How much sugar do you intake per day Jow Forums?
How much sugar do you intake per day Jow Forums?
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According to my calorie tracker, seems to be around 60-75g a day.
however much sugar is in strawberries/blueberries from my brotein shake
Nice. What protein powder do you use in it
im assuming you mean artifical sugar
and thats usually 0-20g unless im having a cheat dessert
"Artificial sugar" doesn't exist
> akchually artificial sugar doesn't exist
>b-but there's always a trace somewh...
As much as I want. Only retards fall for the no-sugar meme. Nothing like an ice cold vanilla Coke to reward yourself after the gym.
Like 1/3 teaspoon of honey, 1/3 teaspoon of sugar, 2 fruits, and maybe some small dessert like a a small serving of chocolate.
So, about 2 teaspoons a day, plus the fruits, plus the sugars contained in other sources like potatoes, bread, etc.
>artificial sugar
These are my kryptonite
15-ish grams of honey.
>Imagine eating sugar in 2019.
Lmao! other than the banana you put in your protein shake at the most, there is no excuse for any more sugar than that.
>under age fatty cope.
Post body
Have sex.
>humans evolved over millions of years to eat sugar
>but this internet blog told me it's not needed!
Literally in nature every animal consumes sugar if it can.
doing keto dropping fat atm. ate a protein bar with 9g of sugar and close to 200 grams of blueberries in greek yogurt. i'm done eating for today
I'm at like 35g of sugar atm :'(
Improve your bait, you fucking fag.
Yup, just look at all the essentials in carbs and sugars... all these essentials. All of them.
>dosen't know what humanity ate for 99.99% of our existence.
>dosen't know farming is a relatively new development
>dosen't know what pre domesticated fruit were like.
I sure hope you are baiting.
Based and redpilled.
How though?
Do you not eat fruit? Do you literally never use any sauces on your food?
Usually less than five grams.
>reward yourself after the gym.
Why do you feel the need to reward yourself after the gym? The gym is its own reward.
way too much. I love fruit and already had 140grams today. I average like 100 or so bc I eat so much fucking fruit. Other day had like 5 apples and 3 bananas in a 2 hour span. I also once ate a whole 5 pound bag of clementines within like half an hour. Help me bros
obviously mean foods with added sugars vs foods that naturally have sugars
candy vs fruit
Are you gaining weight?
nah not really. I'm also a 6'6 215 - 220 range. Im trying to cut rn but with so much fruit I usually stay at this weight. I have myfitnesspal and every day the "you're consuming to much sugar" pops up
I thought it was just the calories that mattered while trying to lose weight?
It is, but I try to eat relatively healthy and I end up just eating a shitload of fruit. I wish there was a way for me to kind of fix this issue since I legit ate a full pineapple, a banana and apple in 10 minutes today and really want another apple rn
That's fine bro. Fruit is good. It has a ton of micronutrients to help you function. Eat it directly before or after you workout though so you use it as fuel to work out and build muscle.
>Do you not eat fruit?
Those are brocarbs not sugar.
>Do you literally never use any sauces on your food?
yeah I'll never cut out fruit unless I have diet issues with it or whatnot. I just want to be able to cut it down since I never had cavities, but started to live on my own past couple years more (Im 21 and just finished college) so buying my own food I legit buy 15+ pounds of fruit a week and got 3 cavities this past year alone
All sugar, around 120g, free sugar around 15g mostly from half a teaspoon in my coffee and the rest from one or two fruit juices.
>Not eating liver
Don’t buy so much fruit Jesus
San little as possible. Maybe 20g a day and that’s from peanut buttuh