What the fuck exactly is "ego death"...?
Is it always a bad thing?
Is it something you can experience multiple times?
Are hallucinogenic drugs the only thing that can cause it?
Ego Death
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Contrary to popular belief, "sage" isnt a downvote.
And announcing it is a bannable offense...
It is achievable but drugs are a hindrance but if ego death is achieved you leave this world or if you choose to stay no one would ever know.
You must kill the ego yourself with a relentless attack and your ego is an unmatched adversary. You can make the attempt multiple times but you better be of sound mind and body.
Can you explain it more in lay man's terms?
Googling just gives me a bunch of psychological horseshit or religious bs I dont understand.
it's when you poop so hard the inside of your butthole comes out
Sounds like what youre mom did when she give birth to you :^0
"Ego deaths" are pretty overrated because of drugfags. If you actually get off your ass and explore the world and do what you're afraid to do you'll get an ego death.
Leggo my eggo
Wtf is an ego anyways?
i think its like your passions or something
>Wtf is an ego anyways?
It manifests in us in several ways such as the following
1. Ownership and doership
2. Desires and attachments
3. Pride and arrogance
4. Self-esteem
5. Selfishness
6. Self-centeredness
7. Aggression and competitiveness
8. Judgment, opinions and criticism Identification with the mind and body Fear, suffering, anxiety, anger, stress, and so on.
Any suffering or any feeling or emotion that we experience, even a little disturbance or discomfort, is due to ego. In the perceptual world it is the source of all our knowledge, perceptions, feelings, and experience.
Just keep your ego in check at all times.
If you are strongly identified with your nationality, political stace, looks etc etc it means your ego is in control. Its a hard concept to understand yet very simple.
>1. Ownership and doership
2. Desires and attachments
3. Pride and arrogance
4. Self-esteem
5. Selfishness
6. Self-centeredness
7. Aggression and competitiveness
8. Judgment, opinions and criticism Identification with the mind and body Fear, suffering, anxiety, anger, stress, and so on.
Ego death has never happened to anyone case closed
Lol asshurt janitor deleted my post.
Whats up you meme loving fuck?
Hallucinogens aren't the only way to experience it but they're certainly the easiest. You can experience it though deep enough meditation. Although that also fucks with your mind enough that it can make you a bit nutty. You can also find it through finding some sort of higher purpose such as a person who you care about more than yourself.
There's not much to say about ego death. It's just seeing the world without your ego. You realise you're a small part of a large connected whole and how unimportant you are. Yet since you're lacking your ego you don't really care. It's a good way to break out of negative self-absorbed behaviours like addiction, narcissism, depression, anxiety, etc. Tons of mental illnesses are rooted in the ego going out of control and demanding short-term pleasure seeking behaviour.
>You can make the attempt multiple times but you better be of sound mind and body.
I keep hearing the "sound mind" thing but I sought out ego death specifically because I didn't have a sound mind and thus had little to lose and a lot to gain.
Because there are no proper answers here I'll try my best to explain, having never taken psychedelics myself. Basically ego death is the death of the ego, the ego being your sense of self. If you take enough of the right psychedelic compounds you completely lose your sense of self if you will, you become one with everything. For a short while, you, as an individual, cease to "exist" entirely, instead simply being an aspect of the universe. I'm not explaining this very well, because it's basically impossible to explain.
It is often an incredibly enlightening experience, and it can totally change your outlook on life. However, if you are in the wrong state of mind then you can have a bad trip, and it can traumatise you for life
Afik there isn't a limit to how many times you can experience it
You don't need psychedelic compounds to experience it; it can be achieved through meditation, but that is extremely difficult. I only know one person who has done it without psychedelic compounds and he was really into meditation and mindfulness.
If you want to experience ego death the best way is probably DMT if you can get it. A high enough dose of DMT will induce ego death, but it only lasts 15 minutes or so, meaning that a bad trip will only be short. LSD can also induce ego death but an LSD trip lasts 8-12 hours and the dose required to achieve ego death would be quite high, meaning there is a risk of a very bad trip lasting a very long time. If you were more experienced with LSD then you would probably be able to manage a higher dose better
>Ego death has never happened to anyone case closed
Good catch but here is the difference.
If ego death happens and the being, soul whatever you want to call it.
Its pure consciousness. If anyone tells you they had ego death on psyches. They are slightly bullshitting you. I was on 400ug of 1P-LSD and i really didnt have ego death, just had a really intense trip and i was just utterly confused.
pure consciousness is Stateless, Pure, eternal, without qualities, without duality, indestructible, indivisible, independent, all pervading, stable, the same in all, passive, witness, subjective.
Ego consciousness is With states, impure, not eternal, with qualities, with duality, destructible, divisible, dependent, exists in embodied beings, unstable, different in each, active, witnessed, objective.
pure consciousness is cosmic consciousness and you can talk to higher dimensonal beings in the universe.
Your third is like a internet antenna/receiver to the universe. No one really has opened their 3rd eye or whatever. Probably couple hundred people out of 7 billion people have.
Your third eye*
It's just when you get so high you are no longer yourself. Like this time I took a bunch of acid and listened to vaporwave and I had a trip that I was a robot in a manufacturing facility.
It wasn't very spiritual, but I sure do wonder about robots now. Are they alive? Only time will tell.
It is a window into the true reality controlled by the machine elves.
>"sound mind"
user, perhaps I should have said strong mind and unflinching resolve because your ego is a master mind fucker. Its also why using drugs actually weakens you. Usually drugs can tell you other ways to perceive reality exist but you need to be stone cold sober to battle your ego or you can easily fuck up and die.
>muh machine elves
Mate the fucking cosmos flooded with beings.
Pic related
Yup, I may not have had a sound mind but antifragile theory is true. After decades of having my mind fucked with a few hours of having it fucked with is nothing.
I endured a month of antidepressants that fucked with me so hard that I was regularly just trying to make it to the next day without killing myself which I took because I stupidly listened to my doctor. I'm weakened by constantly being mentally fucked up and have accomplished less than my peers but it also makes any "bad trip" seem like a bit of a trivial concern.
I always laugh at this idea that only very mentally healthy people can truly safely use acid. The mentally healthy people are the ones who have zero experience with their brains going rouge and turning against them and trying to kill them.
Most basic explanation is that you basically abandon your personality entirely.
If you'd ask yourself "why am i doing/feeling this?" Recursively to everything, you'd eventually reach a conclusion that there is no real reason.
Results of ego death would mean that you basically live on instinct alone, i think. Some attach themselves to a meaning and live almost exclusively for that. I can't quite tell if you straight up lose your emotions or just live with them "passing by you" passively.
it means eliminating the boundaries of your individuality, the thing that divides your reality into 'you' and 'other people'
it sounds gay but thats what it is.
basically once you realise that everyone is in your reality and by making them happy you are making yourself happy too, you will realize that the most logical thing u can do is to be compassionate and loving to everyone
Who the fuck does even wants to kill his ego?
The ego is everything that you truly desire, your true-self, your self-interests, without spooks. Its impossible to be a living being that doesnt have a ego and his actions arent egoistical. The only reason that exists, is in the ego and what it wants.
Drugfags just want to be made as fertilizer for others to exploit and plant their spooks, and they try to remark "ego death" as some sort of pseud spiritual esoteric bullshit in order to convince other people to join in.
Its impossible to kill the ego also no one wants to.
>clinging to my accumulated fears, traumas, disorders and anxieties means that i'm yoonique!!
No wonder you desperate NEETs cling to your ego, your sorry state is the direct result of letting your experiences dominate you.
I used to be able to have who deaths but my identity has become too strong. There is also a constant stream of self inflicted suffering when I look inward that I can't turn off.
>clinging to my accumulated fears, traumas, disorders and anxieties means that i'm yoonique!!
All those things are your true self. Trying to concive a spiritual being of qualities that exists no where but inside your head is what christians and jews do. They can never be full christians since they cant escape sin, same way applies to the stupid charade you try to depict as your true self with "ego-death". You can never escape the ego, your emotions and cant even distinguish if a action is "rational" or "emotional". If you truly killed your ego, you would come to the logical conclusion to cease to exist.
>letting your experiences dominate you.
As if your actions to kill the ego werent dirivative from those same experiences you had. You are still being dominated by those experiences that made you in the end.
Of course this is nothing new to expect from drugfags.
Bro these are my posts
People who try to kill their ego are the most egotistical. People who say they have no ego are the most egotistical.
The ego is pretty complicated and there are different ways to view the concept