Be balding

>be balding
>take fin for a year
>get all hair back, but lose libido
do I get off fin and fuck bitches or do I keep a head full of hair?

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nothing to do with fitness. Sage.

>he doesn’t think sexual fitness counts as fitness
Is it really that bad op? Do you just have no sexual impulses? Damn, I’ve been thinking about taking it

yeah pretty much zero desire to have sex. I can still have sex but honestly it doesn't even feel that good if you're not horny.

I'm considering quitting fin and seeing if at least some of the hair that grew back remains.

take L-argenine to get your libido back works for me very well since I take zoloft. Im as horny as a teenager.

what dosage?

2 grams a day but I take it everyday along with a multi and 6000 iu of vitamin D. I feel Like Zeus a horny as fuck God. Damn I love my stack.

I didnt put catalog in green text wtf? btw the
L-argenine pills are pretty large so look for getting the powder instead.

stop castrating yourself bro
I took fin for 5 years and it probably ruined my life

Did you keep your hair faggot?

balding is social castration

what is use is a head full of hair if you dick is dead, retard?

I am fascinated by this stuff. My hair is receding at the temples a bit, but I’m afraid to take anything because of what you described. Any more experiences or tips regarding finasteride you care to share?

the hair growth is amazing, I had very thin hair on my crown and slightly receding temples and everything came back after like 7 months of fin (1mg a day).

you can give it a go, some people don't get the sexual sides so you might be lucky. in the worst case just quit early

Dont bother with it. I put it in the same category as Phenibut, ECK stacks, and this powder that made people overheat but burned a lot of fat (cant remember the name) as crazy shit you only see on Jow Forums of which the risks and damage it causes outweigh the benefits.

i'm using topical fin for 2 weeks now and have absolutely no sides. i tried fin in the past before too, about 4 years ago. When I had initially tried out fin i had what I believe to be psychosomatic side effects, which stemmed from copious amounts of reading hairloss forums. Side effects are overblown and the more reading you do into them the more they'll affect your mindset going in. Truthfully the only way you will know if you get sides is by trying it out. If you get sides then stop taking the drug and they go away. That simple.

But yeah I'm on my second trial of finasteride right now and I'm using a topical formulation (minox + fin mixed). No sides this time from either medication.

>falling for the sertraline jew

>imagine being so ugly that your hair is your n1 aesthetic feature

Why the fuck would topical use cause side effects? The problem is when you take it orally and shut down your dihydro testosterone. Literally taking reverse roids

Nigga my anxiety issues are so bad its the only thing that works. I have tried everything else. So fuck you and your opinion.


>comparing fin to fucking dnp
nigga you can get a prescription for finasteride from any doctor, it's safe as shit

I think you should post before and after pics

Until what happens to OP happens to you

OP can just stop taking fin

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There's a lot of debate on whether or not topical finasteride can cause side effects. Some of it still gets in the blood stream.

Dont know why, but Fin Cleared my acne, makes me feel more “anabolic” and calm. Those sides must be in people already having hormonal problems cause I’m trying to get to endo to clear why fin helped with my mood swings and depression lol

Read this and stop fucking taking fin morons.

I've been on fin for 5 months, sperm a bit watery, but I take zinc and its nice and thick again. Unfortunately I'm not seeing much hair gains because I'm not very consistent

lol dude that site was started by a bunch of shills trying to sue merck for money

everyone else is mentally ill bandwagoners

every study ever conducted on finasteride says that it is relatively safe and there is NO evidence of PFS even existing apart from mentally ill people on forums.

t. take fin no issues

Post proof that your hair grew back.

Attached: Image_34.jpg (1080x852, 1.12M)

post body

Stop taking it retard. You most likely take fin to look "better" for females but looking good for them guves u shit if u can't fuck them.

No sex drive < balding < bald

>bald =
coping baldie, opinion discarded

I've been taking fin for 5 years and my libido hasn't changed. I have slight ED issues but I had those before I started fin. If I stopped smoking, did cardio and stopped being depressed I'm sure it would go away.

Ah were those studies perhaps paid for by Merck? How about you look at the studies posted on the site.


Now post proof.

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My hairline was awful, I took the baldpill and all of a sudden latina and black chicks are all over me. Bald with a beard and muscles is the only way bros

there are hundreds of studies on finasteride by independents.

im not going to look at your mentally ill website nor its studies.

stay bald copelet.

i'll keep my hair

Like half of the male population in western countries have ED problems and most aren't even on finasteride. Most of these "fin killed my peepee" claims are probably coincidental and there's other causes responsible.

post your kik ill show you proof bby


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I can share my experience. I started using at almost 19 and used exactly for year. It didn't let my hairloss progress but did nothing more (which is to be expected). It did affect my libido and semen consistency negatively but only for like a month. One time I couldn't get a boner for porn as a healthy 19 yo. Brainfog always remained and I always felt that my performance was subjectively worse. Also you shouldn't take DHT inhibitor at 18-20 anyway for dick gains.

So, to 18-20 yo: don't take fin. Take tropical fin + min like morr-f (only one i know) or whatever that user will recommend:

what solution do you use? morr-f? I'm also looking to start doing tropical min + fin

thanks for the thoughts brehs. I'll continue looking into it, and remaining cautiously optimistic about it. I wanna start it when I get a new job in the next couple weeks, hopefully.
pls be in LA bby
Interesting. thanks for sharing user. I'm 25 and my libido is starting to naturally decline slightly, but I can still fuck like a racehorse when i'm in the mood. and i'm perfectly satisfied with the size of my dingus, so dick gains don't concern me. The brainfog is disconcerting tho

definitely an overlooked point. fucking half of the populations in Western countries are literally obese, and are married to equally disgusting sows. no wonder they can't get it up, and if they could, they couldn't see it under their gut.

stop fin and start micro needling, there are studies on internet showing it works wonders, google it