other thread is about to disappear into an abyss
what's erryone's drug of choice tonight?
other thread is about to disappear into an abyss
what's erryone's drug of choice tonight?
Other urls found in this thread:
LSD + This trippy beatles song = My mind is swimming
weed and kratom for tonight
hopefully gonna do mush in the next few days
>He could type that reply
You didn't take enough LSD.
just vaping and watching youtube
im gonna vape thc with an old friend in a few days
it's just gonna be a couple of vaping zoomers shooting the shit
late night addy gang
what're you doing while taking addy, user?
Debating on trying salvia and DPH
I like horror movies. Is it really like truly terrifying? Full on hallucinations? Anyone try these got any stories?
exploring nostalgic anime stuff on youtube
>the weed hiatus of unforeseeable length begins
maybe a day, maybe a month, only the weed man knows
I swear to god I might cry if my oxy doesn't drop today. The vendor said it was posted before the DDOSing so he was bullshitting or I have been fucked. I just want my oc80's bro
I'm currently not taking caffeine for once. Coffee has been giving me terrible heartburn, bowel troubles and sleep problems, but really it was worth it to quit just for the reduction in anxiety.
Kush per usual, using a pen with indica.
Drugs are for losers, but I dearly miss taking drugs.
My drug of choice was either MXE (fuck getting k bladder), 1P-LSD or just plain old jazz cigarettes.
Give it up lads, the world needs your brilliance.
shutup I'm incubating my brilliance
3:17 am and im drinking and smoking weed
i have work at 9
what are some /cowboy core/ drugs? obviously cocaine, whiskey, cigarettes/chewing tobacco/dip. maybe mescaline/peyote and san pedro too? what do you think anons
Can't sleep over anxiety of going to go apply tomorrow to become a mcwagie, so I had to pop a clonazepam. Either my tolerance is too high from etizolam twice a week or this stuff can't kick in fast enough.
Mesculine, ether, moonshine, weed, morphine, beer
Did you see the size of that chicken?
Hatred. Its free and its good for you ;)
Dex and codeine are true cowboy drugs.
How many times should you try a drug before making a judgement? I ask because some people say they don't feel anything the first few times they do x drug.
What's meth like lads?
cool it with the edge m'bot
Not bad, but can go wrong I'd you take too much.
How's it compare to MDMA in terms of feel?
I know it lasts longer and all that.
also neurotoxic
I want to know how it feels like dingus.
I know it's directly neurotoxic to dopamine axons, I can read erowid just like every other fucker in this thread.
>I want to know how it feels like
only one way to find out what it does for you, here's some possible outcomes:
Was hoping a methanon in this thread might describe it, again I can read psychonautwiki.
It's a good site but if you want to find out the difference between what say 2C-B and DOM feel like you're going to need to ask someone because most of the subjective effects are just copypasted.
>xanax cravings have gone away
just found the trick, do something productive, for example, i've been practicing keyboard on Melodics all day
So my fucking oxy still hasn't turned up so now I know it was bollocks when they said it had been sent. I can't even dispute the order because DM is fucked and it was FE so I might have lost nearly 600GBP
why get oxy anyway? why not heroin
I'm too much of a pussy to IV
smoking it is simpler and safer to do/dose, all you need is aluminium foil, a lighter, and a straw (which you can make out of the foil, lots of harm reduction sites have pdf files with detailed instructions
Ahhh come on man i'll get there eventually, i am going to stick to oxy while it's still fairly cheap in europe for now. I need the money this year so i have dropped my usage down but i'll be back
at least you can be certain the heroin is heroin, pills are easy to fill with u-47700 or fent type stuff
I have never had any worries about sandoz oc80's in blister strips and boxes. I always look out for stuff like that but yeah I know it's easy to fake that too now because the last diazepam I got was way under dosed
>tfw first puff of the day
Whats stronger than 5-MeO-DMT?
By some estimates the fake medicine market is way bigger than drugs.
>too autistic to know how to get drugs
should I get a PO box for ordering drugs over the net? or is that being too paranoid?
iirc packages sent to a PO box you happen to own for no reason in particular are more suspect than just home deliveries
Meth is fun, although it makes me crave human contact a little too much
Hey so i got this problem
When i smoke weed and it has bedn a few hours after im high it get super depressed and tired any tips cuz this is just fucking unpleasant.
yea that's fair
what drugs are you interested in senpai?
How do you get high on benzos? Don't they just knock you out?
I get high off of not being anxious and not worrying
Brother in high school has the day off so I'm gonna once again miss my chance to try DMT for the first time. ffs I got this shit like 2 weeks ago and have yet to try it, but I'm too paranoid to take it to my dorm at school.
got 4 month probation for getting caught with 5gs of weed, is there a substitute to get my fix? ive been sober for about a month and im remembering how shitty life is without a distraction
How are you smoking it?
dxm cough sizzurp bro
Gonna be in a meth pipe since I don't own any weed stuff and I'm too lazy to make a machine since it involves glass drilling
How did you get caught lmao
literally anything that can get me high i do not give a single earthborn fuck
Why would you call it that? Its called a glass oil burner pipe. Also, the best way to smoke it, is using a vape.
DMT is supposed to be vaped if anything. You are going to have harsh hits
DXM and phenibut are both legal and super easy to get online, I really enjoy both of them
If you go the darknet route, LSD is one of the safest things to order because it's literally just a piece of paper so there's no way for authorities to catch it
so you don't know what you want.
educate yourself and come back
>Why would you call it that? Its called a glass oil burner pipe.
Because that's what literally everyone calls it, I only have ever used the term oil burner pipe when buying the thing in the smoke shop since they'd probably kick you out if you said meth pipe
>You are going to have harsh hits
Yeah I actually have taken hits of DMT before like a year ago but got nothing off of it because I didn't know how to use the pipe back then, and the friends I was sharing with used up most of the powder
any kind i should specifically get?
I'll try those.
Can I just purchase them online.
was watching netflix in my car when a cop rolls up and searches it. smoked like 2 hours ago and i smoke out the sunroof so it never smells though
originanana cause i deleted post on accident
you don't know what you're getting yourself into, retard
Check the ingredients, if it only has dextrowhatever and nothing else, then buy that one, i mainly get the aqua robitussin
Yeah just google sites to buy phenibut from
Lots of people just buy DXM in stores but when you do it's essential to buy a product with dextromethorphan HBr as the ONLY active ingredient or you could die
But they don't sell any products like that in stores near me for some reason so I order a product called robocough online
>gatekeeping drugs like some kinda moral cop
fuck off nigger
If you're US based robocough is cheap DXM with no bullshit ingredients, you might be able to get 1P LSD (which is just a prodrug for actual LSD) if it's still going too, both are gonna make you trip balls.
Do some reading on both before you try though, also be aware DXM has a reputation for being a shitty high school OTC drug even though it's fucking great because some people hate tripping balls and/or used the old syrups that would make you vomit your guts up.
No I'm not your parents.
Why order some easily accessible drugs without any idea of the effects and risks involved? Why not look into what you want out of the drugs, see what's out there, and make an informed purchase?
You act underage.
Because I'm a nolifer retard who spends all day in my room if im not at work with a shitload of expendable income and i need an escape
stop being a retard for 12 seconds thanks
The darknet is piss easy to learn to use
keep it up, enjoy the phenibut withdrawal
When it comes to drugs though, tons of research is always a good idea. It's what separates you from the tards that take some unknown substance and get unknown effects as a result.
bumpity bump bump
What do you like to do while on dxm?
How do you avoid the nausea?
>rheumatism and crippling loneliness
>I've been smoking weed every day for about a year now and the longer I do the more hopeless my life seems
>remember the old times before that stupid sickness came, on my way to becoming a normie that doesn't have to worry about jack shit
>now I am this limping, aggressive, jaded version of my former self that needs to smoke a plant to even sleep without berating myself inside my head over and over to the point I am almost crying
Tonight I am probably going to smoke some fat joints again to the point where I am more fearful about being too high than how shitty my life has become.
I take small amounts (50-75mg) to get more mileage on my ket.
How do you guys deal with stim psychosis when you haven't slept in a day or two and stims are the only thing in your bloodstream
Pop a downer and go to sleep?
go to sleep nigga, there's no other way around it. Hopefully you have a benzo on hand
Watching anything on DXM is cool because of this weird sinister undertone it gives everything
To avoid the nausea I mix my DXM into soda, drink half, wait 30 minutes and drink the other half. I've never puked from DXM
Some useful things for reducing nausea
>don't move at all during the first hour or so
>carbonated beverages
>benadryl (25-50 mg is all you need)
>ginger root/chews (has to have actual ginger in it or it's just a placebo
The point is to not sleep, i have benzos on hand when i plan to sleep but i have to get some shit done in the meanwhile but a few hours ago i was taking a shit and the psychosis kicked in
and it is pretty annoying when you are trying to get shit done
Tough shit, you need sleep.
Either get the shit done whilst spotting unspeakables in the corner of your eye or go to sleep, even if it's just a nap.
It's not like you're gonna see shadow peeps until day 3-4 anyway.
Embrace it I'm getting 1000 pills later
is dm down for everyone?
You can't get shit done when psychosis is setting in (I can never get anything done on stims anyways) and there's no way to reverse it except to sleep
hello robros, i've just put a tab of 1P LSD under my tongue, at around 7:10 because i was bored. Why would i do this? I have class tomorrow. Im so fucking impulsive. Anyways hope i enjoy the trip.
I am not talking about seeing shadow people psychosis more like panic attack blurry double vision psychosis
10 minute naps help but i can't rely on them
i guess i'll go sleep and call it a day everytime i do this shit it ends up fucking my brain anyways
underage bait
Yeah skipping sleep is really horrible for your brain
That's why whenever I do meth I always only dose before like 7am
not underage im 22 i have uni tomorrow. You think i can make it?
If you got benzos to knock you out sure, otherwise you would end up being awake all night at least that what happens to me on LSD and especially 1P, can't sleep on it without help
Anyway have fun user
So the last two times I did acid (both from same batch), I got a scratchy/sore throat and I feel like this is caused by some burning or something from the tabs. Could it be fake acid or is it just in my head? I've done acid 3-4 times before where I didn't get the burning feeling, so what caused it to happen both of the last two times?
Is it nasty street acid or dnm stuff?
DNM and it's the same vendor I got it from the other times
Alright mates it's starting to kick in. Hope i handle it well and make it to uni tomorrow at 8;00 AM
Gonna have a small comfy bump before work
The other day I got too eager and did too much
Just gonna stay comfy
Are you comfy today friends?
what drug can help me sleep and stay asleep and is sustainable long term, like daily for years? is there anything other than weed?
test kits are dirt cheap