How does it feel knowing you'll never be as successful and happy as this man?

How does it feel knowing you'll never be as successful and happy as this man?

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Nothing he has accomplished would seem like success or bring me happiness. His version of success/happiness holds no appeal to me.

About him, I feel: meh

fame doesn't sound appealing at all actually


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I've accepted it. He is a truly blessed man currently living the comfy life. He's always had the best players and the best coach supporting him as well as a hot wife that is way richer than him. I'm just glad I got to witness the GOAT play

His life wouldn't appeal to me, but good for him.

What do you think Jizzell lets him do sexually each time he wins a Super Bowl?

this man rapes his son

Daily reminder that this man openly supports Trump

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six rangz

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Who cares. Trump is a Zionist agent like his democrat ''rivals''

is it even possible to embody the essence of "Chad" more than this man does?

Tom Brady is what a lifetime of nofap looks like

Michael Jordan won 6 NBA Championships.

What is he doing now? Probably contemplating suicide. No one cares really. it's just another statistic

>What is he doing now
he owns a basketball team and has a net worth of almost 2 billion dollars lol, I think he's doing just fine

Literally who, some foosball Chad?
enjoy those concussions.
Chronic traumatic encephalopathy incoming.

who is this?
t. aussie

Tom Brady, NFL player. Considered by many the GOAT of the sport, is married to arguably the most famous and naturally beautiful supermodel there ever was, has 3 loving children.

Six (6)

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imagine reaching the peaks of Valhalla 20+ years ago and then suddenly getting perma-banned for eternity

that's how it feels to be MJ. He's probably experiencing disassociation personality disorders as we speak

oh um I don't really want to be that successful I guess, at lest not in sport

Imagine being his son.

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>suddenly getting perma-banned
but he retired willingly and peacefully with the adulation and the well-wishes of the entire NBA though?

if you wanna talk about a GOAT suddenly and tragically being robbed of his whole life talk about Michael Schumacher

I don't care user what's it to me? He's going to die and i'm going to die as well, live your life as you want, I'll live it as i please.

The fuck...
MJ makes millions every year while being lauded as the greatest basketball player of all time.

Niggers are constantly gloating to each other over their "Jordans" (shoes).

As tragic as it was, Schumacher was just an accident. You do dangerous shit like what he was doing, you MUST know and face the risks and possible consequences.

Look directly at his face in what you yourself posted, OP. Everyone around him has an expression of genuine happiness. But Brady himself is wincing, with obvious hints of sadness in his face.

The reason for this is that with each passing day, Brady is better aware of his mortality. That he will have to pay his due-like Faust, and Robert Johnson. He made a very, very foolish bargain...

I'm sure he knew; honestly the fact that it was an accident makes it all the more tragic to me

come to think about it it feels like every potential GOAT in a branch of motorsport either died or was rendered catatonic in some horrible accident (except rallying ironically)

I think their brains get hooked and demand more adrenaline, so they start seeking faster and more dangerous activities to get their fix, or just acting more extreme even. They literally need to risk their lives in order to feel pleasure, until they can do it no longer

maybe, but since the other 4 died during a race I think it's more because how good they were made you forget how dangerous motorsport actually is; it probably has the biggest reliance on precision down to the millisecond and near instant reaction time more than any other sport out there, and if you're not locked in and at your best 100% of the time it could very well cost you your life, and you'll die before you can even register messing up