Any fit related near death experiences?

Any fit related near death experiences?

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This is a good image

>want to die
>start lifting
>still want to die but a tiny bit less

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Same.. I try not to talk about it though

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probably better to vent on this shithole then let it stew inside you. but what do i know.

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>Final rep struggle with the bench press
>Aw shit, I can't make it
>No one else around
>Quickly move it up enough and slide down
>Bar grazed my head but other from that I'm fine
I don't do barbell BP's because of that

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Is this common? I can always feel how many reps I have in me

I only max out if someone else is around for that reason

Yeah I suppose

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>Be climbing mount Everest, heading to summit
>Suddenly a huge whooshing noise
>Blowout of my oxygen respirator, turn off oxygen canister to preserve air
>Color starts to fade from vision
>Hands begin to get cold
>"Hello darkness my old friend"

Wtf how is anyone supposed to rerack the weight

She will thats the curling rack

not really, although i feel like fainting at least 4 times a day on the gym because of the weights.
doesn't help that i also use half a gram of caffeine everyday to lift.

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Pushing DB bench I almost dropped an 80 lb DB on my face.

DB bench feels so much better but goddamn it's scary.

Messed up reracking BB incline, one side of bar made the peg and the other one didn’t, slipped and hit my head and the weight that side got dumped. Had a nasty mark for a week after, I just do DB incline now

often! no one is around when I bench presses usually and there are no safeties, so if I fail my sets I'm on my own. I imagine the staff are always having a blast whenever I try to 1rm and fail and have to crawl out while being choked by the bar and what not.

I use "if you don't raisae the bar there is no one around who can" as adrenaline motivation to complete the rep, or set. I call the reps where it's 50/50 whether I can do another rep "suicide reps" for good reason.

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Was swimming for first time. Rapid almost flowed me on spiking branches.

You're not supposed to do barbell pbs alone
Or if you do, don't lock the weights. If shit goes south you can always let it all slide down the bar and live in shame rather than die in hubris

Benching 170kg for 4 reps without spotter and not getting the 4th up

Good thing every single dude in the room watches because they are all 2pl8 bench dyels

>db bench scary
Jesus u are a pussy

>swimming for the first time
>in a river
Were you dropped on head as a child? Come on user

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Can't you just turn your body a bit, slide your left hand to your right and slowly let the bar tip downwards and rest against the bench itself while forcing the right side upwards and off of you? I only bench dumbbells or do pushups if I'm alone so I've never had that happen

I feel like I’m about to die every time i do a snatch with more than 135

I fucked up a bench a while ago but partly due to going to a different gym and having the bench not be 100% aligned so one side always had to move back more than the other when resting the bar.

Luckily someone was there to lift it up a few inch. Was rather embarrassing since it was a really shit weight as well. Back to standard bench was all fine again.

Was listening to some "how to live your life to the fulliest" thing on youtube and remembered about an experience i had as i was 16,17 or so.
> inb4 not fit related - yes i know, but think it might still interest somebody.

> at some local beach with a small lake which is quite popular.
> about 20 feet in there is a 4feet quare steel platform, which obviously got removed a few years ago because of to many injures
> me, being extremly shitty at swimming still hurl myself over with friends to the platform
> they are like 3 times as fast as me but whatever
> it was like a game to push each other off this platform into the water and see who can keep staying on
then it happens
> some random dude pushes me into the water, am lightly but serious saying "no no, cmon stop man"
> fall into the water, can't remember how much but so much that i am feeling like 5-7 feet
now its hard to describe the feeling in this moment but I'll try

stopped moving or trying anything to get up, breath was not cutting or panicking, just calm
and i remember specificly thinking ironicly "well done user, you did it, you went to far and went out here and now its your end"

if someone knows better and can tell me what that all means I'd appreciate.

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You're gonna make it.

there was this one time a girl talked to me

same. i usually fail a bench set about once a month. no shame in failing a rep, that's how you grow.

Deep down you knew you would make it.

I had a near-fatal swimming experience when I was eighteen. I had just gotten my NLS and was an extremely good swimmer at the time (still am). My cottage's boathouse is on one side of a bay and there's another boathouse on the other side. I was swimming between them and swallowed a small amount of water from a wave. I started coughing and after about twenty seconds of coughing, realized that although the coughing had stopped, I still couldn't breathe. I have an extremely easily irritated throat. Some doctors have described it as asthma, although I'm not sure if that's entirely correct. Either way, I was having something resembling an asthma attack with fifty meters of water around me in every direction. It was easy for me to keep my head above the water and I wasn't getting lightheaded, but I had no idea when I would regain the ability to breathe again. It was entirely possible that I would lose consciousness before making it to the shore and I decided not to take that risk. Thankfully, since I had just taken the lifeguarding exam, my "man flailing about and drowning" impression was extremely good and I managed to get the attention of my family. My aunt dove into the water and swam to me as fast as she could, passing me one of those small floating surf boards. While floating there, I regained the ability to breathe and didn't lose consciousness, but I'm still glad that I swallowed my pride and didn't take the risk.

>be in uni
>decide to take a swimming aerobics class for credits
>"heh I know how to swim, and I have pretty good stamina. I bet this will be a piece of cake plus I'll get a nice swimmers body"
>show up to first class
>our "warmup" was jumping into an olympic sized pool and swimming back and forth as many times as we could
>figure no big deal, I could do it like 20 times
>by the 8th time I start to feel my muscles get exhausted
>I glance up for half a second and see girls are still swimming, so my pride refuses to let me get tired before a girl does
>9th time there and back I raise my head from the water to gasp for breath...didn't raise my head high enough...inhaled a ton of water
>immediately start choking and coughing with my face still in the water because I don't want people to see that I'm struggling and about to drown
>barely reach the other side and decided that I've "warmed up" and got out of the water
>meanwhile the girls were still swimming for another 10 minutes longer after I was already out of the water
Dropped the class that same day.

Got t-boned on my bicycle be a female SUV driver. Fucked me pretty gud. Somersaulted a bunch, landed on head, broken knee, lost most of the exposed skin on the right side of my body including face

Don't feel too bad user girls are better swimmers than guys usually due to do their higher fat content an lower bone density

>Squatting 100kg 3x5 for first time.
>First set is a struggle.
>Second set knees start buckling.
>Third rep of third set, quads tell me to go fuck myself, core collapses, hunch over and nearly decapitate myself.

Knees took two weeks to stop aching.

Pride is a fickle thing user.

Remember, no one cares, and those who do almost certainly don't matter.

God I wish that was me, what a beautiful death


Jesus dude glad your still with us. Do you have any injuries that still effect you?

I want to pick up biking to save on gas but everyone in my town drives like shit and your story is exactly what I'm afraid of

Not nearly as bad as yours but I have two.
>Walking down the sidewalk
>Stop at crossing
>Car approaching and slowing down
>Person has a stop sign
>I enter the road
>She doesn't stop, only slows down a bit
>I slam onto her hood hurting my leg and shoulder
>She drives off as I roll off and onto the road

Seconds was similar but I was on my bike and got hit. This one only destroyed the front of my bike and hurt my knee. Middle aged ladies both times.

Fuck bitches they drive like shit.

When I was young and a weight lifter I did 6x6 squats with like 130 kg, last rep of the final set I breathe out on the way up and lose balance and fall forward. Somehow managed to toss the weight off my shoulder and avoided being crushed.

i was doing skateboard squats in my garage and i started rolling down the driveway, a car almost hit me.

if you need someone to talk to, noah47mcguire on insta brah

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>be about 3 years ago
>leg day
>decide to slap on 1pl8eronni
>begin warm-up
>get unusually hype
>keep adding pl8s
>achieve 4 plateronnnies
>go for 2 reps
>ass to grass the first rep
>back gives out halfway
>tilt to the right
>leg is pointed at an odd angle
>fall down with 4pl8s
>miss the safeties (it was one if those safeties that stick outside of the rack)
>pretend to be okay
>boomer helps me up
>take a shower at gym
>walk home
>turns out I disconnected my leg from my hip rotator thingy. (Femoral head)
>still doing rehab

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Not fit related but the closest I came to death was overdosing in my truck on fake pain killers and waking up twenty minutes later with my ears ringing twenty minutes later

I hope you reported her, user.

What drug?

Attempting 1-2 rep max always a terrible idea if you dont have a spotter. All you doing is proving yourself you can do it. Can get stronger and bigger without it.

Do more cardio

Why not do the roll of shame? Just clench your abs and roll it into your hips quickly and then deadlift it up off yourself

What's so shameful about this? I'd be more embarrassed to drop it on my neck.

this happened to me too. i got a mild concussion from it that i just slept off after i drove home

other various lifting injuries:
>back when i was a complete skelly
>no traps to rest bar on
>dont want to use a pussypad
>fuck it
>put the bar on my lower neck
>squat a few reps at 225 and it feels fine
>second to last rep the bar slips
>lands right between the vertebrae on my neck
>black out instantly
>willpower through 2 more reps, despite no vision and excruciating headache
couldn't lift for a few months after because i would get terrible exertion headaches from the most minor things.

i fucked up my back badly squatting 3pl8s recently and now whenever i squat over 225, i get a sharp pain on the left side of my lower back. i haven't been able to squat in at least 6 months because of it
>i've dropped ~175lbs on my quads from a failed clean
i was terrified when it happened because i remember that webm of the crossfit chick that completely blew her quad. it only bruised my legs and ego though

You are a GDE and a Darwin Award in waiting

Sometimes when you’re deep under water you can lose track of which way is up. Same thing happens if you’re skiing in a white out. Both have happened to me and it’s fucking scary. Panic too bad and you’re dead

>that webm of the crossfit chick that completely blew her quad
Post it, I wanna see.

Holy shit. Good thinking user. That’s scary. Do you still have this asthma issue? How do you avoid it happening again swimming?

That sucks user. Get well soon.
i think this is it. im not gonna rewatch it to confirm but you should see the girl's quad snap

>6 years old
>2nd or 3rd week into swimming lesson.
>imma big boy now, i dun need no kiddy pool
>decided to snuck behind the instructor while he was busy working on the form of other kids.
>ditched the foam board and started paddling in the main pool
>legs started locking up since I didn't warm properly
>started sinking
>woke up coughing up water to my mom hysterical cries

Here anons, since OP didn't provide sauce:

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>was out hiking with two friends up a dry river bed, like a retard
>make it several kilometers up the river bed before deciding to turn around
>as we start back it begins raining real fuckin hard and we get trapped on the bank of a now flowing river
>were in a gulley and we cant climb out because its all loose shale thats now slick and wet
>wait for about an hour to see if it'll let up before we caved in and called for search and rescue to come save us
if I didnt have cell service it's real likely that we would've died

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Every parent’s nightmare.
Why do you think you would have died? Because the water would rise and sweep you away? Can’t imagine not being able to climb out. Sounds scary.

It water was super cold and we didnt have any rain gear with us. I had almost no feeling left in my hands and feet, and the bank was on a harsh angle and standing there had caused my calfs to cramp up real bad.
The nights were still frosty and we were soaked. We would have either froze to death or fallen into the river at some point

Thanks for the details. Wet and cold can ABSOLUTELY kill you’re right. I bring at least a fleece on literally every hike I go on, even a day hike in a Georgia July.

Umm to many to count for myself I do the highlights, When I was three play in my backyard (in Alaska important later) I got called in side the house go to where are steps are and there two moose standing by the stairs. They see me and start running me being three decides to run the same way. Moved to Ca in church around 7th grade. Girl did take her meds and fucking stabs me three time with pencil (had to have the lead taken out) freshman year surfing latter talk to guy that was hang a little way down he was chumming the water when I was surfing and he also did catch a shark that day. Also freshmen year hiking in the backwoods almost get stuck by lightning down the trail we run in to mom bear and two cubs, down further step on rattler (it was cold so that saved me )

havent started lifting yet but im scared about bench pressing. theres always no one on the gym and im also too shy to ask people to spot me.

is there an alternative to bench pressing which is equally effective?

Forgive my grammar Errors I lost my glasses and I am lazy

I have one
>be me, 19, alone in college dorm weightroom
>load up 295 on the bench, going for three reps
>first three reps are good, try to add a fourth
>fourth rep is good
>let's make it five.
>fail it, bar is resting on chest
>whatever, at least nobody is here to see me do the roll of shame
>suddenly, disaster strikes
>before I can stop it, the bar rolls the wrong way down my chest, onto my neck
>I feel it press my windpipe closed
>sudden realization that nobody is here, I can't call for help, and if I don't get this thing off my neck before I black out, I will die.
>Adrenaline hits and I dump the whole bar to the side.
>lay there gasping for breath and contemplating my brush with death as my heart pounds.
I don't push myself on the bench without a spotter anymore. I never should have to start, but I was young and stupid.

Not exactly fit related but close enough
Probably would have been the most embarrassing way to die ever
>be collecting trash from the football as part of a "service" organization in college
>riding on the bed of a trailer pulled around by one of those small gator tractors. I jump out and pick up trash bins and load them into the trailer
>we are going up the ramp several levels to the top floor with me riding in the back
>ramp/back of the trailer is up and right behind me (top of it is at my neck level)
>barely notice the cross beams are getting lower and lower inside of the tunnel towards the top level
>notice that the next one is at my head level at the last second
>narrowly avoided getting decapitated by a crossbeam and the ramp of trailer full of trash bins
This is at the new Texas A&M football stadium btw

Dumbell bench.
Also, if you "haven't started lifting yet", you're not going to be doing enough weight to crush your chest. Just do the roll of shame and get on with your day.
I've rolled 200lbs off me. Your ribcage can take a lot more than you think it can.

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The foot grip on the cycle was loose and I got on the thing like a horse. Foot thingy slides off it's bar and I go falling back and miss slamming my spine horizontally across the bar of another machine by a hair. Got 17k out of it. Used that money to go to a gym in the white part of town

Learnt to swim last year and then went on a cruise. Did a snorkelling thing and my mask filled with salt water.
Lucky for me they leave life bouys in the water and I struggled all the way back to the ship without drinking too much salt water.
I'm better at swimming now

shit dumbell bench is perfect honestly its so easy to do plus i wont need the rack thing. my stupid gym only has like one!

also, thoughts on those chest machines? they can go really heavy and i thought they would be good for my chest? or just stick with free weights?

Everytime I come on the board now I almost have a rage aneurysm.

Mine involves a 700 lb chick.

It was nice small river, someplaces there you couldn't reach the bottom, someplaces it was half meter deep, but you couldn't stand there, because stream would just knock you off.
Still would swim there if have to choose between that and chloride smelly pool.

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if nobody else is in the gym why dont you just bench press in the squat rack with the safety bars at an appropriate height?

> remember to flex your abs and keep your cute butt down, boya

if he was that intelligent, maybe he'd use the safety bars in the actual bench
>my bench has no safeties

>tfw can safely bench in power rack

Just gotta drop my arch and safetys will catch the bar.

Tfw that pic is somewhat related. I took her home, fucked her in the ass and puss, she started to ride me and she orgasmed so hard she passed out. Her 700 lb body went limp on my cock and I was submerged under for like a minute lmao. I fucked many times until she moved to sc

ITT Beginners with no kinesthetic awareness. Lift more and then you'll just be able to feel it.

Use the spotter arms. You'll make more gains just knowing you won't die from pushing your limits

God, how I wish that were me.

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Based stroke poster

>t. Weakass dyel never pushing himself

dumbbell press is better anyway, cause you can't cheat and lift more weight with one arm that way

>deadlift my usual
>go higher
>higher, can no longer do 3 rep
>fuck it, go higher
>1rm ing for the first time in my life
>fuck it, go even higher
>and higher
>at some point I don't remember what happened, literally all my memory of that instant is deleted
>wake up with a guy tapping my back/shoulder asking if I'm ok
>try to stand up, sharp pain
>raise leggins, shin's all bloody and right ankle is swollen as fuck
Still hurts a bit even today, almost a month later.

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Not really bodybuilding related but I almost got ran over by a loaded tractor
>Be me
>Trying a full marathon for the first time
>I don't think I ate enough that day and didn't have enough water with me
>39 km done
>Never gone over 22 so 42 was hard as fuck
>40th mark immediately start getting dizzy start to faint a little blacking out slowly but too dizzy to think about stopping
>I don't know that the fuck was going on
>I live in a city but near farms to I was running around them
>Hear a tractor coming from behind
>At this point too dizzy so I fell down
> Tfw remember the tractor stopping just a few inch away from me
>Driver was the owner of farm
>He was friend of my father and knew who I was
All I remembered is the tractor stopping a few inches away from me and me waking up on my bed in my house didn't go for a run for a week after that
Never run without eating without enough calorie

I was 17 at that time

>jogging at night because too embarrassed to be seen during day
>see couple guys in hoodies up the street walking opposite direction to me
>they stop moving and look at me
>cross the street to avoid them, jog around that block instead
>stop to take a short rest
>nearly a minute later look behind me
>they're a short distance away from me, fast-walking
>they would have had to do a full 180 for this to occur
>one of them has a single hand in his pocket
>pretend not to see them and keep jogging even though it's abundantly obvious to them that I saw them
>few seconds later hear running behind me
>SPRINT towards main road nearby
>still exhausted, chest hurts, probably going to collapse
>manage to reach intersection, a few cars are caught at the red light
>look behind me
>they're gone
>always done cardio at the gym since
Looking back on it I think they might have just been teenagers that were fucking with me. The neighbourhood I'm in is crap but it's not that bad.

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Retards like you deserve to die.
I hope they charged the hell out of you for your rescue

Does almost getting run over while biking count?

How'd you vertigo while diving? Were you freediving in a cave?

You did good user, awareness is first step of self defence.
Whats worse, looking silly to some teenagers or getting robbed at night by guys with knives?

lol same happened to me at the same weight and same repp too, spotter arms saved me from decapitation

Why want die user?

thank you, based degenerate poster

Not the one you were talking to but DB press gets more dangerous than the bench when you get stronger. It can go deeper than BP which is good for the chest but also more dangerous. Plus the set up becomes tricky.

The machines are worthless except maybe the cable flies.