"Date of birth" is an objective reality

"Date of birth" is an objective reality.
"Age" is a social construct and a spectrum that one can identify along

Prove me wrong

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You are right and defining age of consent on a case to case basis according to mental maturity would be better.
In practice it would be far too complicated, so just deciding on a certain number is close enough.

Can you pedofaggots get out of this fucking board, jesus christ. We are not your judge, we don't need to be convinced of anything. If you want to live without shame let go of your obsession and try to figure out what things actually matter to you in your whole entire life.

Inb4 insecure kekistanis

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take those ugly roasties somewhere else, please

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>OP is a diddler

if teenagers can have sex with each others, they can have sex with "adults" too. you dont grow a new virginity once you reach 18.

This thread is making me wanna go visit /tv/

What does this thread have to with age of consent or pedophilia?

Normal people see three young people in swimming gear in the OP, and if you associate that with sex then you just reveal your own closeted sexual thoughts.

>I'm rubber and you're glue LOL XD

Who the fuck else would make threads asking people to redefine their idea of age? Even the fucking furfaggots don't do this. Fuck you.

that's not how it works in society though

age when it is applied in practice is indeed a social construct and it is especially clearly seen with the age of consent and age of maturity, the leeway there is pretty huge. back then 15-17 y.o. boys behaved more mature than many modern 30 y.o. adults and girls often were married at ~14 y.o. and could keep house just fine. our modern teens though are dumb af so the law tries to protect them

No pedo you can't just invent ages so you can fuck children you piece of shit. Age is not a social construct the ONLY wiggle room is, you could, in theory, count the 9 months in gestation, but the pro-choice crowd tells me it's not a person yet so...

Whoa satanic digits, that has GOT to mean something...

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personally the aoc should be

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>Age is not a social construct
depends what you call age
in any way the length of childhood is a social construct for real, we tend to get more and more lengthy childhoods nowadays

Quite the opposite.
Dates "started" one particular day, a bit over 2019 years ago, because that was agreed upon by a society.
Years of age are defined by the earth going around the sun; objects.

"Child" is a biological description, so is "childhood" really a social construct when it is describing an objective span of time?

Right someone starts a thread with children in the OP, and then starts talking about age being a social construct existing on a spectrum but it's all an innocent coinkydink...

Why are you triggered by a jpg? Also those are all pubescent humans in the OP.

for one child isn't a clearly defined biological or medical term, they would rather use pre-adolescent, adolescent etc stuff, then it is not related to the world childhood directly even in the common speech, for instance donald trump is a child of fred trump but his childhood ended long ago

Amning the only one who find these kind of bathing suits uncanny?

>for one child isn't a clearly defined biological
It is. Prepubescent.

Donald Trump is Fred's offspring, or informally "son", once he became pubescent Fred no longer had a child named Donald.

>back then 15-17
Back when? Also, society now requires a certain level of intellectual capacity, that makes some type of post secondary education to be able to be self sufficient, so some greedy sloppy fuck seducing children with drugs and alcohol to seduce them, potentially getting them pregnant or giving the teh Aids, fucks them over permanently.

>Back when?
Not him, but let's say before the (((industrial revolution)))

postmodernism: not even once

Which post-modern books have you read, user?

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The age of majority in America hasn't changed in the whole time I've been alive.

>Why are you triggered by a jpg?
Don't play semantics dork, and it's not the image it's the concept, and they are obviously children "pubescent" is a stretch.

They are all pubescent humans. I know their names and ages when the photo was taken, but you don't even need to know that, you can tell just by looking.

>Not him, but let's say before the (((industrial revolution)))
When women were mostly property?

Your statement is historically inaccurate and outs you as a sub-90IQ modernist. I won't reply to you anymore.

Not to me to me they are prepubescent in that image, thirteen tops, but I doubt even that...

>pubescent aka fully functional reproductive systems with secondary sexual characteristics still developing
Have you ever taken a biology class, user?

>Not to me
Well your opinion has nothing to do with the objective reality of the biological development of other humans, you drooling retard.
>13 tops
Females begin puberty around 11 and they FINISH puberty around 15-16.

is nobody gonna check these fucking quadruples?
fine i'll check 'em

You're just a creepy fuck trying to justify being a creepy, fuck prove what you just said because I seriously doubt the average female hits puberty at 11, that girl IS thirteen (14 if she was born in January or February), and I could tell that just by looking at the picture so don't pretend it's arbitrary, it's not. I was able to determine their EXACT ages just by looking.

>You're just a creepy
Not reading the rest of your post. If you want to deny the biological reality of the world around you and call people names, that is fine. I don't care about the opinions of low IQ normalfags.

Please fuck off and die.

Fine I check. These can't go unappreciated.

>"Age" is a social construct and a spectrum that one can identify along
Does pic related look like a social construct to you?

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>defining age of consent on a case to case basis according to mental maturity would be better.
....and how the fuck would you plan on doing that? Pic very fucking related.

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imagine you woke up as cwc
what would you do?

With my mind? Not be so autistic. Probably spend a good week or so analysing my life and the needed changes I could make in it knowing the things that I myself know rather than what Chris does. Maybe avoid spending money on stupid shit like toys and vidya and save up some money to buy property tax liens from the county treasurer as a source of income.

blow my fucking brains out after taking a shit on the counter of a gamestop

>....and how the fuck would you plan on doing that?
The same way it was done for hundreds of thousands of years before modernist AoC laws.

>save up some money to buy property tax liens from the county treasurer as a source of income
don't you need a ton of money for that?
i believe cwc should try to find a job

personally i would buy an elliptic device and go on a diet, also would try to fix my hair

Yes. In the sense that different people age differently, and age has no clear biological definition. There are hundreds if not thousands of small components that we collectively refer to as "the ageing process" This includes bone and muscle development, mental development, the ageing of the skin, the cardiovascular system, aging of the brain, etc. A 40 year old person could exhibit more advanced signs of ageing than a 50 year old person because of differences in individuals.
>spectrum that one can identify along
Now you blew it. You can't arbitrarily decide where you fall on the spectrum, the biological signs that you exhibit do in an objective sense, and the humanly perceivable signs do in the social sense.

Gerantophiles > normies > pedos
>let me diddle kids age is just a number hehe, can't you see 30 is the same thing as 12?
>you like women twice your age because they are a good company and skilled in life and sex? ew get away from me creep, you have issues.


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God damn, based and absolutely redpilled.

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>age has no clear biological definition yet

hey Ben Shapiro, if what you are saying is true then all the pedophiles are just rapists not 'pedophile+rapist'

What about OPs post makes Pedophilia stop being a thing? Can you explain your thought process?

Also, Pedophilia is a state of mind, not action. Child rapists are Pedophiles + rapists, but a Pedophile does not have to rape or have sex with anyone.