Watching this show made me 100% sure that women can ruin society by merely being in the spotlight...

Watching this show made me 100% sure that women can ruin society by merely being in the spotlight, all episodes/seasons that have women only or women roaming along with the men are unbearable, but take them out and you get a golden society.

Sure, the men do run into conflicts, they fight and argue some even pussy out and leave, but in the end of the day they survive as a team, they put their words to action and manage to make it.

on the other hand the women outright refuse to do anything other than sit around and demand they get served a feast as everyone else is suffering from famine and have their own bodyfat and muscle as the source of energy.

and that becomes blatantly obvious in the mixed episodes, where even the strongest men give up providing the food since they're having 2/3 of the team on their shoulders, refusing to move a muscle or an eye lid to benefit the team.

Which confirms that women MUST stay in doors, away from the grinding gears of society in order to develop a better bigger stronger society.

You can't have them as a workforce, nevertheless a decision maker on behalf of men.

This show is a social experiment, a documentary.
Results would be way better had the show been much more realistic and they didn't intervene with planted food supplies or handholding, but it's a TV show and they're inches away from getting sued if any damages happen.

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I actually had to live on an island with some women, and can only attest. On my own it would have been nice, lonely but nice and I'd have gotten by just fine. With some women though I was essentially, on my own, surviving for all of us since they were entirely incapable on their own. Completely ruined the experience in that respect since I had to become their workhorse not even because they wanted it but because they needed it.

based and island pilled

Pic seriously related.

Feminists tried to get that season banned in the UK.

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Any more info on this?

Women in general are completely fucking useless, any woman who isn't completely fucking useless will agree.

Why were you living on an island with a gaggle of roasties?

Part of a research project, they dumped us out on a remote desert island in the pacific for several months to monitor some equipment and the local wildlife. Originally there were several of us but right away Chad broke his ankle and a couple left with him so it ended up with just me and three girls on this island basically surviving. And boy was it fucking miserable. The place was beautiful and a really amazing experience, but being there with them pretty much ruined it.

Did you bang any of them? I'm guessing no by the way you're talking about it.

I really like shit like that where you revert to a more primitive way of living and the natural order or gender relations is restored somewhat, but you have to be very assertive and dominant, and if women are too cunty it just doesn't work no matter what you do.

Where was the island by the way? I'd love to do something like that.

Laysan island, out past Hawaii.

I would have fucking killed them and myself probably if I wasn't getting to bang them. But I'm not some Chad and it's not like it happened organically. It ended up being basically that they offered sex as payment in exchange for me doing all the work and surviving for us since that's all they could offer really, and since we were out there several months. It was pretty pathetic though how it came about, they kept guilting and pleading me to man up and pull my weight, and eventually just played the pussy card and weren't happy about it.

Even still it wasn't worth it. I thought at first hey this might be pretty good, but after the novelty of sex wore off, I was still busting my fucking ass keeping us living decently and pulling the weight of four people mostly on my own. Night and day work so we wouldn't be fucked, wasn't worth it just for some pussy. Especially when they acted like it meant they were in charge or that they were bringing an even share to the table.

That sounds sweet man hahaha how the fuck do I sign up. Are you good with women generally? I used to be a total beta faggot but since I learned to tell bitches to shut the fuck up I can usually get what I want from them without too much hassle.
They are mentally the same as children. Children aren't 'bad' generally, they just can't be given any kind of power or responsibility because they are too self centered and irrational. If they see themselves as your equal they will walk all over you, if you put them in their place they will fall in line very few questions asked.

We were all doing it for college credit but I think there's probably other ways.

And no I'm not good with women at all I'm a complete sperg and social retard. In this case it only worked out because I was literally the only guy around for months and because they motivated me to work for them with it.

I remember you posting about this before, weren't you on a mission in africa or wherever?

I have posted about it before but I don't know anything about Africa.

Well I was a complete sperg til I was about 27-28. At some point you just stop valuing their soggy hole and stop giving a fuck what they think of you, it makes everything 100x easier. I think you're already half way there at least.

Well this was years ago so it wouldn't have been that way back then anyway.

back in the old days if the bitches didn't do their fair share they got a beating and became quite motivated. It may not seem fair by today's standards but they did what they had to do.

Beatings are probably not needed now but making sure they do their share of the dirty work on the job and denying attention to those won't. Women hate losing attention more than anything else. Its why they are just getting pissier about video games because their guy fucks off and ignores them for a few hours and they start to lose it. Back in the day people of breeding age who gameed were nerds and were made fun of for it. However video games became more and more accepted and the Chad's started playing them too. Could you imagine some regular roastie constantly flirting and trying to get Chad's attention only to have chad play a video game or talk about games with other guys? It decimates their internal value. I feel no pity though. This is the world they wanted and they can rot in it.

Volunteer bias

spotted the roastie
go be toastie on the other island

BLACK women are superior to white girls

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Most of the criticism on this season was written by a cuckman or was entirely satirical. Then again, I guess that's how most of this shit starts.

Regardless, I thought the show pretty accurately pointed out the strengths and weaknesses of each person. Some women weren't pusses and some men hid behind a cock-shaped mask.

>the females all need to agree
Patriarchy is obviously projection. Just like feminism being a lack of fairness is ass backwards projection. Females were always soft served, why would they even want feminism? A coal miner is worse than a house wife, only a fool would question who's life was harder.

The happy merchants put these ideas in their heads to break up the family unit and weaken the forthcoming generations.

It worked.