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what up? im 25

You're only going to get older, fren.
It's all downhill from here.

depends on how you look at it I guess.

Are you me? It's awful and it's only going to get worse until the inevitable end. :(

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dont lose sight of the big picture guys, sounds very cliche but you guys arent even in the prime of your life yet

what's wrong with 26 user? Do you need someone to talk to? I'm quite open minded and can maybe offer some advice. 27 will be no different so might as well fix your problems now.

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When does it come user? And please don't give me some memery about how as soon as you hit 30, younger women will be all over you.

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Are you retarded?
Sure I'm not a middle aged fart yet, but my life is only headed downwards and I'll only lose functioning and looks with age.
The fact that I'm less than halfway to my projected age of death just means I have to suffer through this hell for over twice as long as I already have, which is not a positive or a comfort, but horrifying instead.

>When does it come user?
"It" doesn't. Not by itself. If you'd put a bit more effort in, you wouldn't have missed out on teenage love.

Honestly man if you ask 10 different people youre going to get 11 different opinions. In my opinion these things come from within, the way you feel on the inside manifests itself on the outside by the general vibes you give off. Work on yourself man, take care of yourself physically, mentally, emotionally and learn to love yourself (easier said than done I know), only then will you realize that the only things that really matter in life is you and your loved ones. At that point women will realize you're a guy with his shit in order and will be interested.

Are you me lmao???? I just turned 26 a week ago and I'm freaking out going HOLY FUCK WHERE DID THE TIME GO

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your times up, old man. Move over for the zoomys will you?
>t.18 year old zoomer

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>be 27
>look 5 years younger due to avoiding the sun like the plague and having thick hair
>people my own age don't even register me as being "one of them"
>too much of a jaded doomer to get along with the 18-22 year olds

It's an abstract kind of hell.

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The crappiest part of getting older is amassing so much abuse and rejection from people that you become bitter. A child really gets to just run through life with everyone's support for the most part, whereas as an adult people turn against you it's really fucking weird.

>next year is 27
>the cool suicide year
weird feels
always thought I would die younger than that

Wait till you're fucking 30 years old.

28 and people think I'm 21 lol.

If you get the beiber hairstyle and don't get fat you'll look young forever.

27 and people also think I am 21. Less sunlight makes you appear younger confirmed.

I'm 23 and people think I'm 17, I have to show my id everytime I wanna buy booze (legal at 18 here).
People always tell me that I'll appreciate my young looks once I get into my 30s but I just wanna look appropriate for my age. Not to mention that most women prefer men who look older.

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27 in 2 months


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>tfw 19 year old zoomer
ngl friend, i think we should use our zoomzoom powers to help our based boomer guys out. Maybe encourage them to get Jow Forums and take up martial arts

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despite what the name implies, "zoomers" aren't actually fast. Since we are on Jow Forums. We are probably just as pathetic as them.

High interval intensity training, my friend. Let us all get stronger & faster together

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27 in april. Stop crying bitch nigga.

>'twent- *cough* twenty seven in apri-*WHEEEZE*... Stop cryin bitch nigga *falls over and presses life alert button*