BluSkye's Comfy Place

This thread is a thread open to anybody who needs it. This thread is for people who need someone to lend an ear to, people who like comfy music and pictures, or even people who just need to feel like they belong.

I will be replying to every post, and each time I reply I will post either a song I like or a cute picture of cute animu girls/people cuddling. No matter who you are or what you've done, I am here for you.

Please don't disrespect anybody posting in this thread.

I love and care about each and every one of you.

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Other urls found in this thread:

To kick things off, here's a song that always makes me feel like longing for something.

bump w no sage bc im not inhumane

Hi friend, thanks for the bump!

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Hey OP, how are you doing?
I'll just leave a couple tracks from Final Fantasy XII's soundtrack

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Hey friendo, I'm doing alright, thanks for asking.
How're you?

Thanks for the songs!

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hi op, i want to ree (sad face).my entire life is set for failure but ty for making the broad more wholesum

Hello! I'm sorry to hear, how come your life is set for failure?

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Here's another song for anybody who's into vaguely vaporwave-ish stuff.

Glad to hear you're doing good. I'm doing ok, I guess. Not really feeling good, but I've felt worse than this
Thanks for the cute pic, have another song

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What's wrong? Just having a day?

Also I am loving this song, it reminds me of Gregory and the Hawk a bit.

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bless your soul user, you're like the caring figure i never had

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Hey, everyone needs a friend :)
I'm going to try my damnedest to do this thread every Sunday night, if possible.

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Got a fleetwood mac cover for y'all

More pretty guitar music~

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no friends, did poor in school and career.probably never get laid.

no social skill but too afraid of ppl. i dont have any motivation at anything. my dreams has long ded. at least i post meme on reddit to cope

well, what hurt the most is mostly my fault. there some external factor out of my control for example i score 1/10 in lookism.i am fob so i probably never going to be part of any1's culture. however, i won blame society since i k life isn't fair and ppl have different starting deck.

ppl that prob had shittier deck did better than me cus they play hard or they play smart. but i am throwing hard. and now i feel is time to for me to type GG.

i am more salty the fact that maybe if i done things differently, made better choices i might become at least beta. god fucking dammit. fuck me. i fuck my self up real good. fuck

It's just that uni keeps going bad, but I'm trying not to think about it now, otherwise I'll feel down again
>Also I am loving this song
Another one for you:
Really liking Gregory and the Hawk as well, do you know any other acoustic group or artist with soft vocals?
I'll be off for a while, keep spreading niceness OP

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forget to post music

Hey buddy, it's not good to dwell on the past too much.

3 Years ago I was in the same boat: I did terrible in school, had no skills and a crappy job (I still have a crappy job). You just have to hang in there. Things will get better, I promise. I still have no skills, but I am in an amazing relationship that was sheer happenstance. You just have to hang in there and enjoy the littler things in life for now.

You can do it, I believe in you. I believe you can be amazing.

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I'm sorry uni is going rough for you. It will get better though, no matter what it'll work out.

Also sorry, I don't really know any other artists like this. I always try to keep my ears open though

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I dig the lo-fi thing.

I raise you one (1) song by Metric

OH rad!!

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hey OP

hope youre doing ok yourself.
you must know the burdens.

Tell me a little about them and how you moved on?


when i was 18 i had a good start, socialising and romance came naturally

good work was abundant because i was young, skilled and passionate.

I met the one
saved for a life, had a deposit

i wound up pushed her away

i regret it to this day years later.

I moved back to my hometown

went broke, moved back in with folks because the money went with her/squandered it.

changed professions and hate it

so im 28
im reasonably well educated
have a stable job

more miserable than ever

just a slave who no one remembers or cares about.

literally the only words out of my mouth for months has been at work about work.

tried to socialise

went south, now probably losing the only stable thing left

im alone.

i just wanted a friend.

I love you OP

I love you too buddy. I'm sorry to hear about all that. Life goes on for a reason though, and even though I'm not a religious person by any means, I do believe in the universe and I believe that everybody is on this planet for a reason. That includes you.

Do you have any hobbies? Or any extra income?

3 Years ago I was living in a big city away from everybody I knew, with only 1 friend nearby who was always busy. I was more miserable than I've ever been in my life. I wanted to kill myself. Utter loneliness is the worst feeling I have ever felt and I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy.

I got through it though. My mom bought me a Ukulele one day and I taught myself to play a little. Playing and singing helped me focus on what I wanted, which was to get the fuck out of that gigantic, lonely city and start over back home.

I think finding a form of meditation, in my case my Ukulele, can help anyone feel a little better in loneliness and help anyone figure out what they want to do with life. Y'know?

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Here's a two-fer for songs, one is peak 80s, the other is just pretty.

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A good ol' Canadian diddy for you all

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I was gonna post something mean but this thread is kinda cute so I guess I won't

thank u for the advice.

tho is true i dwell in the past, i think more of my problem is that i don have the courage to face the unknow future, 3 year ago i thought i am lowest point of my life wen keep getting rejected by jobs, and getting dumped by ppl i thought as friend. but it just keep going down hill like i am heading into a bottomless pit. that's ahead of me, it just felt beak

so i am standing on edge of this sharp knife that called present. too afraid to look ahead yet be too painful to look back.

i wish i be strong and wholesome as u.

song #2

I appreciate that! Have a good night, friend.

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I never really have good nights
Even my "good" nights are sub par

You just gotta take that leap, keep moving on forward. Even if it doesn't seem like it will get better, even if you don't believe it will ever get better, know that I know that things will get better for you. You're here for a reason, you just don't know what it is yet. You are destined for great things, never ever forget that.

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I love Cardcaptor Sakura. I plan to play the whole series during my suicide. Maybe just maybe I will see Tomoeda when I have gone. I need to leave my pain is too great

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Oh, well I'm sorry to hear that. Anything you need to talk about?

Also, here's a good song

I hope you all have a good day

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Have been thinking about doing an online course and saving up from the pension I'm about to get (neetbux) to finally move out of my parents house, problem is I'll still be the same isolated alcoholic shut in unable to leave my home. Anyway comfy thread OP you keep being you

>It will get better though, no matter what it'll work out
I really hope so. Thanks for the encouragement
>I don't really know any other artists like this
Don't worry. I guess I'll post some more songs that you might like

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forgive the poor writing, im tired and rushing kek

i do. im a "creative", with a bias for music and audio

im good enough to find work elsewhere but the social rejection hurts me so much.

i didnt think i was that bad
i try my best

im not worried about money so much.
i can work anywhere where events happen, but im not sure i can do this forever. it was once my dream.

But im going backwards for the last two years.

Thats awesome, do you still practice?
we have similar stories that twist somewhere

what brought/kept you in the city? how have you settled back in at home?

>actually doing a cover of the new katy perry/zedd song, not sure if ill upload it..

what do you cover, do you do originals?

im sure youve seen these guys

Very depressed, for a variety of reasons. Mainly because of my poor mental health and the stress that is causes me. I'm supposed to be actually doing things to further my life, but instead I sit inside and rot away.
Also, I actually listen to EDEN. My favorite song of his is probably rock + roll

Stopping you right there: don't kill yourself.

I don't care what reason you have or you think you have, taking your own life is never ever worth it.
You were put on this earth for a reason, and if you cut your life short then so many people, so many parts of this world will never get to meet you and experience you.

Talk to me, what's aching you so bad that you want to end it all

hey friend.

unknown future isnt bad.

its something you can affect you can shape the unknown into something tangible.

Thanks friend, you too!

No problem. I believe in you.

Also, here's a song that seems up your alley

is it anxiety keeping you in?
do you know the root of why you drink?

pls don kill u self yet. at least make some spicy memes. during my saddest time, the quality of my meme somehow improve. i think it's good cope

I'm sorry you're depressed. I'm the same way, even to this day, it can be painful.
Just know that I believe in you and you can get through it.

And also, right on. Eden is amazing

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this should be a meme

>heres my internet. plz keep it safe

Yeah no I have serious heart problems so it all boils down to dying slowly or putting a bullet in my head. The only thing I get out of dying "naturally" is running up a massive bill at the hospital and never paying it.

>Just know that I believe in you and you can get through it.
That's pretty nice to hear, even if it's basically meaningless as it's from a stranger who doesn't know me.
I should be sleeping but I hate sleeping so I don't want to
Here's a song

perfect time for night walking

Have my own crap to de with but here's a song you guys might like:

I'm starting to hate philosophy.

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im for the voluntary option personally.

but until then, approach everything as best as you can until then. why not maximise the possible moments. it can be hard, but it cant be found by not looking

I moved out a year ago in an attempt to turn my life around but couldn't find a job in the first couple of months and fell back into old habits. I can't look at myself in the mirror for more than 7 seconds. I don't want to be a leech but I can't push to strive for myself. I miss the group I was apart of, I even miss being isolated before that. I made a promise that I'd kill myself if hadn't changed in three years. First year is up and I already know 2nd year is guaranteed. I hate myself but clearly don't want to change a goddamn thing about it
I had other goals than job but haven't moved an inch towards them either
Get fit
Get a better education
Get my license
Get a car
Get a house paid with my own money
Learn a craft that I can truly make a living off of
Learn a musical instrument
Create something I can be proud of or at least not scoff at
Drive to other states on free time and just enjoy time in the towns I end up in
Just feel life like I used to

I want to go back, I want my parents back, I want to go camping and shoot the shit with my brother and father again, i want to smile and truly mean it again. I'm still such a child

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I'd nightwalk if I had and motivation and didn't have crippling anxiety
Also I would wake my parents up if I left the house
me in real life

Yeah anxiety and paranoia, I guess I drink just for the high, I'm so sick of the rut I'm in I try to escape from reality. I don't have other drugs to help me cope with life so I see alcohol as an alternative, I know it's a bad habit but it's hard to kick it

You aren't bad, you just haven't found the right crowd yet.
You just gotta find people who are willing to put in the effort to be your friend and help you open up more.

Are you a performer? I'd love to hear some of your stuff.
I haven't practiced for a while, it kind of fell by the wayside for a bit. I'll strum out a few chords every now and again though. I mostly used to play covers of easy songs that I liked to sing. "Upside Down" By Jack Johnson was one I liked a lot.

I went to the city for college originally actually, and then I got kicked out because I couldn't keep my grades up. I decided to stay in the city because I didn't think I had anything left for me in my hometown anyway. I worked for a bit and my depression got worse and worse and so on.
Now that I'm back home though things are so much better. My apartment is way cheaper, and I'm in a really great relationship with someone I want to marry someday.

I know things will be better for you someday soon, friend.

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I'm very sorry to hear that, truly I am.

Still, if your time here is that limited, that's all the more reason something is coming your way, and soon. You just have to be around for it. There's a reason your're still here.

i use do it when i am less sad. i walked by ppl with friend or so. watching them have the time of their lives make me fee left out. i feel i am npc watching at side lines.

i don know anyone here ever feel like a random npc. not the pol's meme kind but like u just background program of game, like u are just piece code performing some useless functions. that i am total empty inside wonder aimlessly. still this is most healthiest thing i done.

this winter was cold af so basically i stay all day now i am too fat and it get super tiring to walk long distance. reeee

if u can do it physically pls do it since now i cant really do it even if i wanted to. it's like one of my regets since it's now a habit for me to stay on my bed make memes all day long. if it's too much then just walk around ur home just do when u still can.

start by stating your goals

make them real goals, not just in your head or on a notepad page.

and be specific, what goal, and whats the next step.

>get fit
everytime you think this at home do a set.
do another set for the ones you skipped

>better education
whats your first step in this plan?

how much will it cost you? set a date to apply

budget? you mentioned a craft to make a living.
what crafts are you interested in?

piano all white keys = C/a min. keep one white key between each finger and play three notes.

guitar learn a 5th or a "powerchord" you will get it first day. congrats you can now play a 5th of any chord in both major and minor keys

practice. just have to do it and now you have enough to play 80 percent of popular tunes

drive to states seems like just a plan and a date

tell me the details of you plans and goals now user

>I want to go back, I want my parents back, I want to go camping and shoot the shit with my brother and father again, i want to smile and truly mean it again. I'm still such a child

If this is where you're being pulled, you need to act on that, friend.
If you're unhappy where you are, you need to go somewhere you can be happy and be yourself. 'Sides, who's saying you can't do all that stuff back home?

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Yeah I forgot to mention, it's also way too fucking cold to be out at night
Maybe I'll night walk when I have my own place and won't wake people up. If I'm not dead before that.

I know I said I didn't want to sleep, but I'm exhausted and it's extremely late so I guess I should

the only thing coming my way is another stack of bills and bank statements that are only going down. I did apply for disability but they are so fucking back logged they are like 13 months out. I will either be dead or hospitalized by then.

Any particular reason why?
Asking cuz I'm curious

Sometimes a change of scenery can help clear your head. Anxiety is tough to deal with, but there are a bunch of breathing exercises that can help with that. Alcoholism is also hard to kick I know, but kicking it will definitely help with anxiety.

Another good song:

I don't know, friend. I don't know what else to say.
Just know that I know you're an amazing person and that you are loved.

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You do a good job in creating the comfortable atmosphere, what type of things have you set out to accomplish throughout the coming month? Do you believe in setting targets as to what one should achieve relative to periods of the same duration through each other year in one's life? This week went absurdly quick, feel that I didn't do so much as I should have though are still using time as productively as possible, something seems to be broken as I feel three hours is way to long for sleeping whereas before it seemed otherwise. Now there's compulsive guilt when I'm not sleeping less than two hours (in spite of the face that I've the most comfortable set-up in terms of bedding and are much like pic related. Placing a large duvet on top of a blanket is so comfortable it should be a crime!

Hello!~ Sorry to hear about present stresses and concerns, are you finding much interest in the work or is it more "do it for the marks" at this point? Remember nonetheless that under any circumstances barely 10 percent of the population know even basic coding (and that's being incredibly optimistic) and what you're doing is not only incredibly difficult from an objective point of view but very impressive regardless of how you perform in coursework/ examinations.

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That's okay, friend, sleep is good.
I hope you have a good night and a good sleep and good dreams :)

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Thanks :)
Now I'm actually going to go sleep instead of procrastinating like I've been doing for hours

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well thanks for trying I do appreciate it.

Hey thanks! You post cute pictures, friend.

By the end of this month I've set out to have finished 2 drawing projects. One is kinda big, but it's very doable. The other is basically done at this point.

I think setting tangible goals throughout the week/month/year is a good way to keep on track and stay organized, though I feel like staying motivated enough to achieve those goals can be difficult.

Never ever feel guilty for resting. If your body is telling you to slow down and recharge, you should do that, you don't wanna overwork yourself, friend.

Also here's some good music for you:

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Another song for everyone

am going to sleep now ty all for being so wholesome. hope these threads become more common.

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So, I'm gonna call it a night. It's almost 4am my time and I can barely keep my eyes open.

I hope you all have a wonderful night, I love you all.
I'll be doing this again next sunday night too.

Goodnight everybody

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>Also, here's a song that seems up your alley
Not bad, have another one. Hope you don't mind Japanese vocals
Hello friend. Despite not being as productive as you would like to be, what are you doing these days?
>are you finding much interest in the work or is it more "do it for the marks" at this point?
I'm genuinely interested in stuff like algorithms and operative systems, but the massive amount of math is what it's weighing me down. I'm already way too late with my exams and I just lack motivation to try at this point. But still, I have no other choice
>Remember nonetheless that under any circumstances barely 10 percent of the population know even basic coding
I guess that's true, but that's more a matter of interest than of talent. Each person has a specific field where it would like to learn stuff from
Rip bunny

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Forgot song link,but good night nonetheless

im not a performer, im a little better than this but not hugely. its a phone recording just now

be honest though

I loved jack johnson, its a shame theres not more artists of that specific vibe

what made you struggle with grades? was it something specific? depression tends to and change is good. its great to hear youve got it turned around and youre happier. gratz to you and your partner.

Readings tonnes, studying, language-stuff etc. Same as usual though it felt like the past few days didn't happen - perhaps due to work (that being said, the amount of dessert waste I got is incredible and my flat-mates probably think I am God). Been using e-books for a change and pinning them on one side of the screen, reading while I play OJ so I can combine multiple things for further productivity boost. Reading a book currently on Latvian autocratic president Karlis Ulmanis who ruled the country from 17th March 1934 to 17th June 1940, dissolving the Saeima (Latvian parliament) and political parties in April of 1934 after a bloodless coup with the help of the Aizsargi (national guard). Naturally there are comparisons to other heads of state as the book largely addresses cult of personality though in the case of Ulmanis its more akin to conservatism than nationalism or so it'd seem. Also it mentioned that there was an event in Rome during the invasion of Abyssinia where women melted their golden rings to support the soldiers, is that one of those things you read on school textbooks over there?

What type of maths is it then, any examples? Read books on similar things though it seems to be formula after formula with no means of practicing the application of them (instead its more a proof that is soon forgotten followed by more text). Supposedly if you try teaching people stuff it cements your knowledge tonnes. My old teacher Miss T. told me that she used to teach her plushies university physics and it got her far at least~

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>Same as usual though it felt like the past few days didn't happen
May it be because you're so used to it at this point that you don't notice doing it anymore?
>that being said, the amount of dessert waste I got is incredible and my flat-mates probably think I am God
Multiplicating dessert sounds like a nice miracle
>Been using e-books for a change and pinning them on one side of the screen, reading while I play OJ
Fairly efficient. Would you like to play OJ together sometimes? I should still have it installed
>Reading a book currently on Latvian autocratic president Karlis Ulmanis who ruled the country from 17th March 1934 to 17th June 1940
You know, I've never thought about how the situation in those states during the war could have been. It's not the kind of things you find in school books
>where women melted their golden rings to support the soldiers, is that one of those things you read on school textbooks over there?
Not that I know, but it's still popular knowledge
>What type of maths is it then
More calculus, physics, matrix algebra (not basic matrix algebra tho), probability (haven't tried this one because I still didn't know how to do multiple integrals)
>Read books on similar things though it seems to be formula after formula with no means of practicing the application of them
Exactly. Every math books just tries to shove formulas and proofs down your throat, without leaving you anything useful for exercises
>Supposedly if you try teaching people stuff it cements your knowledge tonnes
Probably, I should give it a try

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I feel like screaming every moment but there is no one around to hear my cries.
Everything is bottling up inside and my mind is so tense that I feel like I am about to snap any second now.
I've been sick for months, coughing up blood. I can't walk unsupported anymore.
I don't know how much longer I can take this, my body and mind are failing.
I can only hope that this suffering ends soon.

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Perhaps so. Indeed they think its amazing, I suppose receiving multiple chocolate cakes and tiramisu will do that.

Would love to play OJ, again usually play whilst reading so that I'm not risking time though should still be able to play fairly well. Figured the situation in the less relevant countries so to speak might be really interesting. Always been more curious as to what the Latin American countries were doing at the time though, nonetheless learning about the Baltics is really interesting.

You need integrals for probability? That must be harsh. Is there anything cool you can teach me that might help your knowledge?

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>I suppose receiving multiple chocolate cakes and tiramisu will do that
How are the chocolate cakes like?
>Would love to play OJ, again usually play whilst reading so that I'm not risking time though should still be able to play fairly well
Don't worry, only the time of a game or two. I guess we could organize someday you're not busy with work
>Always been more curious as to what the Latin American countries were doing at the time though
You're right, what was even happening there? Were the migratory expeditions towards South America stopped during the war?
>nonetheless learning about the Baltics is really interesting
I thought that Baltic countries were included into Russian territory until recent times, but it looks like I was completely wrong
>You need integrals for probability?
Yeah, you need them for continuous aleatory variables
>Is there anything cool you can teach me that might help your knowledge?
T-this is a bit sudden, h-haha. Maybe another time. I'll start studying for the next exam session pretty soon, so I'm sure there will be the chance

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