with him she will NEVER do for you.

He bought her nothing, he treated her like shit, he was not an intelligent gentleman, this was EXACTLY Elliot's point, you buffoon.

Female attraction is fundamentally flawed and is a threat to civilization/society.

What is your expertise? How successful or unsuccessful are you with women?

>But tall, blond Chad does not need to put in the effort. He's already went to town on your attractive blonde gf you worked so hard to attract and work so hard every day to keep, and she done things with him she will NEVER do for you.

How does all that justify his actions or reasoning for why girls don't like him. He was delusional and extremely insecure.

He chased vapid Staceys then got angry that they were vapid Staceys. He was a superficial autist with zero self awareness and he deserved to have been captured and bummed in jail.

>The fucking shithead complained like a little bitch and never invited no girl out.
Wow, I have difficulties to decide on what kind of people you haters are. Are you trolls, feminists, leftists or law enforcement staff or government workers trying to prevent the following.

All of you are retarded. The reason r9k idolizes Elliot is because he is like us. He was socially incompetent. He didn't ask a girl out because he didn't know how. He didn't even know what asking a girl out was or what to do. He had absolutely no idea how to get a girlfriend and was thus frustrated to the point of murder. People say he should've tried harder, but what they miss out on is that he tried as hard as he could. He just didn't know what to do, and that's what makes him so relatable.

Congrats you just found the final redpill on Elliot
He was a fucking retard who thought women would approach him
He shot up all that shit and killed his roommates because he was too fucking retarded to actually ask women out

>Women don't approach him as he isn't chad
>He could accept that he isn't that great and that he should approach them
>Instead he starts killing people and does his little day of retribution
>fucks that up too
He was a retarded faggot plain and simple
Too full of himself to realise that he was at fault and that he should have changed his ways

>in other entitled retards
All fuckheads TELLING A STINKING LIE THAT HE WAS A RETARD, should be spanked red in the middle of the main city square.

>But tall, blond Chad
Firstly women have a tendency to be attracted to men with darker features (Sean Connery, George Clooney, every portrayal of Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights) because the visual contrast makes their masculine features more distinct.
>He's already went to town on your attractive blonde gf
Why are you assuming we all want a basic bitch blonde? What if I like English Rose Red Heads, or Middle Eastern Girls, or Tatar Russian babes? Why do you use blondes in both examples?

>and she done things with him she will NEVER do for you.
And you know this how? How many bedrooms have you actually seen them having sex - or is this based on your encyclopedic of PornHub?

>He bought her nothing, he treated her like shit, he was not an intelligent gentleman,
Again, how do you know this? Where did you learn this?

>Female attraction is fundamentally flawed and is a threat to civilization/society.
What the fuck does that even mean? It's a vague provocative statement that is just a word salad - what is the civilization, how is it a threat? Are airplanes really going to fall out of the sky just because of the sexual preferences of women? Or is this simply you conflating things you don't like with some kind of doomist meta-narrative that makes you feel like you're significant and "fighting the good fight" rather than the innocuous nobody in a random and indifferent universe that you really are?

He was a huge bitch. He was like a 5/10, had no hobbies, refused to work, had everything he ever owned paid for by his family, always cried, never even tried socializing with anyone other than his elementary school friends, never asked out any girls, and stopped going to school because normies reeeee.

Despite all that, he was apparently entitled to 10/10 white blondes.

>But tall, blond Chad does not need to put in the effort.
Are you saying that Chad doesn't have to talk to girls?

You do realize that the girls don't literally go to Chad's house to fuck him out of the blue, right? He still needs to talk to the girls first, something Rodger never did.

As a matter of fact you people could be just PLAIN SADISTS who get their joy out of bashing a dead person and his sympathizers. You're pathetic if that is the case. Now I seldom use this expression "pathetic" so I guess it means that you really are that.

Well if you actually read/listen to his manifesto you will see why the warped and perverse attractions of women to degenerate, brutish, obnoxious and primitive men will result in the degradation and collapse of society.

Are you familiar with Africa? This is what happens over millenia if women are given free reign to select their mates and do not have their attractions governed and procreative decisions made for them by intelligent gentlemen.

>a bunch of internet virgins sympathize with a mass murderer who went on his killing spree because he was too retarded to get a girl of his own league
>the pathetic ones are the people who make fun of Rodger


Again I asked - how do you know that the proverbial blonde Stacy is going to do "do things in the bedroom" she will never do with a non-chad, and that all chads treat her badly? How do you know this?

>This is what happens over millenia if women are given free reign to select their mates and do not have their attractions governed and procreative decisions made for them by intelligent gentlemen.
What a fucking long bow to draw - so it's not colonialism, it's not IMF policy, it's not the culture, it's not the environmental conditions, it's not the genetics of the people, it's not the resource curse, it's not the open plains, it's not the lack of infrastructure - it's women, despite the fact that half of those countries have Islamic (patriarchal) or Polygamous social structures... right...

>it's not IMF policy, it's not the culture, it's not the environmental conditions, it's not the genetics of the people, it's not the resource curse, it's not the open plains, it's not the lack of infrastructure

I think you're in the very wrong kind of place. Perhaps a site like Reddit of HuffPost is more akin to your rather... sheltered and naive mindset.

I'm done discoursing with you.

I ask a third time: how do you know about the sexual procivilties of blonde haired stacies and Chads and how they differ from her sexual relations with Non-chads?

you're conveniently ignoring that question

Everyone's forgetting the part of his manifesto where he talks about 7th grade.

Once he was in 7th grade, people were pretty friendly to him and he really appreciated it. He wasn't super popular, but just having his classmates say hi to him or crack jokes with him made his day.

Supposedly that stopped by the time 8th grade rolled around. Not because of something he did, but speaking from experience, that's the age kids start getting really fucking mean for no reason and go full boar into classroom politics.

Elliott would have never shot anybody or gone full crazy if people just casually bantered with him during and before/after class and made him feel like part of the group.

It's like all of his classmates subconsciously decided to just leave him behind and pretend he wasn't there. That plus some emotional issues from his parents divorce and he snapped. It makes perfect sense.

Everyone gets picked on in middle school. It's part of the experience.

But most people don't go literally insane because of normal childhood interactions.

Women let him go his whole life without ever giving him a shred of attention or showing any interest. If men and women were equal, this wouldn't have happened because Elliot would have been seen as having some inherent value.

What was he supposed to do? You can't expect him to pull some PUA strategy if he's never even had a first k*ss.

In a sane world, he would have experienced some minor advance by a woman that atleast made it seem like he could ask her out. This would have happened in middle school.

But we live in the real world and that didn't happen.

It legit wasn't his fault. Girls DID ignore him and view him as invisible and guys treated him like SHIT because he wasn't obnoxious, loud and normie or willing to cuck himself to them and be the guy who makes the Chads of the group look good.

Elliot took the warrior's way out, it's like he said in his manifesto, he was always a fighter, he was always angry and unaccepting of his place in life while his other beta friends seemed placated and willing to submit and live a life of unfulfilled mediocrity.

Elliot was an alpha male in the body of a beta. And he died on his sword like a true believer. This is why r9k respects and honors him, he never submitted to them, he never toed the line and buckled down for a life of failed normie cuckddom lke his parents and friends all wanted him to.

Any semi approach he tried to make was utterly rejected anyway. He tried to smile at girls before and they just looked away and pretended he didn't even exist, causing him to splash them with his coffee and drive away in rage.

You cannot approach girls as an unwanted beta. You simply cannot, you'll be considered creepy and they will be mercilessly cruel behind your back.

Elliot would never have gotten anywhere with the girls he was attracted to, ever.

Elliot should remind you the no. 1 rule of marketing and advertising: Attention. Attention. Attention Attention.
Remember Alec Baldwin in Glen Garryross


Remember the old joke
>SEX... now that I got your attention...

He didn't get attention, why the fuck does anyone owe you attention, there's 7 billion people on this earth what is so fucking special about you? And so what if there is something special about you - people are fickle, dumb, there are thousands of social media notifications, advertisements, friends, responsibilities, traffic noise, airplanes overhead, overheard conversations that might distract anybody at any given time - you are subject to it too (think about all the people you're ignoring while you're reading/responding to this thread right now) - accept it. Attention is a finite resource. The world doesn't owe you shit, so if you want to be validated by the world then you need to get it's attention.
You need to PULL it's attention.
You get no attention just for turning up. You need to do something - you need to attract the eye or ear: treat people like their reptiles and only attracted to movement.

Elliot forgot this basic principle of existing on earth because he was so self-absorbed.

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>Everyone gets picked on in middle school.
It's just that "picking on" is different from bullying, which you idiots ALWAYS DISMISS when you're trying to deny the fact that mass murders are partly caused by bullying. AND WHAT KIND OF A FUCKING IDIOT CLAIMS THAT BEING BULLIED IS NORMAL CHILDHOOD INTERACTION? As if it was all acceptable? It could be normal in the sense that PEOPLE ARE BEASTS at heart, sadistic filth who WILL destroy other people through bullying if they are allowed to, BUT, that is NOT acceptable, as it is COMPARABLE TO MURDER to deliberately destroy other people.

IT IS NOT acceptable that some of the kids are being CONSTANTLY BEATEN UP by packs of other kids, or PUBLICLY MOCKED AND RIDICULED by a huge herd of other kids, SO THAT THEY CAN NOT STUDY AND THEIR SELF-ESTEEM WILL BE DESTROYED and they possibly suffer from mental trauma so that they end up in psychosis and kill themselves and others. It does not even mean that you are weak, as some BRAINDEAD MORONS claim, as ANYONE BREAKS being mocked or physically attacked by packs of other people. IT IS NOT WEAKNESS, IT IS NATURAL HUMAN BEHAVIOUR as we are pack animals. And even if it meant that the target of bullying is weak if he or she breaks, tolerating bullying on the basis of that means that you are a SOCIOPATH who should have no right to interact with other people.

But hey, maybe you're just a troll. It's mostly trolls who put up your kind of shit about bullying. Or some old people who do not exactly know how bad bullying is these days.

Elliott wasn't bullied, you stupid virgin.

He got pushed into some lockers a few times after he intentionally acted annoying to get attention, per his own manifesto.

And he cried about it for the rest of his life, when most people would forget about it.

>he deserved to have been captured and bummed in jail
nobody deserves to be raped

Dude he tried many times to get a gf. Have you not seen the videos of him on dating sites like okcupid? Pic related

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He literally said various times in his manifesto and in videos that women never came to him, he expected women to make the first move bc he was fucking autistic

Lol the delusion is real

Yeah, he smiled at 10/10 white blondes in random ass public settings. How could that not work?!??

I have read his manefesto many times and have never saw him say anything like that

He could have easily gotten an average Asain or white girl.

But he wanted a beautiful, socially adjusted and probably rich white girl. But he wasn't handsome, socially adjusted or rich himself.

Wouldn't be too hard for him really he was a close 6/10. An easy 8/10 If he used daddy's money for some surgery. If he took it easy, relaxed and tried to hold conversations with women, he could have easily snatched his dream girl after enough practice.

He went out on walks and sat at a bookstore hoping some girl would magically come up to him asking to suck his D.

>Because he wasn't a fucking cuck and knew that if he chased girls as opposed to girls chasing him he would always be second best to the tall, blond Chads these girls chased before he approached them.
Which is dumb because if the world worked like that solely then everyone would be a tall, blond Chad because no one else would be able to compete and all other genes would die off.
He should have just bit the bullet and lower his standards if he's going to complain about Chad and not having a gf. He's not even not bad looking.

bullying is normal for half if not most kids to have experienced through schooling, though it's usually never anything intense, usually just harsh words, sometimes physical, but the problem with that is kids these days are so pampered and protected that when something isn't perfectly planned and safe for them they react poorly rather than if they grew up in harder times, and teachers and parents don't properly account for the change in the world and just ignore bullying until it gets too intense and leads to shootings.
I don't know if this is relevant or if I'm rambling, just thought I put that out there.

He would have rejected someone who was his looks/personality match, he wanted a Stacey and was a complete tool.

Because in his deranged mind he found the truth that women ain't shit. A guy doesn't give a shit if a woman works at McDonalds; if he's attracted to her he will pursue. Flip the situation and the woman wont give a shit about the guy. We have to be at our absolute best to get a girl while women just merely have to exist.

Plenty of females date unemployed losers.

Only because of their shitty self-esteem. Or because those guys are literally the best they can get.

why would you ask girls out when you know they are repulsed by you?

Same thing happened to me. 7th grade was kick ass, then 8.5 comes along and it was shit after that. .

>He still needs to talk to the girls first
as if, the only thing chad needs to ask is when and where

>People say he should've tried harder, but what they miss out on is that he tried as hard as he could. He just didn't know what to do, and that's what makes him so relatable.
This. I understand he didn't have any previous experience in that kind of scenario. But you can't do a whole lot of damage with a car and a pistol. An AR or at least a shotgun could have been a better choice

The unanswered question is: was Elliot closeted? Could he have found happiness with a man? Or dressing up as a girl?

I was talking about bullying that lasts FOR YEARS, or is extremely violent either physically or mentally. Bullying in which THE HOLE FUCKING PACK of other kids, in some cases ALL OF THEM turn against one, SADISTICALLY CAUSING PAIN OR EVEN INJURING their chosen victim. IT CAN NOT BE ALLOWED that TEN fucking other kids KICK AND BEAT ONE KID that is lying on the ground. IT CAN NOT BE ALLOWED that DOZENS of other fucking kids GATHER AROUND ONE MOCKING AND RIDICULING him or her in an aggressive tone. BOTH OF THESE LEAVE SCARS THAT CAN NOT BE HEALED AND LAST THROUGH THE ENTIRE LIFE. AND THAT IS NOT EVEN A SIGN OF WEAKNESS AS NO FUCKING HUMAN IS BUILT TO ENDURE SUCH TREATMENT. If it is a sign of weakness then WE ARE ALL WEAK. So, in the end, ANYONE ALLOWING THIS SORT OF BULLYING NEED TO BE PUNISHED WITH PRISON SENTENCE, as they are SUPPORTING DESTROYING HUMAN BEINGS, maybe even having them killed as bullying is sometimes so severe that the victim will die for physical injuries, unable to defend him or herself against DOZENS OF BEASTS ATTACKING just to destroy someone and get more power and space to themselves.

Try to understand what bullying is, you stupid idiot. Even if you are annoying to get attention IT DOES NOT JUSTIFY ANYONE to tape your head into your table, throw you against the lockers by a pack of people, or fucking steal your stuff. Even if you would become a mass shooter in your future.

I AM NOT A VIRGIN!!! Why the hell are people so stupid here that if you say that it was wrong to bully Elliot you must be a virgin???

Well, lots of soulless filth in every bully discussion. Not sure what we should do with such people.

kill yourself, tranny, i want you to die

HEY, check out this movie about bullying. It will reveal you the TRUE NATURE OF A HUMAN BEAST. As ANYONE is capable of doing the same that the protagonist of this movie was done to, under right circumstances. There's a beast inside of everyone of us. Satan himself.


Here's better quality.


>At least he had the balls to off himself. For some reason I cannot.

Cho is cold and off. Seems more schizo/psycho than broken autist/incel. I don't really like Cho that much and I honestly don't even think he was bullied or mistreated, seems he willed all that shit upon himself by acting like an edgy sperg.

Elliot is genuinely a really endearing guy. Like listening to his manifesto I just want him to still be alive and posting here and elsewhere. He pulls off the impossible and makes you root for him the entire time, and yeah even though half the perceived mistreatement and bullying is imagined or delusional or absolutely pathetic... he fucking pulls it off man. Elliot is fucking nuts and neurotic as shit but... he seems too incompetent and weak to be dangerous. Like I bet half the people he killed were not even scared and didn't expect him to actually do it when he was standing poiting the weapon at them.

Elliot is an intelligent gentleman waging civilized war on a barbaric and cruel world. Cho is a creepy retard.

His manifesto and videos are incredible. I genuinely love Elliot and hope I meet him in the afterlife one day.

Elliot is a fucking retard. Not intelligent in the slightest.

Elliot is an intelligent gentleman. It is an injustice and disservice to his name to claim otherwise. You are mentally deranged to lie about Elliot not being intelligent, his manifesto is written by a very intelligent man.

>can't even get past a fucking door

How many people knew him the last years before his death? He could be intelllectual? but surely not aware of his surroundings.

Sure, Elliot shouldn't have been bullied. No one is saying that. It's that being bullied a bit in middle school and high school is not a justification for a fucking mass murder.

Cho was bullied and mistreated. A group of white kids bullied him for quite a while.

He did once but the girl ignored him so he went and cried in the bathroom.

He never even talked to girls, ever. His effort to lose his virginity consisted of sitting outside of a Pizza Hut and waiting for girls to approach him. Needless to say, none ever did.