True Red Flags Thread

List your red flags for the opposite sex. NO listing height, weight, income, etc. only real red flags.

Red Flags for women:
>says mean things about people she calls her friends
>obsessed with appearances
>no typical adult skills (can't cook, can't sew a button, can't throw a punch, can't fix a sink/toilet or crack in the wall)
>addicted to instagram

Red flags for men:
>raises his voice to me
>yells at video games
>punches the wall or breaks objects when angry
>acts derisively toward me/my interests
>jokes always at other peoples expense
>feels comfortable saying nigger, faggot, kike, etc. in every day conversation
>calls himself redpilled (only bluepilled people do this)
>watches youtubers religiously (such as pewdiepie)
>thinks comfy games like sdv, animal crossing, farming simulator, etc. aren't "real games"
>only plays fps or EA sports

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>raises his voice to me
>yells at video games
>punches the wall or breaks objects when angry


if the content of this thread constitutes an interest of yours i'm sorry to say i feel compelled to deride it op

No, red flags are what you should avoid in a partner.

that makes me fucking dry.

Red flags for women:
>Single at 25 and beyond
>Multi-colored hair
>Loves traveling
>Watches Netflix
>Male friends
>Has picture with Black children
>Has dated non-White people
>Doesn't want kids
>Doesn't have a relationship with father/family
>Child of divorce/had out of wedlock

I don't want kids but I don't see it as a red flag.

>doesn't pass the door test

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No concern for the the future. High time preference. Impulsive. No legacy. No carrying on of what was left to you.

>yells at video games
>punches the wall when angry
im a girl and I do this oof

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Thread reminder that red flags are different from deal breakers.

Agree on everything. A perfect example of every one of my significant others, me and all my male friends.
You really only need 1 of these for something to probably be quite fucked up with you.

>feels comfortable saying nigger, faggot, kike, etc. in every day conversation
I'd say these things in every day conversation with my friends, but not with strangers or acquaintances

I don't believe in legacies or carrying on what was "left to me", and I have great concern for the future. If I didn't care about it I would probably have gotten married out of high school and had kids and lived an uneducated lower class life.

>>Loves traveling
What? The others are just you being a conservative shit head but what's wrong with traveling?

>can't no true scotsman muh vidya
>it's fine if he does it to any other form of media

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are you like 12
lil old to get mad about missing your clicks on those battle goblins or whatever people play nowadays

>i'm not like the other girls
neck yourself, that should be one of OP's red flags.

i never heard anyone argue that a movie is "not a real movie" or a book is "not a real book".

you might want to check out /tv/ or /lit/

Red flags for women
>obsessed with normie social media
>overreacts to slight things
>has taken lewd images online or has slept around

Rap is not real music.

If you are a girl (female) do you wanna be my angry vidya gf?

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all i do is play vidya i dont know about any of this shit

Nothing wrong with traveling per se. But when girls are into traveling, especially college educated women, it means they're into the fast life -- nomadic and not being tied down. It means they're looking for quick, exotic flings with foreign men or that they'd like to take advantage of other men to support the excursion. Travel is expensive -- women are getting the funds from somewhere.

The lower class woman with children and acts as a caring mother and wife is infinitely more valuable than a childless 31 year old with a sociology degree making 45K a year.

>all she does is play video games

I would literally kill for a vidya obsessed gf tho

>all she does is play life sim video games

It's lazy to have children and hope one of them becomes a doctor. If you want to see more doctors in the world, become one yourself.

I just noticed I am still posting with my name from the other thread
If you haven't checked it out, it's good fun

sure, if you're a boy (male)

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I'm not sure if I believe you, but post Discord

I wouldn't mind one either, to be honest, though I don't actually play that much myself. I was just making fun of .

i don't.
i also have a job : (

I read both of the posts but didn't process that you were making fun of the other one. I'm a bit slow sometimes.

False premise: A loving mother doesn't have children so that she can benefit financially. That's disgusting. She has children because it is within her nature to produce and also to create a legacy -- to create a family, which is the fundamental unit of civilized societies. A mothers love would push her children to do better than she could.

Then there are no loving mothers. If you watch forensic files and a young woman dies, her parents lament the loss of potential grandchildren who don't exist, over the loss of their own child, who very much existed and died a horrible death.

But are you open to different, non-virtual experiences?

i live on a farm so i am outside a lot.

Pretty on point OP.

Enjoy your PTSD.

Yeah, because Forensic Files is all women. Second, what you described yields no inference that said grandparents are upset because they will not be able to financially benefit from grandchildren. Rather, they're upset that their daughter will never be able to experience family live, and that they will never have the opportunity to have grandchildren -- which means their legacy has exhausted. Assuming no other children.

That's a disgusting thing to mourn when a real live person has been killed.

>Single at 25 and beyond
Just say 25 and beyond because if they aren't single they're not available.

Not gonna scroll down and not say yee haw to that cat

The point is that the girl's parents are not grandparents. They care about their legacy more than their kids.

living on a farm sounds pretty fun tbdesu. i kinda wish i had been born into that life
is your job on the farm too or is that unrelated

unrelated to the farm. I am a cartoonist.

Is a biological construct. Until the need for survival exists self-interest is the primary motivation of all people.

Hey OP, are you enjoying The Sims 4?

red flags for women
>browses social media in public
>doesn't want to have kids
>disloyal or many boyfriends
>bad hygiene and bad awareness
>talks about suicide or depression all the time

green flags
>likes to talk
>enjoys simple things
>likes to be feminine as long as its for me
>has interests or hobbies and wants to share them with me as i share mine with them
>is alright with either being a homebody or going out for shenanigans

how did you get into cartooning? would you be willing to post some you've made here

Another green flag for a woman is not caring what others think of them, but this is rare.

>my gf never responded back
It hurts

You're again assuming that those are the only thing that the grandparents are morning.
People can be upset about multiple things. Like, these aren't mutually exclusive ideas.

red flags in girls:
>has casual sex with men
>doesn't wear sunscreen
>owns a dog
>identifies as socialist
>identifies as conservative

red flags in dudes:
>has casual sex.
>doesn't wear sunscreen
>owns a dog
>identifies as socialist
>identifies as conservative
>"anti-SJW"/"race realist"
>has anger issues
>has ever been violent
>yells when it's not necessary
>too insecure to go out and buy tampons for a gf/sister
>has no female friends
>financially dependent on parents past age 25
>plays violent video games
>watches kinky porn
>has a bad relationship with his mother
>doesn't own a tailored suit
>has never left the US
>has significant student or consumer debt
>too stubborn to see a psychiatrist and take meds
>has "broken up" with more than one therapist
>hates cats

a lot of red flags in men aren't so bad in women because women are more psychologically flexible and open to new experiences

This was definitely written by a girl, because some of the red flags are fucking insane.

>too insecure to go out and buy tampons for a gf/sister
I don't understand this. What is there to be insecure about?

>hates cats

Spotted the tranny

Masculine qualities are good in a girl because it takes personal depth to go beyond the stereotypical behaviour of the group that one belongs to. It however, is not always good in a man, one of these examples is when it takes the form of mindless brutism like getting angry at irrelevant things and being unable to control ones anger, because its just an exaggeration of already existing qualities you have. It does not take any personal depth to become a caricature of yourself.

>doesn't own a tailored suit

Also why are you obsessed with sunscreen

>Also why are you obsessed with sunscreen
Holy shit I didn't notice that
This was written by a fucking autist

red flags for men:
>watches anime
>obsessed with beer
>mommys boy
>addicted to social media (its very feminine)
>has a ''phone voice''/beta voice that he uses when trying to be polite
>accepts when you offer to pay

>doesn't wear sunscreen

What did they mean by this?

>accepts when you offer to pay

It's a test to see if you think we're worth paying for.

No one is worth paying for.

Why does love involve "tests"
Can't you be honest with someone who you are trying to be in a relationship with?

Red flags for women
>Isn't a real woman (Trannies are mentally ill)
>Dyed Hair
>piercings aside from the traditional ear ones
>lack of a Hymen/loss of virginity
>claims to not want a family/kids
>dresses in slutty, skimpy, tight, or otherwise revealing clothes in public or around anyone but her partner
>posts nude pics online or sends nudes to anyone but a committed partner
>seeks validation through posting pics social media, soc, or other places where thirsty cucks spew compliments at every bitch that posts
>Bipolar, Borderline, Schizophrenia, sociopathy, psychopathy, basically any mental illness I can't relate to I guess
>lack of common interests
>doesn't like my friends
>all or a majority of her friends are male
>leftist (if she can't be reasoned out of it, as I once was.)
>extremely career oriented (it's not bad if she wants to work and make some money, hell great if she went through uni without being brainwashed and can get a good job for a little while, but I'd rather her duties be as a homemaker and to be a mother)

Did I miss anything? Probably but I think this is a long enough list for me to list outright

You could just, yknow, be up front

and women wonder why men can't deal with them

If you meet a woman you really like and want to impress you'd pay for her meal, ticket, taxi ride, whatever. It's natural for masculine men.

Dating and seduction is a bit of a game, don't deny that.

These are decent
I like dyed hair, but it's a red flag because the kind of people who dye their hair are often shitty. I'd totally be down with getting my gf to dye her hair after we are already in a relationship.
I don't care about virginity, as long as they aren't a whore. If they lost their virginity in an actual relationship I'm ok with it.
Majority of friends being male is more of a yellow flag imo
I'd be ok with her being on the left as long as she isn't a radical

>Dating and seduction is a bit of a game, don't deny that.
Why is it a fucking game. That's retarded. If I found out that some bitch was "testing" me I'd instantly leave her. I'm not gonna date some manipulative bitch who will probably stab me in my sleep if she dreams that I cheated on her.

If I wanted a game I'd hop on my PC and play one, I want a family.

People who treat dating as a game will always end up bitter and alone when they're older.

This. If they treat dating as a "game" then they are obviously a whore who isn't actually looking for love, but for fun

No. It's demeaning.

yea understandable, but I'm still pretty young (21) so dating an 18 year old virgin and waiting for marriage is still pretty practical as far as I'm concerned. Not just practical, but preferable.

That said the one huge red flag I forgot is if she's over 25. If a woman is still alone by 25 her biological clock starts ticking ever so louder (the next milestone is 28) as she has failed to secure a mate, and so she will change her behavior and act not like herself until a kid is put in her, at which point her behavior will revert to the reason she was single at 25. That said, be sure to put a baby in your girl before she's 28, because if you don't impregnate your gf by that point she will subconsciously think you're infertile and her biological clock will urge her to seek other genetic content (ie, causing what may have previously been a good girl to cheat because the ticking of her biological clock against time)

Biological clocks aren't real. People know if they want kids or not by puberty.

t. 18yo male who thinks they don't want kids

Normal men ENJOY paying for women they like. It makes them feel masculine and makes the woman feel feminine.

You want a family, you will have to provide. If you can't even pay for her meal it shows what you'll be like for the rest of the relationship, stingy. You're supposed to show that you can take care of a female.

Just remember that normal men have no problem with this, and think about how beta it is to reject something that has been FOREVER.. Men have always brought gifts to women they wanted to woo.

You're going to be alone forever with that kind of shitty personality.

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I'd be ok with paying, but I don't want the girl offering to pay and then getting pissed when I accept. If I can't even trust what she's fucking saying, how am I supposed to love her?

I'm 24 and not a male and I know I don't want kids, and have known since actually before puberty.


>Uses virgin as an insult
>Does nothing and expects me or other men to support her in life
>Hates men
>Doesn't have a job/doesn't plan to be a housewife
>Posts on social media a lot
>Has a lot of male friends outside of the internet
>Won't let me look at her text conversations

Men ((I'm not gay but I guess I'll do this as well?)

>Bad hygiene
>Is into cuckholding of any kind
>Hates women
>Orbits to any capacity

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Would you like to not have kids but still be romantically involved with me?

If women can test men then men can test women as well. For me if the girl doesn't at least make an attempt to offer to pay then thats a red flag. I don't want a girl who just sucks my money away like a leech. I want a woman who is capable of providing for me as much as I can for her and even if she may not be able to financially I want to at least see her attempt to.

Obective red-flags for grillz

High waisted shorts
Dyed hair
Tattoos (Only one small one that is meaningful is passable if personality is up to standards)
If they speak in new gen-slang saying such immature terms like "lit" "senpai" smfh" "thot" "on fleek" "queen" "yas"
Talks in deep voice
Talks in high pitched voice like a hooker/baby
Has no sense of hygiene
Dresses in slutty, tight, edgy, loose or weird fashion
Goth girls/emos (Universally known for daddy issues, cutters and demons in the closet)
Hipster girls (Universally annoying, pretentious, awful style, usually don't shower often or lack true ambitions, bad taste in music or annoying about good taste, thick glasses)
Country girls (They are used to fucking chad's brother, so avoid at all costs unless you want to pretend to be her brother)
Too edgy/trying too hard to be cool
Trying too hard to pander to trivial social rights issues (SJW/too leftist)
Too right-wing (Obnoxious)
Hair that's too short
Hair that's too long
Has any social media besides facebook (Even that is still a negative point in 2019)
Has ever taken nude photos
likes cats
Eats too much/too little
Uses Tinder
Goes on Jow Forums

How bout you make like a transvestite and kill your self

Wrong, I went from not wanting kids to wanting kids after I turned 20

My issue isn't paying or being masculine, my issue is thots playing stupid games like this. Wife material wouldn't offer to pay, she would simply understand her place and let the man pay.

Why are you so mad at OP?

>>feels comfortable saying nigger, faggot, kike, etc. in every day conversation
You live a life of self-inflicted imprisonment and it makes me sick. To constrain something as simple as your own vocabulary is anathema to personal freedom

>only plays fps or EA sports
i thought this said esports for a sec. i don't meet any of your redflags but i pretty much only play competitive games like starcraft

*faints from not saying nigger*

It's not about being racist or not being racist. It's about actually feeling discomfort from saying a word. I can not imagine being uneasy about vibrating my throat in a certain manner. The idea of resenting the ability and freedom to do something is frankly disgusting to me.

>It however, is not always good in a man, one of these examples is when it takes the form of mindless brutism like getting angry at irrelevant things and being unable to control ones anger, because its just an exaggeration of already existing qualities you have.
I find it funny when people say not liking it when a man acts like a woman is misogyny. No, hon, it's because a man is strong enough to break shit and injure people if he acts like a woman.

>thigh or chest tattoo
>can't cook
>high score on snapchat
>going nowhere in life / shit not together
>drug use

libertarians can suck me off through my jean shorts.

Why not skip the whole dating/dinner charade and just become an honest whore?

I hate it when guys yell or act like manchildren. All the professional older guys are way out of my league though.

My beliefs go beyond politics. It is simply a matter of being human. It is what separates man from beast.

>It's natural for masculine men.
Remember! When anyone tells you to "man up" they are almost always asking you to act against your own best interests (and usually in a way that benefits them).

red flags for men:
>has an "obsession" with marvel movies
>tries to separate me from my friends or family
>insults me or anyone i care about, especially if they explain it away as "banter"
>doesn't like to read