Why does everyone hate incels when we're literally redpilled on the true nature of women...

Why does everyone hate incels when we're literally redpilled on the true nature of women? Yes you're sexually liberated because you fuck any guy capable of emotionally manipulating you. Yes we hate you for being stupid shit spewing whores. Lol. Does the truth and people realizing the truth hurt or what?

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Do you think about literally anything else? Don't you have any hobbies or something

he looks like a gopnik

You built an entire ideology around not getting laid, making you incredibly vapid, insipid people. It's a shame all male virgins risk being associated with you.

>Why does everyone hate incels when we're literally redpilled on the true nature of women

Being redpilled is literally why everyone detests us. We spend our lives free. Miserable and alone, sure, but we are free. Do you have any idea what a miserable, cucked, utterly emasculating existing it is trying to make a relationship work with a modern day vaginaJew?

Imagine actually being anchored to her through kids or marriage when they REALLY let their true nature show.

Trust me... being miserable and lonely and having no status fuelled dopamine kicks is ABSOLUTELY the better path than bluepilled cuckdom in today's world.

They hate us because deep down they know that we're right.

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This originally willy

People hate the truth, and when that truth isn't to their benefit they won't ever acknowledge it. You know the truth, but don't waste your time trying to convince others as it won't change anything, you just waste your time.

Because they see us as a threat. Orig

they want edgey people but they dont want the truth. they dont want the most powerful thing (the truth) they want blue pilled because all women can never leave being blue pilled. they want men on their level. if you say anything redpilled to women it turns them off. because you cant really change things.
if you think we dont do other stuff then you are an idiot i can do anything and be thinking about not getting laid at the same time.

Stop hijacking the word "redpilled". Incels are the least knowledgeable, dumbest, garbage tier males. You don't know shit about women or the world outside your basement.

>understands women better than any other men, much smarter than normies
>is not able to figure out how to get women, while normies figure it out easily
How can incels believe in these contradictory things at the same time?

>not able to figure out how to get women
Everyone knows how to get a woman. Some are too ugly and use the volcel idea as an excuse to mask their ugliness. Some just do not care about women and understand that modern women are a joke

Incels clearly don't know how to get a woman.

>>is not able to figure out how to get women, while normies figure it out easily
there is nothing to figure out. if your face is unattractive to women they won't find you attractive enough to date, it's general knowledge

nobody hates you for being an incel, they just hate you because you're a shitty poster :)

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Ugly men get women, and decent looking incels exist. You are factually wrong.

This is technically true, yeah.
It's just about confidence and being outgoing from my perspective. Though the halo effect is definitely a real thing, especially on visual based hookup apps.

>it's just about confidence

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Considering ugly guys, fat asses and criminals snag girls all the time, yeah I don't really think it's all about height or looks.
Girls want someone strong, powerful, confident, rich, etc.
If you're super attractive and shy and submissive they'll pass you up.
If you're an ugly murderer who thinks he's hot shit they'll be all over you.

exceptions don't make the rule. the rise of hypergamy is the reason there are so many "lonely and horny" posters all of a sudden and why incels exist in larger quantities then femcels

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No you're just a dumbass with dumbass idealogies

>"know the true nature of women"

kek you're the last person to know shit about women of even being social

you're a faggot and saged

or even being social*

maybe focus less on women and work on not being a miserable faggot

double nigger faggot saged

Did you actually announce a sage?

yes, it wont be the last time either

tripple nipple sage nigger

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>Does the truth and people realizing the truth hurt or what?
You got it. Normalfags are just bitter about reality. Which is why they project their bitterness on incels and volcels.

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You know that you're bumping the thread anyways by encouraging me to respond, right?

It's because identifying as an incel is often a sign of a really narcissistic personality. A lot of incels talk constantly about their imagined problems and spend hours rationalizing something as dumb as why they can't have sex. Most people who aren't chuds don't really want to talk about sex and relationships with anyone they're not having sex or in a relationship with. If you identify as an incel seriously, a huge part of your personality is entirely focused around a topic that's super uninteresting and masturbatory.

There's lots of people out that there have issues with sex and relationships, but don't base their entire persona around it. These people are much more likely to "break the cycle."

have fun dying viorgin loser

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Why do incels always pretend there are more of them? The opposite is true. There are fewer incels every day. It is nothing but a passing edgy teenager phase that they grow out of sooner or later.

bandwagoning is not an argument, normalnigger.

>rise of hypergamy
The fuck is this? Sounds retarded.

But you know it's the truth right? That is the actual redpill. That being an incel is a choice.

>involuntary celibate
>this is a choice
Amoeba tier IQ.

I'm aware of this fact. I'm not and have never claimed to be an incel.

I'm of the opinion that rape and fucking fat monstrosities are always options for losers.

I once was hated by a women simply because I didn't talk to her. When she asked me why I didn't talk I just straight up told her I was a sperg and struggled to make conversation, she acted all understanding and told me to be myself so I did and continued to be a socially awkward sperg so she stopped talking to me. Go figure.. I guess I can't be someone I'm not and I can't just magically become normal, I'm far from normal

I am incel but I don't hate women because I know they can't help liking attractive men in the same way that I can't help liking attractive women. it's just nature, blaming them for it would be like blaming the sun for being round instead of a square shape

You calling it involuntary does not make it so. Being an incel is a choice. This is an undeniable fact. Any incel could choose to go out and get laid.

Why not become attractive then? Take a shower, get a job, get a haircut.

Then they are by definition not an involuntary celibate.

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Meaning that it is actually impossible to be involuntarily celibate. The whole "incel" thing is just a big scam.

>haha everyone's problems can be solved by a shower and haircut!
Kill yourself, normalfaggot.

Is this the dating equivalent of "just go in and shake the manager's hand"?

Smelly fat NEET got triggered by the truth.

>doesn't know jack shit

being incel has literally nothing to do with any type of pill. it means you can't get laid and nothing more

Meaning incel equals impotent? Because that's the only way to not being able to get laid.

>Incels clearly don't know how to get a woman.
Be attractive, tall, and wealthy. That's all it takes.

possibly. there are many reasons why someone might not be able to get laid

The only reason for being an "incel" is an unwillingness to engage in rape. There is no such thing as an incel.

Imagine spending your life seething or creating page long theorys to explain why you can't put your pp in a bagina. Must be terrible really.

So, let me get this straight.
Your argument is that all incels should abandon all pretext of civility or pro social behavior and rape women to satisfy their dicks?

>Your argument is that all incels should
I said no such thing. I don't believe in "should" or "ought" or any such nonsense. I believe in facts, and the fact of the matter is a male always has the option to engage in rape. He may have some social programming or moral spooks that he uses as an excuse, but he's really just a coward and voluntarily celibate because he refuses to rape.

Other than being impotent what can there be?

Wrong. You are proving the point, incel. You don't know how to get women. If you did, you wouldn't be whining but getting pussy instead.

And you wonder why you are alone. How vile do you have to be consider rape "an option".

>And you wonder why you are alone.
No, I don't. Why do you keep making assumptions like this, you stupid roastie cunt? Hope you get raped.

So you think jail is worth the experience of cumming in what amounts to a warm onahole and ruining someone else's day or week?
Or you'd suggest adding murder to the rape so that no one ever talks? Blackmail?
This doesn't seem as logical as you seem to think it is.

Clearly being alone bothers you. If it didn't you wouldn't have such a strong emotional reaction. The more time you spend obsessing over why women seem to hate you the longer you will be stuck in your shitty train of thought.

>So you think jail
Many rapists are never caught.
>worth the experience of cumming in what amounts to a warm onahole and ruining someone else's day or week?
It might be worth it for damaging an uppity roastie cunt. I'm not a fan of rape myself.
>Or you'd suggest adding murder to the rape so that no one ever talks? Blackmail?
I'd never suggest anyone commit any crime, normalfag.
>This doesn't seem as logical as you seem to think it is.
That's because you're a retard and can't read. Fuck off, normalcattle.

Can you think about more than one thing at a time? Are you tarded?

Wrong, I have a girlfriend who wants to marry me and have my children but I still hate women for their true nature and have a hard time appreciating the 'love' my girlfriend holds for me because I know it's partly because of my height, looks and cruel personality, and if I were to fail she wouldn't stick with me through thick and thin.

>Clearly being alone bothers you.
I'm not alone. Keep making assumptions, dumb cunt.
>If it didn't you wouldn't have such a strong emotional reaction.
My emotional reaction is hatred and rage toward a stupid pig in clothing acting like it's a person.
>The more time you spend obsessing over why women seem to hate you the longer you will be stuck in your shitty train of thought.
I don't care what women think. They are mindless fucking holes that exist only to continue the specie's existence. Their vacuous thoughts mean nothing.

The irony about this is that there are people on the opposite side of the spectrum that base their entire existence based on who or what they fuck. And there are tons of them and accepted.

You don't know how to get girls, it's more than obvious.

You mean gays, right?

Maybe your gay brah

I fuck vaginas. I hate women. What is hard to understand, normalcattle?

Basically anyone that calls themselves LGBTQBBQPZ whatever and thinks there are more than 2 genders.

All of those people are just gay, sweetie.

cool, didn't know pedos were all gay.

You should have since majority of pedo rapists are men fucking little boys.

why do you care who they fuck, it's not like you are ever going to fuck them, and besides the more you hate, and the more you care them the more they feed of the attention and continue doing w/e it is they are doing, so just go along with their retarded games and lies, just never forget.

why do i have a gril then checkm8

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not all pedos are gay but all gays are pedos

Because getting a girl is so easy even a retarded incel like you can do it.

yes then why did you tell me i don't know how to get girls

Exactly. The LGBTROFLCOPTER "community" literally defines their entire lives by who they want to fuck and everybody treats them like they're the next frontier of human rights advocacy. They throw fucking dildo parades ffs.
But a man expresses the slightest genuine frustration with normal dating and relationships and suddenly "INCEL!! CREEP!!"
Fuck this gay earth.

Why not make incels the next lgbtqp group, then?

Total opposite mentality. Lgbtp is all about having degenerate sex as much as you can. Incels are about never having sex.

I'm a 32 khhv socially retarded manlet dependent on my parents due to physical health problems I was born with. I live in a small midwest town in the middle of bumfuck nowhere. Literally everyone else here is married by 20.
Please explain how I could "go out and get laid". I'll wait.

This. Because we're not degenerate faggots.

Typical normie answer is " just bee yourself" or " you aren't entitled to anything"

What health problems? Do you have a job?

People hate us because we are different. That's all it is. People are only accepting of people in their tribe or those who they form strong bonds with and are mean to everyone else.
People are inherently cunts

I just had sex with my beautiful girlfriend. I just wanted to let you guys know that some of us are still getting laid. Lol losers.

Case in point. Seriously, people can be such cunts to people out of their group.

For a group of men who so vehemently deny that they like women or want sex, yall talk about women and sex an aweful lot.

>beautiful girlfriend
So did 14 guys before you enjoy your aids

>cope the post
Incels are the only people dumb enough to tyrn abject failure into an identity.

Your identify is fucking your whore girlfriend, congrats

Nah my identity is way more hard to pin down than "i have sex" amd thats why i get laud and you dont.

>no YOUR identity is stupid >:(
The cope is strong withbthis one

You had nothing to say you just here to say " I had sex with a whore I'm so cool and you are all
Loser". Fucking brainlet enjoy your aids

Imagine identifying yourself as an incel and then not having then not realizing the irony calling someone a brainlet.
I bet you study STEM and think you are hot shit.

>I bet you study STEM and think you are hot shit.
I mean I actually am hot shit, brainlet

>more cope

Imagine sticking your stem in a hole where 15 guys have been before lmao

Hahahahahahaha get out of college first kid. You will realize quick enough that every "im so smart hurrr" stem major in the real field gets a rude awakening the first year on the job wjen you realize college doesnt teach you anything but the basics and you are in fact dumb as rocks.

ahahahaha get a load of this guy