Just thought I'd remind you guys

Just thought I'd remind you guys

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Friend zone is leading someone on without directly telling them no
Just because you have the right to say yes doesn't mean you should use it every time, you wouldn't eat every piece of food you find on the ground so why say yes to every guy you meet, slut

1.) Why do you think women are "leading you on", could they just not understand your feelings because you work to keep them hidden?
2.) Even if a woman did know you liked her, that doesn't mean she was leading you on. Maybe she wanted to be your friend and hoped you'd get over it, was scared of you being violent or angry at her, or felt uncomfortable about saying, "I know you've never said you liked me, but I'm not interested" because you could easily deny your feelings and insult her back?
3.) Women are not only called sluts when they fuck every guy they meet, women are called sluts and roasties on this site for having male friends or heavy petting before marriage. So your analogy is absurd.

How bad of a gendered slur is thot

shut up friendzoning slut

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>Maybe she wanted to be your friend and hoped you'd get over it, was scared of you being violent or angry at her,

If that's what you think of him, that isnt your friend. That's leading on for your own sake.

Women are physically repulsive. I prefer men more.l, but I prefer solitude most.

"Slut" is something girls use to attack other girls for doing the things they want to do, most often specifically with the people the slut-shamers wanted to do those things with.

And "friendzone" deals with entitled girls who SHOULD HAVE said "No.", but didn't because they wanted the free gibs.

>isn't your friend
Well, in that scenario, I never said they were friends. So what's your point?

>"leading on for your own sake"
user, when you handed your money over to that nigger that jumped you, you were leading him on! If you didn't want to give him money, you should have said so. Now he's going to get the wrong idea, and that's your fault.

No one will get mad at a girl for saving herself for marriage, maybe just chads who want her body, but those woman are few and far between

the "friendzone" and "sult" girls you speak of are the same, you just call them different things at different time, when your oneitis goes out and gets banged by chad you call her a slut, when she says no to you, you call her a friendzoner

wake up and try to find that girl who is saving herself for something truly meaningful

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Men literally stab women to death for saying no to sex, ya dolt.

>why do you think women are "leading you on", could they just not understand your feelings because you work to keep them hidden?
How much of a selfish entitled moron do you have to be to think the differential behavior of friendzone relationships is how friends treat each other?

You don't know the kind of friends I like to have then


Goddamn You all are fucking stupid

i like how women say they are emotionally intelligent and then at the same time try to act like they don't know what they're doing when they friendzone a guy. it's seriously psychotic.

find her and then leave her for keks though

please elaborate i dont know whether you agree with me or not

>I never said they were friends

You literally just said she WANTED to be friends. Friendship is a mutual connection with other people.

if you unironically use the word friendzone you have a massive spear headed dragon dildo on the verge of rupturing your anal cavity

Don't hate me but I lead a guy on really badly I already have a bf in the army I love but the guy I was leading on gave me chocolates and roses and an expensive purse for Valentine's how do I let him down gently

I know I'm trash and I don't belong here help me reddit

Slut is attacking women for their lack of self control and discipline, as well as for engaging in degenerate behavior. "Friend zone" is attacking women for knowingly exploiting and using guys who have unrequited feelings like a sociopath. Try harder, roastie.

I enthusiastically agree with you friendo. Sorry for yelling

I like friends I can depend on during bad times, you like people that you think that could potentially kill you.

But I'm the retard.

fatty is attacking men for their lack of self control and discipline, try again nincel

I never said I wasn't the retard here retard

fatty applies to girls too though

> nincel


I really enjoy the game of journalistic telephone that happens when Western media tries to report these things.

Quite often it's girls who have said "Yes." to many MANY thousands of dollars in familial gifts during months of traditional courtship. In the past there were steps that would allow the defrauded family to recover their losses, but those have been struck from the law books (substantially due to misguided Western/Feminist influence) so there are now only extralegal methods for conflict resolution (e.g., vigilante violence).

Which is a win-win for Western Feminist influencers, I guess, as women bleeding out in the streets makes for good headlines about why they need more money.

I'm beingserious what should I do yall

>fatty is attacking men for their lack of self control and discipline
Yes, you're correct. Fat people are disgusting too. Did you think I would disagree? Lmao, shows what kind of uncontrolled pig you are if you're saying that ironically.

not to mention FBI honeypots who literally infiltrate and use men. every police force uses them even local ones.

They know what they're doing and they know guys who want them as more-than-friends are not going to be able to imagine that she'd lie to their face.

Western women are the least likely demographic to be murdered in the entire world. That you found a couple of random cases where some guy stabbed a girl to death doesn't justify acting like it's any genuine threat.

I've been samefagging this thread so hard I'm sorry guys

nintendo playing incels
oh now I see, evangelic boy trying to spread the word here, guess what roastie has a grin the size of her face right now while you have a stick up your arse

Shitty attempt at bluepilling if you ask me.

You pay him back for the free gibs you should never have accepted in the first place if you did not reciprocate his interest.

>having the freedom to do something means you never do anything wrong and shouldn't ever be criticized
Yeah, giving women rights was a mistake.

Then what?

Nomemeing also i'm broke and he has a better job than me

>pajeets in heat
You see a similar deliberate cultural misunderstanding of how indiscreet premarital sex is handled in Islamic countries. This is legally considered adultery and the punishment is death.

But if she was raped, then it's not adultery and she doesn't have to be executed. And if she can't prove it was rape, then they don't have to execute the guy, either.

So there's this whole wink&nod system where a couple of kids sneak off without familial approval and bump uglies, a big stink is raised, they use the false-rape-accusation-get-out-of-execution-free, BUT they still get SOME kind of sentence.

And the West credulously eats it up as RAPE VICTIM PUNISHED FOR GETTING RAPED or RAPIST GIVEN SLAP ON WRIST... when it's just two horny kids gettin' a paddlin' rather than being executed for adultery.

Then you don't accept any future gibs from dudes you aren't interested in.

Leading people on into thinking there's a chance of something for your own personal benefit is completely unethical and exploitative of vulnerable people in the dating scene.

Fuck you fagot is attacking you for posting stupid things

Or Nine Inch Nails listening incels

Is this weak trolling a response to seeing that 17yo thot get toasted on reddit earlier? Try harder slut. If she was a dude anyone on here would still say 30 is too high.

Virgin is attacking men for them saying no. Rapist is attacking them for saying hello.

>scared of you being violent or angry

Womens' fear of everything is not a justification for their cowardice. Be an adult, get over it.

Slut is the appropriate way to describe a woman who is promiscuous.