How many holes does a straw have?

How many holes does a straw have?

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one (1) hole

I saw you yesterday

It has one. This isn't fucking rocket science, brainlet.

two holes fren... one for for drink...

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So your asshole and your mouth count as one hole?

I haven't left the house in a week, and I didn't post on Jow Forums yesterday. You must be thinking of someone else

yeah pretty much, it's just a long one.

like a hose

Wrong. Reduce the length of the straw. It's now simply a hole. Ergo, a straw is one hole.

No because there are a bunch of holes (sphincters) inside of me separating them.

Correct answer: one hole with two ends

I'm a ghost in your house

>Reddit answer: one hole with two ends

>giving a scientific answer instead of coming up with le ebin maymay answer is reddit
fuck off

Foiled by sphincters once more.

>>giving a scientific answer instead of coming up with le ebin maymay answer is reddit

go shove your puns up your buns, hun

>Foiled by sphincters once more.


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while technically its one hole practically we consider two holes, one for sucking and one for the food. still, two ends of the same hole.

Use more/better lube (e.g., silicone oils) and wait until shes more deeply asleep next time.

Your GF has different holes for sucking and for food?

>>Jow Forums

one the top one is an extension of the bottom hole

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But if you flip it upside down, there is another hole.

It's the same hole, brainlet.

noes, poo come out of that one

How many holes does a donut have?

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Cepends on whether or not it's shaped like a coffe cup.

>noes, poo come out of that one
not right now, it doesn't

Its like asking how many sides a shape has
Two holes