All im seeing is "lonely lonely lonely"

All im seeing is "lonely lonely lonely"
like all of you bots watched the new kurzgesagt video and thought they were talking about yourself.
I video talking about something that over 40% of the us population has doesnt mean it revolves around you. Go outside call your relatives, go to a bar and talk to someone!
Dont bicker over your feeling on an online website!

Attached: AHHHH.jpg (640x780, 75K)


Why would I call my relatives or go outside?
My relatives have nothing in common with me and no one outside cares or isn't an asshole.
>go to a bar
I'm going to laugh to this one all night, buddy.

>kurzgesagt video
Am I gonna have to fucking watch this video now? I swear, every 30 seconds I see a new post about it, and not just here. My friends on the normiebook are whipping this shit out as well, and it keeps showing up in my recommended feed on the Youtube.

Shit's worse than the fucking razor ad.

maybe they'll make a video about breathing oxygen next

that video is so much stupid pseudoscience
>haha just go out to people like talk to someone
yeah and the conversation will end after 5 minutes like it always does or we won't agree and we'll start bickering which will only make us feel worse
I can't stand it when someone takes a complicated problem and tries to boil it down into a simple solution that would only work in a utopian society

Kek the first thing I thought of during the video was angry incels turning molehills into mountains and shrieking at females

>haha just go outside to people like talk to someone
The video doesn't say that that is a simple solution
You're just misrepresenting it as such by focusing on solely on the statement in a vacuum. Coincidentally you are portraying the instant defensiveness and misunderstanding that it talks about. Do yourself a favour and stop that.

Just say
>You're wrong.
Instead of stretching out a simple non-argument into a paragraph to sound like a pretentious jackass.

The real problem is were now permanently trapped in a loneliness system, we've passed the tipping point. There is no individual solution, at least not for long, so many people are compromised any one individual has almost no chance

If you think that's a paragraph, no wonder you thought it was worded to "sound like a pretentious jackass."
Not to mention "you're wrong" isn't saying enough.
Also you're being defensive -for no reason- again.

That video will get the people who are on the fence
bitter virgin types require professional and/or pharmacological help

You don't understand what I mean...

>There is no individual solution, at least not for long, so many people are compromised any one individual has almost no chance
It seems pretty straight forward to me my dude

>my dude
I was going to elaborate but now I see it's probably not worth it

I'm confused
What's wrong with saying "my dude?"
Is that some secret forbidden phrase I'm not aware of?
Or maybe are you just misinterpreting social cues exactly as the video described?

God, another normal faillure whom watches popsci youtubers, kys

Imagine being this butthurt over a popsci youtube channel
In fact, don't imagine.

I'm not misinterpreting, you're too stupid.

No wonder nobody wants to associate with you cringy fucks

lol reddit loser

You got that from someone using "my dude?"
Kill yourself, my dude.

He may be a reddit loser, but as sad as that is it's still miles better than whatever the fuck you are

I'm butthurt about those watchers thinking they have it all figured out because they've binge watched some 10 minutes videos that oversimplify complex topics and do nothing but entertain while pretending to be teaching

He assumes that all people are happy and eager to socialize with you while conveniently ignoring the bad apples who thrive on harassing and making others feel worse. If withdrawing myself from society means I'll never have to deal with the latter I'm fine with being friendless.

You seriously believe that people think, in their heart of hearts, that a 10 min video completely encapsulates the nuances of what lonely people go through?

The video explicitly states that being alone and being lonely are not the same thing.

samefag coping

>hurr samefag
>hurr cope
It would have been less effort to not respond

>implying your sicknasty "they're a better person than you" jab included any more effort

fuck off redditor shill faggot advertising is against the rules