Get yourself a sista, user. You'll never experience a love purer.
Why haven't you accepted the brownpill?
I'm not in any way attracted to the common negro traits. I have seen some very light skined negros who looked realy sexy but they did not have any of the common traits only a slightly darker skin
Do you unironically think someone on Jow Forums could just get a gf whenever they wanted like that? Fuck off.
>tfw did but family disowned me for it
If I met one who I found attractive, had a good personality, and had an interest in me, I would.
We can't date, that's the whole point
Race baiting all day won't make white nerds want a black female. Get over it.
The only trait that they share with white women is that they don't want me.
Why would any woman of any race want me?!?!
Greentext?Are you still dating?
Fuck I know that feel, although it was only my grandparents. We broke up but still talking alot, might be getting back together soon hopefully
>Family gives me the boot, struggle to scrape by a living and only can manage a shitty wageslave job and can only get a shitty rundown apartment in the ghetto
>Life turns from comfy neet to miserable, keep begging them to take me back but they affirm this is for me to learn a lesson and some life experience or whatever bullshit
>Mostly black people in the complex and neighbor is a really hood girl but she's nice to me
>Become close and start dating, even though our backgrounds couldn't be more different we get along
>She's really the only good thing I've got going in my life everything else is shit
>Get around to introducing her to family members who freak the fuck out and demand I dump her, and if I do they'll even let me come back since they'd rather have a neet than a black in the family
>Really that's all I'd wanted all along and consider it on the way home
>Greeted by gf, hug and kiss, cherish the feeling she gives me of actually caring about and loving me
>Know in my heart the right choice to make and stay with her, get cut off by my family pretty much entirely for it
We're together now and have a baby, still struggling to scrape by a living but it's worth it to me. Family is serious though, they don't even want to see the kid let alone me again.
Is her skin darker than op's pic?I wouldn't really see a problem if her skin had that tone.Also I hope you managed to give that kid a decent life and you guys get along for the rest of your days,we don't choose our families,sadly.
All the attractive ones are mixed like op pic related
Yes, she's very dark skinned while ironically I'm white as can be.
Because black girls are too rowdy for me. Plus im just unattracted to niggers.
>Race baiting all day won't make white nerds want a black female.
...But tfw no gf for a decade will!
Yes please. But how do I find a good one?
I managed to get with a qt ghetto nig but all she wanted was me to buy her shit and eat her pussy. So I eventually told her to fuck off.
Except it has multiple times already, check the archive
As long as you don't have any children I don't see a problem with dating someone from another race.
Seeing as to how hookups are against the rules anyone that dates someone from here needs a ban and to not come back. Logically that means
fuck off idiot.
It doesn't actually. That's like saying just go gay. You don't just go gay. You don't just date a 55 year old woman. What you'd do is fap and get a pen pal if lonely, but if it's trash it's trash.
You've got to love yourself first, at least a little bit.
lmao she got
I was friends with a really nice mixed race girl in college. It wasn't like a romantic thing, more like an older sister. She helped me a lot actually.
>Why haven't you accept the shit colored pill?
gee I wonder
It does actually. I used to think black girls were less attractive. Now I've changed my mind
And it's not at all like saying just go gay; I'm not telling you to do anything.
If there's a gay equivalent, it might be me warning you that you could turn gay if you're in prison long enough or look at trap threads long enough.
I live in Dayton, the city with he trashiest blacks.
haha what the fuck did they expect to happen
Found the discord tranny