Post extreme school bullying cases you experienced(victim,bystander,or even ones you heard of heard about).Pic related
ITT:Extreme bullying stories
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Stacey bully and her friends knocked out my teeth with a golf club after trying to get her bf to rape me. That was pretty bad.
>after trying to get her bf to rape me
I hope he didn't go through with it,I'm really sorry user,shit sounds traumatising as fuck.Did you eventually get your teeth fixed?Did anything happen to stacey?
He wasn't able to fully do it since I started screaming, which is why they resorted to the golf club. I did get my teeth fixed sort of but insurance would only cover the most basic so the replacements are just bare metal.
Okay you should really tell more of the story of this one.
>routinely had some popular stacy have her current boyfriend and possibly friends jump me
>usually involved weapons like knives and bats
>shit started age 9 into 18 so I just learned how to fight dirty and go armed everywhere as I grew and adapted to it
>no broken bones somehow but plenty of minor burns and cuts as well as some internal damages that act up from time to time
>bitch got acid attacked because she dumped muhammed senior year so that stopped it
>suffered sexual bullying that really fucked me up both mentally and physically from about ages 8 to 12 before cops finally got involved when mandatory physicals lead to questions which lead to investigations because neither my parents or hers believed me on this
>dick works but theres a numb portion from the base up halfway up the left side of the shaft
>left teste is smaller than the right by some and is sterile plus any excess running or a day of walking makes it feel like it's being punched everytime my heart beats
>slight leftward curve due to penile plaque
>tip has a very minor scar that doesn't yield sensitivity loss or anything but makes me piss a shotgun blast rather than a stream
>balls and most of crotch won't grow hair despite being 26 years old and no testosterone level issues barring of course where the scars are
>whole groin leading up to belly and down legs is scar city usually from small burns but also basic cuts and scratches
>have to get past a hard mental block anytime I want to "feel" sexual pleasure otherwise physically I know it's there but it's mentally speaking an intense far off feeling I'm only dully aware of
>getting past the block not only allows me to feel the sexual pleasure currently happening in that area but also the intense pain I shut out
>pretty agressive campaign of bullying from middle school throughout highschool for being one of maybe 3 guys with foreskin
>nothing sexual barring maybe the guys insistence on my penile aesthetics but plenty of violence
>they tried to rape you
time to send all normies to the boiler room of hell. What the fuck.
>bitch got acid attacked because she dumped muhammed senior year so that stopped it
I was halfway through this before I realized you aren't the first guy. Fuck off, gaylord.
i was thinking the same thing. Based muslims.
Don't be rude you nigger.Your peepee is probably intact unlike user's.
>constant 5% chance every year for retinal detachment as a result of these locker room brawls
>not sure if it counts but father set out on a campaign around age 12 into 14 to verbally and physically abuse me so I'd grow up a strong man with interests in sports, women, and friends rather than someone more interested in reading, videogames, and antisocial behavior
>resulting neglect led to developing and carrying rheumatic fever through a large developmental period resulting in fucked joint formation, damage heart, damaged kidneys, damaged liver, and damaged lungs which tend to hemmorage or dislocate for zero reason and will steadily worsen with life
>only got stopped when I had to read some shit in front of class one day and the second I opened my mouth I apparently coughed up a lot of blood, fainted, went into seizure, and started pissing blood which made the teacher suspect something was off
>not enough to call an ambulance though but enough that the nurse had to lowkey call child services who got to me a month later
>>not enough to call an ambulance though but enough that the nurse had to lowkey call child services who got to me a month later
>not enough to call an ambulance
What kind of fucking school were you going to user?
I was gaslighted for 3 months at a wilderness program I couldn't escape from, everyone pretended I was perverted and evil and talked about me all day in "code," stealing my journal and gossiping about it, and criticizing everything I did.
this meme is brought to you by God: the greatest shitposter of all time, guarenteed or your money back.
>hm why do we have so many school shootings?
I wish normies would be forced to read threads like this every once in a while
1) are you white?
2) were the people who did that to you white?
An actually decent one I was just a 24/7 cunt to everyone including teachers all the time due to being maladjusted to life in general so I earned no favors. English teacher in general particularly hated me as I was constantly knocking his actually shit teaching methods that somehow stretched reading Tangerine 2 quarters using a "stand up and read a chapter outloud and we'll analyze it" method that meant we MAYBE got through a chapter every other day. He usually just went on vague tangents and asked vague questions no one could answer before he would spend an hour injecting his take on it and calling everyone idiots. Needless to say he was probably just happy that the chances of me being in his class anymore seemed slim.
Otherwise the actual rest of the staff and the curriculum were top notch as it was one of the few qualified IB schools around at the time.
That's the culmination of it, they regularly bullied me through high school but before graduation they did this where her and her friends and bf cornered me alone and out of the way. They roughed me up and then held me down while Stacey made her bf try to rape me. He tried but they got scared I think how I reacted so one of them had a golf club and they took turns hitting me. First in the body but Stacey went right for my face and smashed my teeth out with several hits. After that they just left me there till a janitor found me. I guess they got their wish though, I wasn't able to make it to graduation or be in any pictures, I was in the hospital.
Full native as for the others its minnesota so not only was it a full rainbow but it was also full immigrancy flavors, I wasn't kidding his name really was muhammed and he got forced over here when his parents immigrated, doing the bullying.
Lol. what region? twin cities?
I'm a UMN geed myself
>twin cities
Sadly, yes.
God,what the fuck did you even do to them?I mean before what happened.
Parents called me stupid and retarded nearly daily. When they didn't they were constantly explaining how I was inferior and how my opinion didn't matter. If I protested I was yelled at super loudly. Any time I trusted them with a weakness or shortcoming or confession it was always launched back at me. I gave up and tried to hate what I loved to make them happy. I considered and attempted suicide when I was eleven or so because I was just sick of it all.
I'm still around because I believed my future would be better. It is, but I didn't take into account that the past would haunt me like it does.
Jus b myself! I guess, I knew one girl from middle school but in high school she started bullying me to get some rep and it ended up with the popular girls joining in on it throughout high school.
A coworker of mine got held down and peed on
He turned out how you expect
Not surprising. Non whites are fucking vicious. Even natives are relatively tame compared to muzzies and niggers in their own countries. We invite them over and expect them to just be instantly civilized because we have some magic dirt or something. Nope. Not how it works. Instead they come over and keep acting like fucking savages. Sorry you went through that, no kid should have to deal with that kind of shit. I wish we kept them over seas.
Was it by a cute girl?
Did they go to jail?
I dont know what to expect.How did he turn out?Was he getting peed on by multiple people?What kind of job?
I was pelted with rocks on the way home from school
I have never been bullied. Sometimes I feel like that's a bad thing.
>Guys would dryhump me and push me over for being weak and thin all the time (single mom on welfare so we never had money for food)
>girls would grab my ass, pull my hair and feel my dick and run off to their groupies
>would also whack me on the back of the head with their books and left me out when handing out papers
>got my head slammed on faucets when I tried to get a drink
>classic paper ball to the head
>I had a lot of nose bleeds because of poor health and was dubbed period boy
>at sports all the guys would rush me and take my shirt showing my skelly bod
>got my bag and stationary stolen once a week
>girls would either do that thing where they are talking about you quietly and laugh amongst themselves or out loud say how much of a little bitch you were
>always sat alone because a small group of them turned the entire year of students against me
>if they found me I'd just relocate because they would pretend to be friendly then either drag me around by my legs or just be annoying in general
>it was a running joke in my class to blame things on me and everyone would laugh even the teachers joined in sometimes
>speaking of teachers they were completely oblivious to what was going on and would get pissed at me for not having a partner in class assignments
>girls would cut my imoutos hair with scissors and show it to me
>this happened for about a year
The worst part is later on they acted like they never did anything and would ask why I'm sad all the time and tell me to man the fuck up. I was mad as hell but they dont matter anymore
>no answer
well that story's fake
i hope you dont talk to them anymore
i used to bully a kid that had had cancer when we were in middle school
feels bad man
i get bullied/slighted often and people wont even move for me at times even though im 6'4 217 lbs and lift weights
Fuck off roastie. Girls arent allowed on R9k.
Reading through this thread genuinely makes me want to cry. I am so sorry that these horrible things happened to all of you.
Have you shared this before? I swear i saw this same story before. Copypasta maybe?
No you're right I've shared it before.
Oh that sucks then. Did you have to get fake teeth or something after yours were knocked out? If not, do you look like some methhead hick shit without any front teeth now?
Makes you appreciate guys like General Cho even more.
I said earlier but I got new teeth though could only afford the cheapest so they are bare metal, no fake white coating or anything just the titanium.
So you look like a wigger? that sucks dude keep your chin up.
>I didn't take into account that the past would haunt me like it does.
Ain't that the truth man. My mother was a fucking insane bitch, I guess I might as well greentext it.
>Parents in an unhappy marriage
>mother is emotionally cold and vengeful woman
>since my dad would just tell her to shut the fuck up she started to project her hatred of men onto me
>I was a good kid, never got in trouble and always top of my classes
>still find a way to act like everything I did was wrong
>not only wrong, but evidence of the fact that I am an irredeemably bad person
>for example I had to mow the lawns because I was otherwise lazy and useless, my sisters never had to do anything of the sort
>every time after I did it she would go around inspecting it and go off if I was like not close enough to the edges of the garden for example
>there were a few planter boxes which I was always afraid of, if I didn't cut right up to them she'd say I was lazy and useless, but if I went to close it would catch the stone edges and fuck the blade because I was careless and had no respect for her property
>that's just mowing the lawns but you can extrapolate that to literally everything I did
>she used to tell me I would never get a job because I am too lazy and unreliable
>had a job at 12 delivering papers and never once missed it, apparently that didn't count though
>I mean I could go on but I'm sure you get the idea
>become extremely neurotic, angry, negative and depressed
>suicidal every day during high school
>she kicked me out at 18 because she stopped getting government gibs
>took me about 10 years to break the neuroticism and I'm still a bit mentally cooked and have trust issues
>my parents split up and she became much happier and more relaxed, now acts like nothing happened and we always had a normal relationship
>be me
>grow up in total violent shithole
>get out as soon as I turn 18
>move to LA with big dreams
>have to do some pretty nasty shit but I don't mind
>my dreams are BIG
>after years of wageslaving I finally start to make it
>get the big role I want
>go back home a few weeks ago to visit family and old friends
>its super cold outside but I just want to get a subway sandwich
>get my delicious sandwich and start going home
>get jumped by two guys in black masks
>one of them punches me in the face
>before I know it I have a rope around my neck
>the other one is pouring bleach on me
>they call me horrible names
>yell "this MAGA country!"
>then they run off leaving me in tears
sometimes I just fucking hate this society we live in. i just hate it so much
I genuinely feel like I got so lucky with the places that I had gone to school. Not only didn't any of this vicious shit happen to me, but I never saw it happen to anyone else
What a bs story, fuck off
I'm sorry they did that to you. Only one more year and we can vote this orange chimp out for good
you need to do some soul searching and probably should send me money via paypal
**raises black fist in solidarity**
>be me
Damn! That's clever. How do you do it? Shoo! Go back to your social media.
It isnt extreme bullying but whenever possible someone from my school would make fun of my dick and he would constantly hit me in the balls whenever I wasn't paying attention
Is it extreme if people kept on taking your hat? My school had a strict no hat no play policy. I did get a girl to bite one of them on the wrist so maybe we're even
Had an hardcore animefreak in my class. At the first day he said loudly that he gives the teacher 5 more minutes to come. After that he counted the minutes.
At 10 seconds he counted louder so everyone could here. At 0 he stood up and said "well this is a waste of my time" when he was at the door he saluted everyone.
And thats how it started. He never stood a chance. He was funny tho to bad he never came back after half a year.
Rumours say he is now leading an imperial gurellia force in japan
>my parents split up and she became much happier and more relaxed, now acts like nothing happened and we always had a normal relationship
What about you user?Did it drastically change the way you treat her?
>Rumours say he is now leading an imperial gurellia force in japan
Lmao,yeah rumors about weird kids tend to get really fucking wild.
>be me
whats up with this "be me" meme? how fucking new are you to not know that pretty much every greentext always starts with that shit. getting real tired of this "le ex DE must B reddittttt or fagbook xDDD" shit.
I never did anything bad to her though. I was a good son and she hated me because she hated my dad, there's nothing I could've changed.
We have a pretty 'good' relationship now although it is a bit formal, she just isn't a very warm person so there's no way to avoid that. I don't resent her anymore, I kind of pity her because her life didn't go the way she had hoped, but she basically ruined my life because she was in a bad place so I can't really forgive her for that.
Sounds like you should have a dialogue with her, let her know how much of a shit cunt she was
Unless OP didnt get past the whole thing(which he says he did,god i hope so and i hope he isnt hiding it, for his future mental health) it would be childish to stir shit up again,just to end 'unfinished bussiness'.
He was a funny kid. There are so many stories.
He told a teacher that he should teach the class because he is incompetent.
He also sang a song where he wants to kill everyone who hurts nature.
So many stories. This fucker made that one year my best school year ever.
Everyday he wasnt in school I joked that he would come and shot us up.
>Everyday he wasnt in school I joked that he would come and shot us up
Kek,hope at least some people were nice to him.
Someone I knew in the internet told how his school mates had beaten him up to break his bones just because he was gay. He had to spend several days in a hospital for that. One other person I knew in the internet told that he WAS ANALLY RAPED at the age of 11, by older boys, probably because he was autistic. There's some human beasts to you. I was personally bullied for nine years in the elementary and the middle school. After that I attended night high school where there was only adults so I was not bullied there, only occasionally at the streets by my age mates. After that I have been bullied to some point by supervisors at work places, and now in my university for a few years, in a form of social exclusion and some other nasty stuff.
On a sidenote, I just noticed something very depressing today. I was browsing through the Instagram accounts of my student colleagues and I realized, to my horror, that a lot of them are TALENTLESS POSERS. You know, the kind of people who have no real talent, only some kind of creativity, and who are trying to replace the lack of talent by POSING in the internet being dressed up and acting certain way in a certain type of surroundings, to CREATE AN ILLUSION of a talented person. Then, it struck me like a lightning, that they probably hate me because I am talented for real, not having to pose. Hehe. It was kind of relief too, as now I know why my bullies hate me, that it is not because I am a bad person.
If I were in OP's shoes I'd be wanting to know if the parent actually understood that it's fucked up to have your kid stepping on egg shells for all their life. I can't stand people who do fucked up things and expect others to forgive and forget despite taking no responsibility for it
Yes this. It's just going to bring unecessary awkwardness and probably compromise the otherwise civil relationship we have now.
She isn't the type to accept she has done wrong, and I have a pretty extreme example to back it up. One of my sisters has a different dad, but she was raised as though she is my dad's daughter just like the rest of us. Some shit went down and we all found out when my sister was about 16, and when she asked why she lied for all those years my mum said she never lied about it, we've known the whole time. Simple as that. As if my sister just forgot who her dad is for a minute.
Crazy shit man, I mentioned I was pretty cooked but in all honesty I got out of that family environment remarkably mentally sound.
>Someone I knew in the internet told how his school mates had beaten him up to break his bones
>just because he was gay
Oh, completely deserved then.
you're a fucking piece of shit. i hope you rot and burn in hell you fucking scumbag. you should be arrested and sent to prison in detroit where you'll get assraped and violently beaten by a pack of niggers every single day for the rest of your life until you eventually get stabbed to death.
If you think it is okay to beat people to half dead because they are gay, you deserve to be done the same.
lol no one feels bad for faggots. fuck off back to your shitty website. i hope he's fucking dead now.
lol calm down edge boy
Okay you fuckhead. You're on my DEATH LIST and you will be beaten to death when the day comes. And I am not even gay. Also I have no website you fucking idiot.
When gays bitch and moan about every little "injustice" that befalls them to the point where politicians will go out of their way to create a bio-hazard just so their feelings won't be hurt then they deserve death.
that insane holy shit, I hope none of you gave in to that
Whatever you non-humans. You will be removed from the face of the Earth when the day comes. Among other types of filth.
We had some idiot edgelord kid actually try to rape some girl I knew. So we confronted him took him out to the back woods behind the school and I removed all of his fingernails with pliers. He never came back to school after that and I did see him once outside of school but he ran away.
you pussy you probably hate gays because you're closeted as fuck. It's 2019 you can suck dick and fuck ass all you want
Just because you can doesn't mean you should
>chav in my school soaks gloves in lighter fluid and lights then
>runs around with other chavs grabbing people and punching them with his fire-hands
>did so to me and most of my friends
>no consequences for him
tell my why two consenting gentlemen can't ravage eachothers bunghole
She doesn't expect anyone to forgive and forget because in her mind there is nothing to forgive or forget. I'll tell you another quick story to show how she deals with that kind of thing
>~12 years old
>someone from the school rang up saying I hadn't handed in the money for a school fundraiser
>I had done and I told her that
>of course she said I was lying and I stole the money
>she was yelling at me and shit, said I stole it to buy whatever I'd recently bought with my money from delivering newspapers
>told her that was where I got the money from but of course I was lying
>she thought it would be really funny to make me search the whole house for it while berating me until eventually I cracked and admitted to stealing it
>I was searching everywhere with her standing over me with this smug bitch look on her face, explaining that it was a waste of time because I'd already given them the money, I was crying and quite flustered by all of this because I didn't know what I was supposed to do
>literally had never stolen anything in my life by the way, there was absolutely no reason to think I would've done something like that
>after a long while of this the lady from the school rings back and says they found it
>she says 'well that's alright then' and goes to walk away
>my dad loses his temper with her and says it isn't alright because look what she'd just done for no reason and she should apologize
>she just rolled her eyes and walked away
She is completely incapable of ever accepting that she's done anything wrong.
I didn't say they can't I said they shouldn't. It's an easy way to get STDs, a blown out asshole, and a colostomy bag. Because they have such a high rate of HIV and AIDS it's much easier for them to infect other people with it. Look at the California bill I posted. They are no longer required to disclose whether or not they have HIV or AIDS before donating blood. Homosexuality is a biohazard.
>I gave up and tried to hate what I loved
fuck society, man
Yeah it's mad isn't it? But what could we do? She just refused to talk about it anymore. I was already out of the house by that stage thankfully but my sister filled me in on everything.
So my sister ended up meeting her real dad which my dad not my mum helped to arrange, but otherwise it never gets talked about. Very weird shit.
Christ, my brain wants you to leave it alone and hope it doesn't happen again
My heart wants you to gaslight the shit out of her
Sorry you had to put up with that shit, hopefully you've learned to be more understanding and considerate of others because of it
>always be bullied for all my life
>Get thrown into shitty public Brazilian college
>the bullying becomes 300% more agressive and terrifying
>6 months later
>GTFO as soon as possible
>Spend every night of my life fantasying about revenge
Muslims are more based than we give them credit for. Sometimes, they're capable of amazing things.
I absolutely can not stand people abusing positions of authority, it triggers me really badly and I think that might be the reason for it. Other than that I'm not sure what effect it had, probably mostly negative. My dad was a fucking hopeless cunt but he is a good person for the most part so at least I had some positive role model for how you should treat other people.
when did they say they were a girl faganon?
These tend to get really bad. It's niggers who have 0 restraints from anyone because their family or themselves are thugs or drug dealers. I feel you.
>Non whites are fucking vicious.
But the whites who participated aren't? Did you even read his post?
Some of these stories are insane.Humanity was a mistake.
I still get bullied by my mother.
I want to be murdered.
look at the news spastic
You're a good boy, user, you always have been. Your mum was a bitch, but maybe she got the same from her parents, just try not to pass it on.
>Did they go to jail?
Marking this one as fake but also gay.
we truly live in a society bro ;_; *hugs*
Got waterboarded by my waterpolo teammates when we were in camp togeather. Wish I fucking died then and there so I didnt have to live this miserable life anymore
Fuck that sounds pretty traumatising,even if it was for a few minutes i think that must feel like forever.