First greentext here we go

First greentext here we go
>Be me
>1 year ago
>15 year old Canadian guy, basically fucking autistic
>See cute girl on school bus
>Redhead, kinda overweight, pic related
>Ask her for her number
>"Sorry, I don't have a phone"
>Ffw a year, about 4-5 months ago
>Move halfway across the bus from where I sat to sit across the isle from her
>Make small talk
>15 yet she literally doesn't have a phone
>She likes to paint, wants be a journalist, etc.
>Just relatively normal shit
>Says she likes My Chemical Romance
>Due to seeing edgy people on the internet my edge sensor is screaming at me to gtfo
>Continue anyway
>See her writing something one day
>Ask about it
>"Oh its a fanfic, its really weird tho you probably wouldn't like it"
>My dumbass says "Oh I've seen a lot of weird stuff on the internet it probably isn't that bad"
You poor, poor boy. If only you really knew.
>Gives me a link to look it up when I get home
>Look it up
>She has more followers on the fanfic website than I do on literally any social media, and all I do is spend time on the internet
>The fanfic is about Jeff the Killer
>The fucking creepypasta
>Try my best to read it, really want things to work out with her
>In Discord chat with the homies the whole time
>I share the link with them
>Me all try to read it as long as possible
>I make it a quarter of the page through
>My boy Jung manages to make it through a whole page before he just about has a fucking aneurysm
>There's 17 fucking chapters not including author's notes
>Look at authors notes
>Talks about being molested
>Back the fuck off for a while, but go back and resume talking after a month or two
>Ffw to present day
>Literally 2 days ago
>Up at 3 am because long weekend
>Decide to check back in for shits and giggles
>Talks about being really suicidal, not being able to take it anymore, etc.
>She was popping pills on the bus like a week ago
>Keeps glancing at me half the time.
This is getting a bit too weird for me. What the fuck do I do?

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Other urls found in this thread:

>1 year ago
Enjoy your vacation worthless normalfag

>>Be me
year ago
year old Canadian guy
uh oh spaghetti-o

You said it was a year ago why are you asking what you should do? Kill yourself 15 year old leave and never return go back to fortnite

>being underage and being able to get a girls fanfic

get off this site nigger

Oof, the board doesn't like this one

link the fanfic.

Reality is often dissapointing. You have two options, leave her well alone, and forget about her committing suicide next week(probably). The second option is to get swooped up into her situation, you might be able to stop her being suicidle, or you might just be able to stand by helpelessly while her mental state is further dragged down in a pill filled abyss

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I have no clue what the literal fuck that means, but sure, I'll leave

I would but I'm new so Jow Forums is a bit of an unknown quantity rn. Don't know if that's a good idea.

cute girl, enjoy ur ban

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Fuck you underage normalfag. Get out and enjoy your ban

wow i sure hope this is bait

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If you're really scared just copy paste it.

16 now.
If all else fails I can yeet myself into a telephone pole because the government made the mistake of letting me control a high speed death-missile

>admits to being underage
>uses a name
>doesn't even have a tripcode with it
holy shit

>this entire post
>this entire thread

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yeet boys thanks the end is nigh

holy fucking shit this is an 18+ board, kill yourself

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if you wnna redeem yourself, post the fanfic

Dude why would you admit to being underage, you understand you'll get banned on here for being under 18 right? Are you fucking retarded holy shit if this is how stupid the younger generation is i'm just gonna go bomb some local highschools (Just kidding fbi fuck off niggers)

I genuinely don't get the importance of that, enlighten me.


heil hitler

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The whole point of Jow Forums is the anonymity, a name completely ruins that.
Without a tripcode, anyone else in the thread can impersonate you.

>genuinely don't get the importance
>enlighten me

the absolute state of zoomerfags
how fucking stupid are you? lol

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welp. too late now. probs gonna get banned soon anyway lol

Thank you for delivering OP.
Best thing to do in this situation is to probably find her parent(s) and tell them. Or take the risky option and go with her.

We now have her name and her picture with a way to contact her, you understand you're literally doxxing yourself to seem cool on Jow Forums right? You're so fucking stupid kid I hope somebody actually finds you

I guess tranny jannies are too busy cleaning up crispy threads to deal with you

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on second thought, bad idea, yeah

one thing about underageb& is that they usually deliver
godspeed kiddo

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I am more than twice your age.

Fuck off and die boomer nobody wants you alive


anyway, fuck off, despite being underage youre not a fucking robot. you dont belong here, be grateful that youll get banned because you do not want to stay here in this cesspool.

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She looks pretty cute OP

You also realize this thread gets archived onto external websites even if it gets deleted, right?

posting for the screencaps
rip OP

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honestly, you should tell her the fanfic was awesome and leave it at that. Don't prod. Get away, run as far away as you can. If you decide to get involved and youre truly in Canada, realize it is a real possibility the canadian court could persecute you for being an accessory to her suicide and not warning the authorities.

Holy shit is that her? If she wasn't underage I would cum buckets in her!!

yeet everyone its time to delete this

agreed. This could be the worst thing for him. He should inch his way in, watch some good jump anime and discuss that with friends before everyone around you demands you watch Goblin Slayer, Berzerk, or Konosuba.

I have the link copied but am not posting it. Check the archives if you want it, I am spooked against posting it.

children are really this retarded now

How long until people track OP and the chick down and murder them

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you cant kill me if i kill me first
original shit


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Don't think itll go that far. Pobably just someone mails him 10 dragon dildos

pls no, that was a big fucking mistake

>yeet everyone its time to delete this
You're at the mercy of the jannies now faggot

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I started browsing Jow Forums when I was ~12/13 (im ~20 now), I was fucked to begin with and being addicted to browsing Jow Forums didn't help

he is 16. he is in high school. he has friends, he obviously has potential (socially, hell hes even interacted with this chick), and he most likely found out about Jow Forums from instagram meme pages. I hate how interconnected the internet is now.

Hey guys check out this cool fanfic that Alice made!

before you kill yourself tell the girl to hit me up

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this is fucking interesting...

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report your own post for underage for fast deletion.

>yfw you get banned

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How much fortnite do you play? Isn't that what the kids do now? That and transition into women, right?

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Hey OP what's goin on?

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How did people originally find out about Jow Forums in 2003-2004?


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post the fanfic link faggot

be into anime a lot and browse Something Awful.

based jannies allowing this thread to continue as OP's life gets destroyed by bored NEETs

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Our choices seal our fate (jeff the killer)

OP already posted it

>implying that's a girl(female)
nice try, OP

he already did fgt

googling the title gives a previously unknown link to a wattpad as well:
by a "alice030303"

tried that m8 not working

A reminder on internet safety op: anything you post lasts forever

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Why did this underagefag admit his age and post with no tripcode ?

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likely nothing too much will come of this OP. But be more careful in the future.

Is "Zoe Hann" Alice's real name or what?

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Tell me what you thought was gonna happen here when you posted this thread?

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learned that now. just gotta hope r9k is all talk

Is this really happening? Is the newfag getting doxed?

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oh man lol.

I love being a white knight, this is why newfags need to LURK MOAR

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Eh, I doubt it. It's more like trying to make him wet himself with worry than anyone actually hunting him down

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Shit I felt bad until I acually saw the fanfic. How the fuck is Jeff the killer still relevant anymore and how does a fucking 15 year old know about it?

nah, Alice is the real one. Her parents check the few devices she does have so she put her friends name on it

This is both noble and absolutely barbaric

I dunno if I can trust you, you have a lot of reason to lie to us

I like how OP is afraid of her looking at him when she's likely wondering why he isn't approaching her anymore. Congrats man you pushed her closer to suicide.

Well, guess what? There are like 12 "Zoe Hann"s on Facebook. Your friend's friend is really close to being doxed and It's your fault

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aaaaaaaaaahahahahaha is this fucking real? KEK
DO IT user

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OP, how do I get a weird fanfic gf?

Man you fucked yourself anally. Did you even think this through?

AliceGate impending!

Honestly this is the first time I've wanted someone to (((((white-knight))))) like this

of course, she needs to know, and OP is a faggot so he needs to live with the fact that she knows what he did :^)

insert me in the capture

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You'd be surprised how many girls are into this torture porn fanfic stuff. They either want to be the one being tortured or they want to be the one performing the torture.

Only 3 of those profiles are teenagers, can we do it robots ? Can we find out who is this tard's friend ?

I know a girl online and I found one of her instragrams and it's got a bunch of drawings of anime boys chained up with bite marks and bruises and stuff

This girl is gonna be added to the r9k roster. God knows we need a replacement for brooke.

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1. dont name yourself unless youre doing it for a meme that is actually funny
2. dont tell people youre underage, you need to be 28 to use this site, you should just wait until then.
3. enjoy your ban, normalfag. the greentexts on plebit dont show enough of the Jow Forums culture, do some actual research

hey guys look at me im a fucking faggot

I am perusing for the alice030303 username as we speak