Why do you all even come here?
Why do you all even come here?
I don't know. No one barely responds to me
I know that feel, have a (You)
Im alone and by alone i mean separated from the rest of the world
I'm old and I have nothing else in my life when I take a break from video games and porn.
Because it's fun and I get to interact with other losers
Relative time speed : effort ratio is top tier. Plus the comfort of accomodating it to long or short periods. I can come here to kill loading screens or to spend hours non stop. It's the perfect shithole to rot in.
These two are the reasons I come here.
I've noticed that the thread to reply ratio for this board is fucking bonkers. So many thread die with only 2-3 posts, and then there are the ones with hundreds of them. I suppose the main difference is the former are personal threads for the OP and the latter are ones letting others talk about themselves.
To laugh at losers.
I post rarely.
You're the last source of socializing i have now.
this is the last good board
Why... hmmm because people here are for the most part honest and just say what they mean I guess?
Used to be a normie and shits tedious with their rules and shit
>can only talk about cool stuff
>if you talk about gaming it BETTER be fortnite or apex legends or you will get lynched
>you must respect minorities
>funny enough you can treat wamen like shit, gets bitches wet. (This applies to all races, but you cant go racial. For example I can call a black bitch a skanky hoe but if I call her a skanky BLACK hoe I'm in trouble cus white).
>must know the current NFL roster/have a fantasy football team
>must have social media that you use regularly (it also must follow normie approved thought police)
>you must be loud and constantly affirming normie approved views with your loudness.
I could go on and on, it never ends and its fucking tiring.
All I have to do here
>FUCK NIGGERS (JEWS if I'm on Jow Forums)
I could say I fucked my pregnant dog so I can cross bread human-animal as part of a grand conspiracy to overthrow the human race and you fuckers would probably respond with
>post pics of mandog
>time stamped pics plz
At the end of the day, I love this place and I love all of you. You degenerates are closer to me/know me better then my normie friends ever were/did. God bless all of you, hope to meet you all in the afterlife where we can hang out for real.
This was an oegija l post
The community is really unique even if we all love to say how creatively dead Jow Forums is. There's nowhere else I can hang out with the kind of truly lovable losers I talk to here.
For a split second I feel like I belong. I won't be judged for my awkward mannerisms or stutter. For a moment I can feel almost human.
I cant say its joy. But this beautiful shit hole is my home. You robots and /b/ tards taught me so much more about the world and life than anyone else.
Without you guys I'd be nothing. And somehow despite the fact I've never met anyone here, this culture is what I love.
Every good thing to happen to me is because of chan culture.
Based based as fuck user. Our stories seem similar. Save i was never normal. Only alone.
Jow Forums is dead but it's culture is far and wide. As far as the seedy / truly free parts of the internet it might as well be the uk. Naught but a symbol of what it used to be. But still worth a visit from time to time.
wait... why is the most muscular, and only fit guy in your photo called "auschwitz"? what a stupid meme attempt.
Habit. There hasn't been anything good here in ages but I can't stop.
Because there is nothing satisfying or enjoyable about my life and I need to kill the time.
Boredom, loneliness, depression. I try to give advice here and there as well. I'll stop coming soon though, likely to kill myself in a few months.
To help others escape this hellhole
love? obsession? passion? I don't really know what it is, but when it starts to get in the way of things you know something is wrong.
to enjoy myself among people like me.
Boredom, it's really that simple. Even feeling aggravated or depressed or outraged is better than boredom
stop lying you fucking asshole, you are here to bulli and you know it.
because I feel closer to people here than I do to my friends in real life, theres just something about the autism of people who use this site that I can relate to, I feel like people here understand me more than anyone, this is my home or our home
No, i try to be a nice person especially on a board with so many sad and depressed anons. Best to spread positivity on such a cancerous board full of redditors and edgy 13 years olds
What the fuck are you talking about? Jow Forums is FILLED with rules.
Pretty much all the reasons why got covered, idk just keep being you chan never change
I'm proud of you. Keep love and kindness alive.
In real life I'm unneededly secretive of myself and basically pretend I'm someone I'm not because I fear emotional interaction as I see it as being dangerous to me, and live a very isolated existence of having very intense feelings and emotions but unable to express them with anyone. I come here because I need someone to let my hair down and speak my mind anonymously, and Jow Forums among other boards happens to have subject matters that I can give and take from.
All that said I do suspect this place has made me way worse.
I have aspergers and can only interact on here because i am socially inept and irl people are vapid
Right now nostalgia.
I'm making it boys.
then get out of here you normie scum
Oh robot! Succeeding won't make you a normie. Nothing ever will. You just have to get over it and accept life will hurt.
I use it as a substitute for human contact but all the negativity just makes me even more misanthropic
I didn't tell you to reply to me so why are you doing it
Alike people gravitate towards eachother
Because a lot of you faggots are fucking funny.
Idk you guys are generally pretty nice. R9k is a comfy place to chill on those sleepless depressing nights
because where I was before turned to absolute shit
It's one of the few places I feel comfortable
Found the niggerculture loving normalscum that needs to fucking die. Never use that fucking word ever again okay? Your giving me ptsd flashbacks
Social life. Non normalfaggots don't have them so we need to anonymously talk here.
Now leave for not knowing this. Things like omegle and irc actually did die, this place did not.
Chill my dude!
No you, seriously.
Not even him.
Its the only place I communicate with other humans beyond talking about the weather while in line at the grocery store.
So much race bait is posted that 'they' think that white nerds that watch SEL would allow niggers or females to be here. The newfaggots take the bait seriously due to no janny EVER existing that would delete actual spam.
To remind myself not to fuck up and become as pathetic as you all, as I'm actually developing a pretty decent social life. Also for funny greentexts.
It's a substitute for actually socialising, which I avoid because it causes me anxiety.
Just waiting for the board to get good again desu
Many times this board is taken over by some zoomer bullshit or whatever fembot threads literally none of us can or want to relate to.
It's really a waste of time. But then again, you meet other people who are seriously going through the same shit as you and it's nice to just know you aren't alone.
I come here to join this wide circle of losers while i bask in the degeneracy of the robots beside me.
Because I need to find a gf(male) in the southern us
Sounds like bdp user, you should go get yourself checked out
Because for some reason I think I might meet someone nice here, even though that's not what this board is for.
because I'm trying desperately to recreate the feelings of community that Jow Forums et al had when I was a teen and finding that it's all pretty much gone and now my real life is getting worse and worse and I no longer have the escape I had back then. at least robots don't pretend to be more than they are, even if alot of yall are weird as hell.
hecking this as well.
a distraction from depression - simulating social - low risk
becuase i want to talk to my family
it's my way of looking at traps without directly looking at traps
To laugh at people's failings and feel socially competent / well-adjusted. The bitterness on here where virgins and 'nice guys' whine about what they think all women are like (despite having never held a long conversation with any girl IRL) is also a cathartic experience- it's nice to feel judgy, superior and just a little angry. Otherwise all my hatred would be reserved for muslims; the incels let me spread the hate out a bit so it doesn't become an obsession.
My life is ruined and I just look at suicide threads to give me motivation to do it.
Another funny social media site to browse when I'm bored of snap, insta, and reddit.
idk i used to be normal but i lost all friends and isolated myself
usually i come by for a nut and spend some time on r9k
Because, despite being socially capable, I just don't get along with normal people. I don't have any friends at all.
I am a normal guy, haha. Just lookin for a laugh, innit?
To laugh at the more unfortunate in life.
i have friends. but none like you.
I don't use any social media so I need some alternative.
because im a loser without any friends, i used to hang out with my brother everday but hes in the coast guard now so i basically stay in my room for weeks on end, sometimes i go to the gas station late at night just to buy snacks, the shop owner always makes fun of me ans asks me if i have a job or go to school and why im in his gas station at 4:00am
I can speak my mind about shit and ask questions I normally wouldn't ask due to fear of being judged .
To punish myself
to find other fuckups in life like myself
too fill the void when i cant sleep
To remind myself of how the real world actually is. Don't want to go and get bluepilled again.
For the same reason we do anything else, to distract ourselves from how absolutely pointless life is, and kill some time while the end gets closer, but avoiding thinking about it meanwhile lol.
Self-harm. It's the same shit teenage girls do cutting themselves. People come to this board because having their horrible self-image reinforced hurts less than dealing with the real world. Somehow the workable challenges they face in real life feel worse than the absolute hopelessness that's peddled here. It's fucked up.
Jow Forums is tuff love, nowhere else can i obtain any enjoyment in life.
i also hope /ic// will bully me into getting better.
plus memes,porn,rekt,greentexts.
i love you robots even if you call me a nigger
never goin happen fatty
same here user. same here
i feel a little less lonely when i know there are other robots in somewhat as shitty situation
(i prob am in more shit tho)
to watch society from the outskirts and a sense of communion
Im an airmenfag with no friends. R9k is my only home
No user. Normies don't care if you don't like football, or like obscure games, or aren't a general ass to women. Just say "nah im not really into football" or "nah i mostly play rpgs" and just call it a day.
You soxialize with people based off their interests. I've met normies who love WoW, i've met spergs who love football. Hell i've met roasties who are insane at cs go (she and her friends were A rank ESEA, was in S a couple times).
People are diverse. You're only missing out because you're too spineless to say 'nah I don't really care about xyz' and keep pretending like you do.
This is the only place where I get to know how uninteresting I really am, I've never gotten more than 2 replies on this board, but the ones I get are genuine and unfiltered (I hope at least.)
I guess I like that aspect of this place.
>people are diverse
I've been saying this a lot, but the whiny incels don't wanna listen.
I find joy in baiting people. I like the rare times when people engage in intelligent conversation. I like seeing incels and robots cry about being in a situation where they have the power to leave but choose to be negative. And memes
This place fuckin sucks and has gone down the shitter but I'm not sure where else to go for occasional lurking. All other imageboards are ghost towns, except for 4*2 chan, but they're still stuck on stupid shit like gamergate. Well, guess I'll just stick with Jow Forums, it's just marginally better than fuckin' reddit now.