Tfw unironically have a 5 page paper due in 24 hours

>tfw unironically have a 5 page paper due in 24 hours
I hate my life bros. I don't even know where the fucking day went...

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Alright, time to get working dude. What's the subject?

>150 word essay due in 2 years
guys wtf lol.

Your not alone man Im in college and already completely falling behind in all my classes. I have no motivation to do well, I barely can force myself to get out of bed on a daily basis. My family just looks at me with disappointment which is honestly not there fault. I think I need to get out of college Im only 18 and need to get away from this shit man.

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Negotiation and Law
I have a general idea how to do the body, but the intro and getting started is killing me.

Well you're still young user. If you need time to figure things out, do it. Most people feel pressure to go to college right after HS and end up wandering around completely lost.

Put some music on and get going. Try doing a shit intro then the body first. I'm working on a paper for a shitty black film class right now.

Yeah, I've been listening to music.
I'm vert autistic when it comes to papers. Like I can't move on unless I know I have the intro done. I been writing and deleting things for the last 3 hours because I'm not happy with it.

What's the film?

Getting to Yes is a great book on Negotiations

If you need to cite some scholarly papers use scihub to get them for free.

As far as writing goes make the outline first. Once you have some idea as to the content you can organize it and format it.


Madman phase is researching and shitposting things seemingly relevant to the topic.

Architect is planning the essay. Outlining it, fleshing out transitions, etc.

Carpenter. Writing the damn thing.

Judge is editing.

Follow these steps in order. Don't edit during research, outlining, or writing. Write garbage, rewrite it better.

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Sankofa it's called. Kinda bizarre but we have to write about the "black aesthetic". The guy who teaches this class is waaay too into it

>tfw 2 page paper due in7 days
> : (

>can't write 5 pages of double spaced times new roman 12 in 24 hours
My casual 4+ page single-spaced output per day in my writing is laughing at you right now. Nut up and get it done user.

Why would you do this to yourself? That sounds pretty boring.

Writing a book dude. Shit's fun, I get to make my own characters, plot, and everything. Highly recommend it.

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Dude take a fucking adderall and just do it jesus

Step one when writing an essay, plan out what you're going to write and write the intro LAST. It's hard to start with an intro and then develop the body, so develop the body with the points you want to make and then make the intro which will include your main points. After writing your body paragraphs, you'll know what topics you've included and what you've skipped on.

"Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe" -Abraham Lincoln

sit down and spend your time thinking DEEPLY about what the author is trying to say. Think about the points you want to make.

Why are you still here?
Close your browser or you'll never do it.

Oh okay. That's a lot different than a school paper. Maybe I'll try it some day. A short story though.

For me I don't find it different at all. I always cranked out my papers in a few hours all through university. Maybe a bit of editing just before handing them in, but aside from that it was one sitting every time. If you plan out what you're going to say well before you sit down (ex: during breaks, other classes, etc.) you can just go and be done super fast.

I took 2 years after high school to work shitty kitchen jobs 55 hours a week then continued my education. Currently work full time and do school part time, i look forward to school much more than i do work and i dont even dislike my job that much. About to start going to school full time and work part time. Trust me man, once you dip your cock into the reality of hard labor 12 hours a day school is a cakewalk.

>tfw when took a nap after my last post
>still got nothing done

Wagecuckery, here I come

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5 pages isnt really that much when you factor in double spacing and what not. Start by writing down things you want to talk about in your paper, then put those topics in a cohesive order and then expand on them by just doing a word vomit, whatever comes to mind about that topic write it down, once you did all the topics go through them and polish them off. Into paragraph(s) should introduce your subject and what you will be talking about. Conclusion paragraph should just be a 1-2 sentence summary of each of your body paragraphs. Unless you are specializing in any type of literary field dont worry about how boring or dry it sounds, just do what you got to do.

I like to start the intro for some structure, do the bodies, then go back and finish my intro.